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power mousey

Oi, Vista, NOOOooo!!

14th March 2007

can you install Windows XP on your new computer.
Provided that you first save any revelant info and files first. Then wipe and clean off Vista.
Hasta Vista It!!
or simply Hasta Vista!!
yeahhhhhhhh!!! new anti logo. ;)
Then install back o*snip*

power mousey

My First Forums

13th March 2007

maybe, stealth.
I think thats a good idea.
I was just commenting on the color
contrasts with that blazing red logo
onto a white or even black background.
To me....at least, the red is too hot?
unless the intention is for the user or intended

power mousey


13th March 2007


power mousey

My First Forums

12th March 2007

um..it was only a suggestion.
I still like the site the way it is.
Just was thinking maybe it needed a color
touch up or two.
hey, even if you decide to change the background
to the colors of the rainbow or even ultra violet
thats co*snip*

power mousey

My First Forums

12th March 2007

it does look good
and I like the initial layout.
Yet, the red Bkgd color of the CHS TALK
blazes out at you. It would with both
a white and black Bkgd color.
How about a different background(Bkgd) color.
Like a light grey or perhaps even better..*snip*

power mousey

Oh really?

12th March 2007

hey stealth,
I'm surprised and sorta shocked that you
would transact a pact with the crunch.
but one thing stealth, make sure you have
plenty of monopoly money to complete
the sales transaction and purchase. :)
cheers :)
power mousey

power mousey

Hobby Pictures.

12th March 2007

actually a pooka.
an entity or spirit that took
the form of a giant rabbit.
I wonder why. None Dare Call It Conspiracy. ;)
another good book to read.
Yet, in reference to the movie....
I wonder why the filmaker and even the authoress of the

power mousey

From one PC to another...

12th March 2007

hey, Jay
I thought you were busy with that Nintendo DS
game development system. Or was it for the Wii?
Maybe both? ;)
sorry, duhhhhhh!!!! on me. thats the reason why.
okay, sorry. I re-read your original post.
Mousey blushes as he squeaks
and r*snip*

power mousey

Hobby Pictures.

12th March 2007

hmmmmmm....I haven't read any books with
rabbits in them. Except Alice in Wonderland.
how about a movie? :)
Harvey ;)
rabbit ear cheers, :)
power mousey

power mousey

Hobby Pictures.

11th March 2007

hahaaa :)
if you have the time, I strongly recommend
both novels. And for anybody here, too.
also another one that I really like too
is the Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut.
have a yummy barbecue,
and pass the A1 steak *snip*

power mousey

Hobby Pictures.

11th March 2007

The Sheep Look Up.
hey, true! they must of. And excellent
and I mean excellent science fiction book.
another good one is this:
The Forge of God by Greg Bear.
cheers :)
power mousey

power mousey

Hobby Pictures.

11th March 2007

um...well I think I'll just
stay on the ground myself. :)
No flying for me, please.
Just on the ground
eating my cheese.
And watching Season 3
of the original Star Trek
and on Dvd. :-)
power mousey

power mousey

Hobby Pictures.

11th March 2007

now I see why this is such an expensive
hobby and interest.
I'll keep to such interests such as
lifting weights and isometrics, programming,
dancing and martial arts, and reading books too.
they don't cost very much and you can't
break them ei*snip*

power mousey


11th March 2007

um... welcome to Socoder world, my friend ;)
whether you are angry, sad or even
down or disappointed. I'm sorry if you are.
Yet, I hope you're not.
To be honest with you...its everybodys'
choice and decision. And, hey some care and
others don't. *snip*

power mousey

Hobby Pictures.

11th March 2007

sorry to hear about that.
Can you fix it or repair it??
Steve, dude, what happend?
You should of whipped out that communicator,
hail the ship and have Scotty beam you and
the plane aboard the Enterprise.
by the way here is some nomeclature

power mousey

Ingenium's new site

11th March 2007


power mousey


10th March 2007

listen to shroom. He knows his stuff.
coding mushrooms and all too. ;)
true. :)

power mousey

Inselkampf : Browser-Based MMORPG

10th March 2007

oh...so thats what it is.
hehee :) when I first read it:
I thought you were saying
that it was a kind of desert. Like
on an island desert. I guess my glasses and eyes
both missed that first or last 's'. :)
This dessert sounds delicious too.

power mousey

Stop A Proxy?

5th March 2007

yes, stealth
thats a good idea.
set up a red herring for them so to speak. ;)
redirect them to another page or maybe even
another page or site you create to collect their info
and trap them so they would be running around thru pages trying to *snip*

power mousey

Dear, Campus HS

5th March 2007

hey, its cool and I know. :)
if one of my favorite shows was on...like Star Trek:the Next Generation, or even Lost or Invasion
I would reply and with a quick one too. Rush out
and start to watch the tv show. ;)
cheers, :)

power mousey

Dear, Campus HS

5th March 2007

so hey stealth,
what do you think.
yeah, sometimes I'm a worry wart.
Yet, just concerned and letting you know.
Just trying to help you out bro.
Maybe and hopefully, it won't come down to those situations and circumstances that I described above.

power mousey

Dear, Campus HS

5th March 2007

hey stealth,
thank you for providing these features
and sites for the students at your school.
I know...I know.. ;) I can hear you say yeah,
you're welcome. Yet, you're gonna say but...but
and you're right. :)
But what issues ranging from stu*snip*

power mousey

Inselkampf : Browser-Based MMORPG

5th March 2007

hahaha :)
tibutes? is that form of island currency.
and like tidbits?
but I know what you mean. true. :)
cheers, :)

power mousey


5th March 2007

it looks more like Mars.
would you like a Total Recall? ;)

power mousey

Coders Workshop

5th March 2007

I think they are from the old original
site. cause I weent to both
and also (Linkage)
and the site is closed down.
so I was wrong on my speculatory thoughts.
so now....the creator of IBasic and Idigicon are

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