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Procreate Dreams

15th November 2023

She's happy with Ibis Paint, etc for the moment so I'll not mention it until closer to Chrimbo


Procreate Dreams

15th November 2023

Cool, the iPad 6 works with the 1st gen apple pencil, will let Layla know, thanks :)


Procreate Dreams

15th November 2023

Ohhh, I hope that works for the iPad6


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

14th November 2023

add different bird types
add how to play screen
add intro screen (probably)
add ks backers screen


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

13th November 2023

4,436 bytes remain, but that's with an uncompressed how to play screen. I reckon I might be able to bring that down somewhat.
No compressed screen data but I've compressed a lot of code, optimized some loops and back up to 4,630 bytes!


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

13th November 2023

I'm honestly more excited than stressed currently :D
There's some preview bits on the twitter:


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

13th November 2023

Got some handy feedback on Friday including updating the 1987 to 2023 for the demo, requests for more info and another ''how to play'' option on the main menu.
I'm at just under 5kb left though and need to have space for Kickstarter backers t*snip*


Black Friday (week)

13th November 2023

Ahhh there's 17 days of November left, it'll be fine


Black Friday (week)

13th November 2023

Have splurged on some more Christmas prezzies via Aliexpress over the weekend, just got my Mums gift left to get. I'll be doing my best to avoid Black Friday deals now.


Late 2023 Apple Events

13th November 2023

Speaking of thicc Laptops, currently eyeing up another Thinkpad for *!APOUND!*30 online, probably to replace my T420


YT blocking ad blockers.

10th November 2023

Yeah, I decided to download a couple vids from there last night to help me with learning Japanese in my sleep, that way I can just play it back on another device whenever, wayyyy nicer than youtube premium even!


QOTD - November 2023

10th November 2023

bent cpu pin


YT blocking ad blockers.

9th November 2023

Gotta love that freetube though, honestly Kuron, my fave program on my laptop for chilling out to :)


QOTD - November 2023

9th November 2023

I dunno, I'd probably just talk all pervy at it, just to hear the responses :D


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

9th November 2023

Oh no, C is lovely, so much faster to make a game in.
I'll never touch X86 ASM that's for sure though!
Eagerly awaiting a repsonse from Megacat now, both excited and nervous in differeing amounts although this glass of Merlot has helped out :)


Winter Heating Costs

9th November 2023

Well, that's 150 and 1,300 more than me, hahaha (cold outside, cold inside)


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

9th November 2023

If it were any other language it'd be fairly straight forward, but,as I'm sure Kuron can attest to, 6502 ASM takes longer programming time wise than most :)


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

8th November 2023

Whuhhh, today was an fairly intense day of coding at home.
Re-did the ending so It wasn't the same as the main version. Fixed up some bugs with the audio engine, found and fixed other bugs with regards to the ending not recording scores nicely, added *snip*


Software Protection / Registration

7th November 2023



Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

7th November 2023

Gotta carve out a demo mode tomorrow, along with a few bug fixes and ideally some sorta security patches to prevent access to areas I don't really want in anything but the demo build.


Software Protection / Registration

7th November 2023

Yeah!!!! I still stick to Milkshape 3D for any 3D stuff, not that I do much nowadays since moving to just retro game dev.


Software Protection / Registration

7th November 2023

Windows 7 :)
The funny thing is my lil Linux Laptop will become my main gaming PC for steam come next year, hahaha how strange!


Software Protection / Registration

7th November 2023

I can't rate Steam that highly either as they're preventing Windows 8 and below from accessing the service from the end of the year. ( bye bye gaming on most of my PCs that can happily run the games I've bought from them for 2 decades)


QOTD - November 2023

7th November 2023

Bacon Sandwiches


QOTD - November 2023

6th November 2023

Dem Lottery Numbers Yo!

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