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Issues with Blitz in Vista?

2nd April 2008

Bit confused by that. I seem to have posted a badly cobbled together version...
The only problem I see (compared to what I was expecting) is that the scrollbar is missing... And the odd spacing that I sorted out.
Try this version


Issues with Blitz in Vista?

2nd April 2008

I've had some feedback regarding the file navigation thing I was working on...
It appears that Windows Vista doesn't like it :(
First question I have, is it a general issue with Blitz?
Second question, does Blitz have issues with USB drives?
The thing *snip*


Search for available drives

29th March 2008

Thanks, not sure they're useful on this occasion but I'll bare them in mind.
I just hopped over to BB.com and can't believe how quickly I found the answer! (Once I realised that I haven't a clue what my password is anymore so I can't search, I headed into*snip*


Search for available drives

29th March 2008

(whoops, sorry about the typo in the title! :p )
This is related to my file browsing code but I wanted some fresh eyes rather than it just looking like an update.
I've added buttons to jump to different drives and it works perfectly within the Blitz IDE *snip*


radar in 3d space....

28th March 2008

That's how I remember it, as well as other similar games back in the Spectrum days! Vertical lines to represent hight.
An easier alternative, though probably not so intuitive to use, is to have a colour scale for the y-axis, maybe as simply as 255,0,0 for*snip*


loadmesh vs copyentity

26th March 2008

I would say copy entity is quicker because, at the very least, it doesn't require any disk access.
There may be other reasons but that's the one that springs to mind.


File/Folder browsing in Blitz3D...

26th March 2008

One last update (I think...)
I thought I'd already put this to bed but after adding a load of my other code into it for its ultimate purpose and got that all working right, I was running a few tests and found that the scrollbar wasn't actually working cor*snip*


What's Your ultimate goal in Programming?

22nd March 2008

No goal here. It's just something I enjoy that I can play around with and occasionally make use of. Like others I suppose I should be aiming to finish something properly...
Ultimately, what convinced me to pay for Blitz was the game I started years ago wi*snip*


File/Folder browsing in Blitz3D...

22nd March 2008

Yes but... does it make much difference?
I avoided it thinking it was a 'wait until a key is pressed' command but that would be WaitKey()! I've just got into the habit of KeyHit() for using cursor keys.
I suppose you'd be checking ASCII values rather tha*snip*


File/Folder browsing in Blitz3D...

21st March 2008

Actually, it wasn't that hard :D
A couple of fiddly moments where the scrollbar insisted of scrolling up when the mouse was down but not moving - which I think was due to numbers being rounded off in the original code and then fall short when I converted *snip*


File/Folder browsing in Blitz3D...

21st March 2008

Another update then... You can now use the keyboard to jump to specific letters and use Backspace to go up a level like Windows Explorer
Add the scancodes to an array using Data statements:
[code]Dim scancode$(50)
Restore scancodes
For key=2 To 50


File/Folder browsing in Blitz3D...

21st March 2008

Well at least you're honest :D


File/Folder browsing in Blitz3D...

20th March 2008

Well, since we're sharing, I've added the current location in a bar at the top and have just been fighting with a scroll bar - more for an indicator of how far down you are than to scroll with... my brain hurts too much to use it to scroll with :D


File/Folder browsing in Blitz3D...

20th March 2008

OK, something wasn't right and like I said, it was "a bit patchy at the bottom" and now I know why.
Where you had it scrolling at a rate of MouseZ()*20 I took that to be the line spacing (although I usually use 15 myself and it clearly states in your comm*snip*


find 3d object on 2d screen....

19th March 2008

No, I'm being serious. Light-heartedly serious, but I do like the idea.


File/Folder browsing in Blitz3D...

19th March 2008

Aaah fair enough :D
Thanks for the update.
I've modified the scrolling to stop it going beyond the top and bottom. It's a bit patchy at the bottom (and looks messy anyway!) but it does the job.
Had to globalise n (which should probably be renamed now it*snip*


File/Folder browsing in Blitz3D...

19th March 2008

@ Afro: Thanks but that's a step further than I was wanting to go. Your right though, I think I confused things with my wording there!
@ Phoenix: Thank you, that will certainly do the job. I can tweak it and mold it from there.
Bit confused by the "." an*snip*


find 3d object on 2d screen....

19th March 2008

"You're probably best off coupling a sprite with each object and hiding the sprite when it isn't selected. Then blitz can do all the scaling for you."
Stroke of genius! The award for strikingly simple innovation that nobody ever thought of before surely g*snip*


File/Folder browsing in Blitz3D...

19th March 2008

I'm sure I saw it here somewhere but I can't find it now...
I'm looking for a quick solution for some basic file accessing. I've just about got by with what I've needed to do by placing my exe into the right folder and running it (it does various checks a*snip*


problem with animations

19th March 2008

Lets not forget though, SoCoder isn't exactly as big as BlitzCoder was and is generally quieter anyway.
I don't know about Milkshape and how the explode tool works but I found Blitz to be a bit funny about animated meshes that I exported as .3ds as well. *snip*


cell shadding

16th March 2008

That's fair enough, I just wonder what's wrong with my models :D
As I said the second code loads my .3ds models OK but the scaling doesn't seem to do anything. I'm sure that's not your fault at all, I was just curious as to whether anyone knew of an issue*snip*


cell shadding

15th March 2008

Interesting... The original code wouldn't work with .3ds models, didn't like the surface handling.
The second version is happy but doesn't seem to do anything!
I don't know if it's my models or .3ds models in general???


cell shadding

14th March 2008

That's pretty cool and so simple when you think about it.
I got confused by the VertexNX(surf,a)*1 part but changing the 1 soon made it clear. In fact the model I tried it with to start with was very small so it didn't look like it was working properly at*snip*


#141 - The Rectangle Challenge

13th March 2008

Just took a look at my second entry and discovered that it wasn't resetting properly! Each time you started, the difficulty started where it left off las time. A quick "count=0" later and I give you the new and improved (bug-fixed) (Linkage)
Now you actu*snip*


#141 - The Rectangle Challenge

11th March 2008

Oooh! Oooh! Second entry!
I wanted to do something more interesting code wise but still managed to knock this up in one evening. A little lateral on the rectangle aspect but, well, everything you see (apart from the text) is rectangles...
I give you (Li*snip*

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