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No News Again?

19th May 2023

Will be back on here proper in a while, it's been quite the week so I've not really had my head in the game.


QOTD - May 2023

19th May 2023

Yeah, good shout


Final Cut Pro on iPad

15th May 2023

I do flipping hate SaaS


Just a lovely day / May has started off well

12th May 2023

Have explained in the PM


Just a lovely day / May has started off well

11th May 2023

I shouldn't have spoken, this month has just become hellish, I can't go into the details though.



11th May 2023

Anything over 5Mb is a big no from me, just as I have a set limit of 750Mb maximum space on my primary email address.
I tend to use (Linkage) for large files over email


Just a lovely day / May has started off well

10th May 2023

Just a lovely day today despite the weather.
9/10 days at the gym this month and 3 PB's today, ohh rah!
Tiny garden Update:
Been harvesting some of the rocket and onion stalks...err.heads? Potatoes are doing well, re-grown green oinon*snip*


Eurovision 2023

9th May 2023

Depending on what happens on Saturday night I may well end up watching it for the first time in a long long while, at least 2 decades.



9th May 2023

Cool I just have an ol cross trainer and some weights at home myself but I'm tending to frequent the gym a bit more this month which has been good so far, tiring though!



9th May 2023

I see a cross trainer, rowing machine and captains chair there, I'm curious if there's other bits hiding away :)



9th May 2023

Oh wow, the lil penguin is still there Jay :D
That is quite the nice set-up there Pakz :)


QOTD - May 2023

5th May 2023

Song y'say? Just now! It's about a disco poo, in the style of electric six, ahem.
I'm feeling funky tonight
I've got a groove in my sight
I'm gonna hit the dance floor
And show them what I'm made for
But there's a something*snip*


Virgin Outage

4th May 2023

My water went out for all of last night, which kinda sucked. Thankfully it was back this morning!


April what have you done

4th May 2023

That looks lovely! I need to sort that out for the NES at some point. (No, don't start another project Ryan....)
My lil garden is only a few containers to be honest, but it's looking nice and green at least. I'll take some pics tonight when I*snip*


April what have you done

3rd May 2023

Apologies for missing this one out, April has been a month of getting into some gardening of all things for me, started off a few containers with onions and rocket in the end of March and have now added some re-grown spring onions, potatoes, bail, tomato a*snip*


May Be Arty

3rd May 2023



May Be Arty

28th April 2023

Sounds fun :D


April of Photography

27th April 2023

#26: A nice portrait of Chloe although, my PC seems to have adjusted the colours around a bit much
#27 Selfie with Kiko and Marissa chilling on the Sofa, again my PC has changed the colours around a bit..


Python through Visual Studio Code

25th April 2023

Ahhh so it still doesn't get by the wait 30 seconds for it to load up fully, check your profile is linked up to a licence of some sort, then allow you to edit a text file then?
Programmers Notepad is fairly instant like TextMate which is handy


Python through Visual Studio Code

25th April 2023

Is it nicer than Programmers notepad?


QOTD - April 2023

25th April 2023

At a harsh angle, like, 160 degrees


Mortgage Without Deposit?

24th April 2023

I guess reskilling in another area will be handy, although I just make bespoke stuff for one company so I should be okay for a little while longer I reckon. Perhaps I should jump aboard the content train somehow.


April of Photography

24th April 2023

The cabled mess of Technology in the living room
Considered posting a photo of Chantelle in most of her cosplay from King of fighters, but yeah, my lil weights will suffice for Sports


April of Photography

24th April 2023

Hahaha, cool!


Mortgage Without Deposit?

24th April 2023

Maybe I might be able to get a house of my own at some point then.

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