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Kuron's Insurance Bollocks

1st October 2017

One word, fuck!
And I don't swear often!


BlitzPlus Continues

27th September 2017

Must have been my Insectoids remake which made him nostalgic ;)


Elite : Disasterous

24th September 2017

Might defect the point, but can you plug in a keyboard and use that on the PS4?
<edit>Guess not:
Will keyboards be supported? If so to what extent? Will it only be usable for the chat window or can we add key bindings?
Keyboards are s*snip*



23rd September 2017

Shoot the Bugs!


Temporal Acceleration

23rd September 2017

Yep, time is flying by! Must be a sign of getting old!


The APPocalypse

19th September 2017

I know we have to move forward, but what is their reasoning for dropping 32bit support?
Going to be a lot of unhappy people out there who doesn't know a bit from a Bob...



18th September 2017

The space game? Cool! Looks like it supports VR too!



16th September 2017

SkidMarks! Linkage


Cassini's End

15th September 2017

Goodbye Cassini...


Costly Tech

14th September 2017

Let us know how Robinson plays... from what I've read its a walking sim with great graphics and doesnt use the move controllers.


Mince Pies

12th September 2017

Mince pies in the supermarkets already!!!?!??!?


Costly Tech

11th September 2017

London Heist is cool, they need to create a full game. Also the underwater dive was great when I let my MIL have a go, but I didn't tell her about the shark! ;)
The PS4Pro has more USB ports... I've got a power board with 2 USB connections which a*snip*


Costly Tech

11th September 2017

If you already have a PS4 yeah the PSVR is the best for the price! It is awesome... does the kit come with the move controllers? I might complain about the tracking, but the move controllers are needed for VR!
Have you got a PS4Pro or just the PS4? The Pr*snip*


The Tax Man

11th September 2017

G'ah! Tax time D:


Costly Tech

10th September 2017

How good is your PC Dabz? I've got the PSVR and whilst its good it could be so much better... better tracking and more content is needed.
Whereas on the PC, the Rift has super tracking, higher res and lots of contents (both on Oculus Store and Steam V*snip*


Heli shmup - name?

8th September 2017

Thanks for pointing that out Dabz! Yeah I totally miss read it!
So what are the missions/plot, can you base the title around that instead of the chopper itself?


Heli shmup - name?

8th September 2017

Icarus: (Linkage)
So how does the player progress if there are no structured missions? Whats the plot/background of the game?


Heli shmup - name?

8th September 2017

Everything has been taken unless you make up a word...
Gunship : Raiden
Gunship : Anubis
Dave Chopper the Attack Helicopter Pilot
Everymans Sky


Heli shmup - name?

8th September 2017

Super Mega Viper Choppy Sim


Heli shmup - name?

7th September 2017

Do you want people to associate your game with another game or film?
Whats the mission for the player?
List of US military helicopters:
Select an attacking animal/team/people and add a cool word as the prefix ;)
* Shark
* Hawk
* Cobra


Fruit Flips

7th September 2017

Nice Jay! Are you going to use your gems in it?


Home Run Solitaire

6th September 2017

Can you become MVP!


Exent - Game Publisher

22nd August 2017

Wow they paid up!!!! Cant believe it! Now to try to get the latest royalty statements out of them...


Tomorrow's World vs Dragon's Den

21st August 2017

Where are all the world changing gadgets which were promised in the previous versions of Tomorrow's Word?!?!


NOT Inferno (WIP title)

21st August 2017

With the weapon payloads you keep saying your going to rename them, just wondering why? Copyright or something?

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