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The Newsletter

19th August 2017

I enjoy reading it... when I remember its there :)



19th August 2017

I was playing Batman: Arkham VR using the Oculus Rift :)


Exent - Game Publisher

19th August 2017

Well they finally got back to our termination email... and they say they will ''cure'' the breach, we will see...



19th August 2017



Exent - Game Publisher

18th August 2017

Yep exactly what we thought too!


Exent - Game Publisher

17th August 2017

Exent runs (Linkage)
We've had issues nearly from day one with them, they use to work directly with iWin. Back in 2014 iWin stopped being a partner with them and we had to sign a contract with them directly.
They have always been late with payments a*snip*


Exent - Game Publisher

16th August 2017

Anyone worked with Exent? Having real issues with them at the moment getting paid!


Sonic Mania

15th August 2017

Cool... now what system should I get it on... PS4 or PC .... I guess its not coming out for the Wii U.


Sociable Soccer

12th August 2017

Loved SWOS back in the day, looking forward to this.


NOT Inferno (WIP title)

11th August 2017

Cool! Cant wait to see the terrain looking a bit more interesting (I want to pop up behind a hill and unless fire and fury ;))


No Man's Sky - Atlas Rises

11th August 2017

Let us know if its worth buying now... currently on special in Steam.


Arsehole Jogger

9th August 2017

Bloody idiot: Linkage


Elite : Dangerous - VR

9th August 2017

:) Its just I've been waiting years now for the promised planet landing feature... its on of the things I loved to do in Frontier!


Elite : Dangerous - VR

9th August 2017

''You cant land on planets'' ;)
Shame the PS4 version doesnt support VR!


Legends of Solitaire Curse of the Dragons TriPeaks

9th August 2017

Sequel to The Lost Cards


Whats next!

7th August 2017

oxygine does look good... and there showcase shows decent games... but its C++!!!


Elite : Dangerous - VR

5th August 2017

Well you still cant land on planets... just moons so far...
They have added quite a bit more over the time... but being in VR in E:D is amazing, I've gone back to the Sol system was flying past Jupiter! In a word: WOW!


Elite : Dangerous - VR

5th August 2017

Elite Dangerous is another level in VR!!!! O_O


GfK's Happenings

3rd August 2017

So 2 weeks old... how long are you going to wait till you get her to start coding? :)


Plastic Money

3rd August 2017

I'm so use to the plastic money in Aus now that the English paper money feel strange now to me!


Health Checkup

3rd August 2017

Thanks Pakz :)
I'm the same I dont go to the docs unless I really need too...
Glad yesterday is gone, hate drinking that stuff and the effects afterwards! I've had the procedure, feeling pretty crappy... but they didnt find anything apart from tw*snip*


Health Checkup

2nd August 2017

That should be checkup not checkin! LOL (edited :))


Health Checkup

2nd August 2017

5 yearly checkup tomorrow... and I'm drinking some stuff which will empty the tank quickly! Gah :(


Steam adventures....

2nd August 2017

Have you advertised it in any way?
You could send a few keys to big review sites to get more interest... you know how it is the hardest part of game sales is getting your game noticed :)


iPod Discontinuations

28th July 2017

Same... :)

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