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Fork Lift

13th April 2018

Well done Dabz!
[quote]I wonder hoe long before these ai drivers start being put inside forktrucks[/quote]
Not fork lifts directly, but over here at Port Botany they have a fully automated yard:


Post Your Desktop! - April 2018

13th April 2018

Here is mine, need a tidy up already!


Happy Birthday, Steve_Ancell and Blanko1324

8th April 2018

More Cakedays! Happy birthday guys!


Another Thread About The Shit In Our World

7th April 2018

More shit:


App Game Kit Mobile

7th April 2018

I so cant imagine coding on a 10'' tablet... might be okay for small quick ideas but for a major project no...


Dashcam twat

6th April 2018

Just watched this... so many bad drivers everywhere in the world!


Know how I wanted to buy something...

4th April 2018

Yeah I laughed at the grin and nod! LOL!


Know how I wanted to buy something...

2nd April 2018

Neary 600 snots for 16 minutes pf flight time!?!?
I've flown remote helicopters in the past which have around 8 minutes flight time, but they were only $100 or so. ..


Happy Easter - 2018

1st April 2018

Happy Chocolate Day!


Doing the VR Thing

30th March 2018

Reviews are looking good for Wipeout VR, top tip is ''pace yourself'':
[quote]There’s other comfort options too. If you aren’t prone to motion sickness, you can try dialing back the peripheral canopy in the game’s settings, wh*snip*


The Hole in My Head

30th March 2018

Nah, the Oculus Go is an all-in-one VR HMD, no external system needed... it's basically the newer version of the Gear VR but you dont need to have a Samsung phone it comes with everything you need.
Although I recommend you should wait for*snip*


The Hole in My Head

30th March 2018

The new Oculus Go may be a go (see what I did there ;))... better lenses, pretty cheap ($199) but its still not ''proper'' VR as it only has 3 DoF.


The Hole in My Head

30th March 2018

[quote]I ''Can't do VR'', I'm really serious about that!![/quote]
If you can just about cope with RL moving your head around not too fast, I think you may be able to do slow moving games in VR... as long as the system does lag!


Doing the VR Thing

29th March 2018

Yeah Wipeout may be a bit too much for you Steve, but there are some great experiences to had in VR. I've just finished ''I Expect You To Die'' and in that game you are seated all the time in different types of rooms, you dont walk around or te*snip*


Doing the VR Thing

29th March 2018

It does look pretty cool! Getting some great reviews!
Have you tried VR Jay? And I mean proper VR not cardboard or similar crappy system...


Happy Birthday, Spinal

23rd March 2018

Happy Bday!


The Humble Formula One

23rd March 2018

Shame... the video does make actually look good:
So going on Dave's advise I'm not even going to add it to my Steam collection even though its free...
@Jay - Yep I did that so many times in Microprose Grand Prix on the Amiga!


DirectX12 Raytracing

23rd March 2018

Very cool!



18th March 2018

Any thing like puratap in the UK? We have it here in South Oz, the filters last a year or more. It's connected directly to your outlet say under your kitchen sink, then you use the pura tap which outputs filtered water, so no jugs!


Happy Birthday, therevillsgames

18th March 2018

Thanks guys!
@Dabz - this week it has mainly been hovering around 25C... actually got burnt on Friday when we went down the beach for some fish and chips!



16th March 2018

Thanks guys!
[quote]..oh yeah, you're in the future, aren’t you![/quote]
Yep! :) It's 10:30AM on St. Patricks days :P



16th March 2018

Nom! Nom! Nom!
I've been (trying to) good since Christmas, but still like a good slice of cake (and since its my Bday, please send a slice over to Oz) :)


RIP : Stephen Hawking

14th March 2018

:( Sorry to hear that Prof. Hawking's atoms will be returning to the stars from where they came...


Mac vs Miggy

13th March 2018

I did love the A600, but the AGA and speed of the A1200 was what I dreamed about!
I would have preferred the A500+ as the lack of numpad made some games hard to play, I recall having to spread my fingers across the top row of the numeric keys to press 8 f*snip*


Mac vs Miggy

13th March 2018

I so wanted the A1200... but my parents got the A600! :(

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