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Unlimited 3D Detail

2nd August 2011

What I don't get is that surely this is just lots of points stuffed into a very small space, so what if you zoomed in really really REALLY close? Does it generate more points linearly interpolated between surrounding ones; i.e. similar effect to polygons?


Working Between Compilers

1st August 2011

Well, a quick Google search turns up this, which is a bunch of GUI libraries for SFML. I've never used any, so I can't give much advice on them, but if you need a GUI and would rather concentrate on your actual project functionality instead of making a GUI*snip*


C++ Snake.

31st July 2011

Pretty neat, nice to see you're getting on well. :) Your code is certainly neater than some of mine. :P
One thing you may want to know (if you don't already) is that you can include the SFML libraries statically as opposed to dynamically as you do here. I*snip*


I've been playing with C++ vectors.

26th July 2011

Steve, if you want something that goes well with SFML, I'd recommend Code::Blocks as an alternative. I've had generally good experiences with it, although the debugging tools aren't brilliant (I mean, you can get by with them, but they aren't too extensive*snip*



26th July 2011

Ah, but he could then write a program that uses something like dictionary.com to look up and download dictionary definitions for any word on that wordlist, so not all hope is lost. ;)



20th July 2011

First check: did you follow all the instructions here? I guess you'll have looked at that page, but it's easy to miss the bit about the differences between compiling with static or dynamic libraries, for instance, so give it a very thorough read through. I*snip*


C++ Pointer Loving

20th July 2011

[quote]First guy I've heard ever like them. most people think them damned confusing[/quote]
Nah, pointers and such like are incredibly useful, and to make full use of C++ you need to understand them. As Hotshot says, they can be difficult to understand at*snip*


Working Between Compilers

19th July 2011

Trying to do what you've described is (probably) going to make things far more complex than they need be. Making a GUI in C++, although a touch easier with SFML, is still a pain - but think about it: do you really need one? Rather than a clickable button, *snip*



19th July 2011

Time travels only within the aura you project...


What Have You Done : 13th July 2011

13th July 2011

These last 2 weeks I've been working on a new game, which will be done by Sunday. After the quiet cancellation of the Wiki Game project at school, we were given a new task: 3 weeks to make a game, the theme being time travel. So that's what I've been doing*snip*


GUI libraries

12th July 2011

Code::Blocks is what I use, and SFML will certainly work very well with that. If you do choose to go with it, the tutorials on their website are the best place to start. Then just play around with all the basic stuff to see how it works.


poor performing tile map render

12th July 2011

I don't know of any intricacies Cobra has in this kind of thing, as I don't use it myself, but I don't see anything glaringly obviously wrong here. The only thing I can thing is all those nested for loops, but those seem rather necessary.
Have you tried p*snip*


Graphics Libraries

12th July 2011

Nice to hear that you're finding it easier. :) Keep it up! :)


GUI libraries

12th July 2011

Which compiler / IDE are you using? I still stand by SFML, as I've been using it for a while and have found no problems with it.


complex if statements.

11th July 2011

The solution you've got there is probably the best way of doing it. It's probably about as elegant as you'll get given what you're trying to do (although given that I was shown up the last time I said something, there's the off chance I could be wrong :P )*snip*


Graphics Libraries

10th July 2011

By the sounds of things you used the same book as I did, and it worked fine for me. Don't give up on it! If you're finding it too difficult, slow down - you need to understand the earlier ideas to understand the later ideas fully, so go back and make sure *snip*


profile picture

10th July 2011

You'll have a hard time trying to host the image on facebook, for all kinds of permissions and filename reasons. Upload it to a file hosting service, or just onto Socoder's file uploader.



10th July 2011

I had similar issues yesterday.


bouncing a ball

9th July 2011

Yeah, you'd do best to make the ball it's own object, and have it handle all of its physics calculations. If you go with SFML, you can ask it to tell you how many seconds have passed since the last time you updated everything, and use that value to keep ev*snip*


bouncing a ball

9th July 2011

Someone else on here (was it Phoenix? I forget) recommended it to me a while ago, and I've been using it since then. I like it. :)



8th July 2011

Ah, I hadn't thought of that. Silly me. :O I use std::string for most of my string ops anyway, so I forget the subtleties of char. /excusemaking



8th July 2011

Hmm... what does your entire code look like now? Exactly as the above?


Raycaster at PlayMyCode

8th July 2011

@CodersRule: SoCoder was having connection issues for me a minute ago... maybe your post didn't get sent or something?



8th July 2011

Anything you want read as a string needs to be in double quotes. Without them, y and n are treated as variables. So your above code should be:
[code]char response;
cout <<"askjdune kksed? y/n\\n";
cin>> response;
if (response == "y")
else if (response *snip*


bouncing a ball

8th July 2011

The thing with physical simulations is that the more full you want your simulation to be, the more complicated it's going to be to make. For instance, here you just want to throw a ball about the screen, so you don't really need to worry about things like *snip*

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