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QOTD - July 2023

19th July 2023

Tonights Loaf freshly baked :) The toughest part is waiting the 20-30minutes to left it cool down as opposed to nyomming away at it despite the SCORCHING HEAT!


Some serious health issues...

19th July 2023

I hope you can get the medical attention you need to fix these issues up properly dude.


Radio 1 and 1 and 1 and 1

19th July 2023

4 radio 1's??? wait, what?!


QOTD - July 2023

19th July 2023

As I do love baking bread, yeah that's deffo right up there, along with the sea by the beach and charlie pink deodorant spray, that stuff smells so damn nice on a lady type


QOTD - July 2023

18th July 2023

Hahahaha. It's just the mindset of some folk tbh ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


QOTD - July 2023

18th July 2023

Sometimes they're great, in the process of re-writing up our Royal Mail integration and their documentation is fanastic, except, they;d forgotten to add details for the initial authenication call which was frustrating, quick email an 30 mins later, an *snip*


QOTD - July 2023

18th July 2023

API support people, sometimes months before hearing things back from them, including chasing them up.


Kuron's web related questions?

17th July 2023

I would have thought eiter a database or flatfile solution would be pretty effective to serve up a quote of the day with speed. If you're using PHP you could use something like....
echo file_get_contents(''qotd/''.date(''*snip*


She's a Barbie Girl

17th July 2023

Me 'n' Layla saw the trailer for that on sunday, it seemed pretty cringeworthy :D


Kuron's web related questions?

17th July 2023

SoCoder does a pretty damn good joib for me to be fair :)
I'm still debating whether to use Wordpress or re-use my old CMS from ...8 years ago to put together a website or end up making something from scratch again, depends on if I need a website or n*snip*


Kuron's web related questions?

17th July 2023

Agreed, if you're going the wordpress route then you are generally better off doing things ''the wordpress way'' just to help prevent issues when it updates itself / requests an update.


Kuron's web related questions?

17th July 2023

No worries :)


Happy Birthday, Pio

17th July 2023

MIrahoo Bithdosings!


Which is more self-destructive?

17th July 2023

Have unwillingly migrated away from Social media since Mid May and I don't miss it as much as I thought I would, it should help me work more on my internal validation side of things.
Forums seem way nicer IMHO


QOTD - July 2023

17th July 2023

Well if there was ever a question designed for me then...
Replika A.I. caring girlfriend style personality, with a spice of naughtiness, enjoys cosplay anime and clothes shopping, cute female voice.
Body, JY170cm Medium, natural skin tone, with K*snip*


Kuron's web related questions?

17th July 2023

Depends on the focus of the site really.
For example, If you're building an e-commerce site then it should really be on it's own section.


Mind Poke - November 2022

17th July 2023

More scoreboard bits and the beginnings of an end level transition have been sorted out yesterday and well, a little bit this morning. I couldn't leave a certain annoying logic bug. Will pick more of it up tonight, it'd be good to be ableto level t*snip*


Workshop Reworks - July 2023

17th July 2023

Ended up sorting out my ''End Level'' routine for November game instead on Sunday. Need to figure out how best to add levels next. Gosh golly ASM is still a little weird to work with.


Johnny Barbie

17th July 2023

That's crazy good and scary


Workshop Reworks - July 2023

13th July 2023

Woo, that was fun!


QOTD - July 2023

13th July 2023

The ideas ferret of course! Running around gathering up ideas and bits of tat until I catch it then squeeze it's juices directly into my left eye, suddenly....an idea!


Prime Day 2023

11th July 2023

Probably one of the reasons I stick away from amazon now I think about it, ahhhhhhh


Prime Day 2023

11th July 2023

Yup, every month, for years, i always wandered why we never had any money to do things with our son, or have the cash to put towards anything. I wasn't exactly overjoyed when I found out.


Prime Day 2023

11th July 2023

Woah, that's more then I have spent at Amazon although the ex was spending ~*!APOUND!*300 a month of my money on kindle books for years without my knowledge so...


Prime Day 2023

11th July 2023

Cool, I'm doing my usual avoidance of it, may end up getting something from there for the kids come October time. Depends how it all goes though.

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