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Mark's Dilemma

15th October 2017

Looks like Mark is having doubts in Monkey2, which is a shame as I was getting into it recently with coding Diddy2 :(


The Revills Reptile

14th October 2017

This little guy visited us today: (Image.jpg)


Dashcam Hunting

14th October 2017

Cant believe this happens in the UK:


Dashcam Hunting

13th October 2017

Which one did you get?
We've been thinking about getting one too.


Kids TV Themes

11th October 2017

Did they ever find Hades?


F1 2017

11th October 2017

Is the game any good? I recall you bagging older versions...
I've only ever played one F1 game where I played for hours and that was Formula One Grand Prix on the Amiga.


A Movie A Year

11th October 2017

Well there is at least one more after this one to conclude the Skywalker saga... and they are doing a Hans Solo film spinoff too... so be prepared!
I actually enjoyed the last two Star Wars films.


NOT Inferno (WIP title)

9th October 2017

I want to be able to get out of the chopper and GTA a Tank!!! ;)


This Isn't The Searchbox You’re Looking For

7th October 2017

Have a text hint in the text box saying ''Shout here!''.
<input type=''text'' name=''shout'' placeholder=''Shout here!''>


Las Vegas Shooting

5th October 2017

You guys in the UK haven't even seen a proper spider ;)


Untitled Goose Game

5th October 2017

The animation of the goose looks great and smooth.


Only Fools & Monsters

5th October 2017

Wasn't Delboy also DangerMouse and Count Duckula?


Las Vegas Shooting

5th October 2017

The whole world is discussing this, why do you want to ignore it?
I think everything we have discussed here has been on topic and respectful to each other, so I don't understand why you posted that?
We aren't going to resolve world peace here but*snip*


Las Vegas Shooting

5th October 2017

Even now on my Twitter feed and I dont follow too many people:



4th October 2017

I only played with Bamboo once, but thought it was a nice example of getting away from the horrors of php!


Commands You Love

4th October 2017

Ah MOD, I use it for making sprites flash :)
Normal maths functions are cool such as SIN, TAN and COS.
But for pure ease in languages such as Blitz, the ''Graphics'' command is hard to look pass.


Las Vegas Shooting

4th October 2017

On ABC News they state ''Bump stocks have been around for less than a decade, and the US Government gave its seal of approval to selling them in 2010.
They were deemed legal because the trigger is still pulled for each round, even though the rate is f*snip*


Las Vegas Shooting

4th October 2017

I knew about the gun control laws in Chicago and but from what I've read most of the laws have changed there so its not really a gun-free city.
In the news over here they are saying the guns which was used in Vegas where semi-automatics which arnt ban*snip*


Kuron's Insurance Bollocks

3rd October 2017

Sedation its over rated... back in the day it was a bottle of whisky! /s


NOT Inferno (WIP title)

3rd October 2017

Is the camera going to zoom in when you are in soldier mode?


Las Vegas Shooting

3rd October 2017

Kuron, since you are our feet on the ground over there... why do you think there are so many mass shootings in the US compared to elsewhere in the world?
Something in the water?


Las Vegas Shooting

3rd October 2017

Over hear lots of talk about gun laws in the news... and of course Trump delaying discussing gun laws is not looking good.
30 years of mass shootings by country: (Linkage)
The number of gun owned vs. the number of mass shootings: (Linkage)
Full articl*snip*


Las Vegas Shooting

3rd October 2017

[quote]After the shooting in the UK at the Ariana concert[/quote]
Shooting? I thought it was ''just'' a bombing!


Las Vegas Shooting

2nd October 2017

Sorry Kuron, but I dont agree. I've grown up in the UK and now live in Australia, yes there have been shootings in both places but not on the scale nor the amount that happens in the US. I dont trust most people to drive let alone own a bloody gun!


Las Vegas Shooting

2nd October 2017

Really sick of reading about this crap...
Also what the hell is happening in Chicago? (Linkage)
Seems more people die in USA than in the terrorism attacks!
But remember guns are good!!!

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