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Fatbox rectangle with rounded corners

17th September 2008

Here's a way to make the filled rounded rects using the 'fatSuperEllipse' function.
AppTitle "Rounded Rects Using Fat Super Ellipse"
Global sw%, sh%
ClsColor 255,240,200
SeedRnd MilliSecs()
st = MilliSecs()
numRects% = 200*snip*


Fatbox rectangle with rounded corners

17th September 2008

Seems like you should be using "fatSuperEllipse" which will produce the rounded rects using "fat lines"


Need a new power supply....

7th September 2008

Glad it worked for you!
Whenever I have to buy computer parts, that's the first place I look to compare prices if nothing else.


Need a new power supply....

6th September 2008

For U.S. shoppers the best place to compare prices and features for computer parts and supplies is at www.pricewatch.com
In this case, here's the page to start looking: (Linkage)


Dot Matrix Font

5th September 2008

A font for 'Retro' projects


simple image warping ?

27th June 2008

Yeah I wrote that using B+
You could just comment out that one line containing request file and it should compile without a hitch.


simple image warping ?

22nd June 2008

Here's a version that fills in the "holes", but in doing so creates artifacts at certain angles.
[code]Graphics 640,480,0,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
; DrawImageWarped Image ,
; TopLeftX, TopLeftY
; TopRightX, TopRightY
; BottomRightX, *snip*


Point In Polygon

23rd May 2008

Check if point is inside of polygon


Discussion point: read one long line or multiple short lines?

23rd May 2008

Reading the entire line of text from a disk file into a single string is definitely going to be faster. Then just parse the line for the different fields and store the values in an array for sorting/searching.
This might do what you want


String Parsing Function

23rd May 2008

Good for delimited files and word count


Connecting Lines

24th April 2008

Here's a fast lines intersect function.
[code]AppTitle "Line Intersection Function by Andy_A"
Graphics 800,600,32,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
Global intersectX%, intersectY%
While Not(KeyHit(1))
x1 = Rand(0,799) : y1 = Rand(60,599)
x2 = Rand(0,*snip*


Organization/Time Clock Program?

24th March 2008

You might want to look at some "Customer Relationship Management" (CRM) software. The two that I used and was most familiar with are "Goldmine" and "ACT!". Both help by allowing you to write notes as your talking to a client and to set alarms with reminde*snip*


Fast Image Color Replacement

26th February 2008

Good way to change sprite colors in real time


Circle from 3 points

26th February 2008

Define a circle using any 3 x-y coords


2D Terrain Generator

23rd February 2008

Old skool 2.5D Terrain Generator in B+ GUI


Alpha Sprites

23rd February 2008

Realtime alpha blended sprites

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