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power mousey

Get over there and download

21st December 2006

thank you, DiablosDevil. :)
it had something like unexpected end of archive or some type of format error.
will send ya a PM.
thanks again,
only the chompin cigar smoking Columbo private eye comes thru for the mousey. ;)
cheers...only for you. t*snip*

power mousey

Get over there and download

21st December 2006

the download link keeps breaking off. :(

power mousey

Get over there and download

21st December 2006

huh!? the download link broke after about 5 megabytes of download.

power mousey

I need free Christmas music!

21st December 2006

so magicman,
has any of this helped you out? Or even gave you some suggestions and thoughts?? And, you're welcome. ;)
sheesh!!!....I'm tired of being the Grand Initiator! :(

power mousey

I need free Christmas music!

20th December 2006

well magicman,
here is a little melody jingle
that I hum or sing but its for Spring and especially Summer:
the day is done
the day is done
gonna have some fun
laying in the sun
maybe you could adapt it...to a little Christmas jingle.

power mousey

Woo! Cobra updates

20th December 2006

I saw some of the code posted from some snippets of demo programs. Looks really cool! I wonder when Cobra Grahamk Creator will release the demo version and also the full version to the whole world??
I'm still going to try the demo. If I like..then I w*snip*

power mousey

about the Nintendo Wii.

19th December 2006

again, sometime next year...I'll be getting a Wii. Probably over at Walmart. I'll just wait for the second or even third batch of orders. Cause of all the peole waiting for it and also for Nintendo to work out any more problems with it. And hop*snip*

power mousey

about the Nintendo Wii.

18th December 2006

I'm hoping and expecting for some really good and even great adventure and role playing games. And, for the next year too for the Nintendo Wii.
again, I'd like to see Heroes of Might and Magic V, Metal Knights(or is it Metal Hearts?), and even Titan Q*snip*

power mousey

Einstein and Sega

17th December 2006

true, steve. ;)
hey, read up on the writings of Sharon Gilbert. I like her.
And she may even look like Seven of Nines' older and other Borg sister :) but I really enjoy her writings and blogs.
Read up on her articles on Hollywood and the coming A*snip*

power mousey

Einstein and Sega

16th December 2006

some other sites I go to and listen(streamcast) or download mp3 interviews are:
RNN.....from (Linkage)
and also Pid Radio...a section from
power mousey ;)

power mousey

Isn't the Wii Smashing?

16th December 2006

good pun, steve ;)
good pun and with fun.
power mousey

power mousey

Isn't the Wii Smashing?

15th December 2006

instead of wrist straps.
How about iron shackles. :)
but covered on the iron are a double layered leather covering.

power mousey

about the Nintendo Wii.

15th December 2006

I have re-read that in-depth review about the Nintendo Wii from Zonk over at Slashdot.org
and along with that... my sister and I did some Christmas shopping. Guess what..if you don't already know nor have surmised: we saw demo game on the Wii with Zeld*snip*

power mousey

Google Promotes FireFox!

14th December 2006

so its good for Google to be the next Microsoft?
And maybe bigger too and more powerful!??
and its not a government conspiracy. its from backing and support from a lot of governments. its old news...but Google is building a vast supercomputer netweorks*snip*

power mousey

Is it just me or is WoW not as good as i've heard

14th December 2006

I'm looking forward to Hellgate London.
and yeah...I agree with you Diablosdevil. About what you said.
sheesh!!...I hear ya Mike T. My first experience with a multiplayer game was Meridian 59(or was it 95). Anyway, I killed lots and lots of the same o*snip*

power mousey


13th December 2006

joy,joy. ;)
an anniversary Zelda edition with Ren and Stimpy. :)
mousey power

power mousey

New Zelda game for Wii!

11th December 2006

you know....but probably sense but I sense and know...
well anyway to the point! ;)
I think if more and different fantasy/sci-fi role playing games would come out more the Wii...the Wii would be more attractive. At least, to me.
How about porting ov*snip*

power mousey

Einstein and Sega

11th December 2006

hey steve,
I think I'm going over for another dose of Slay. Slay Radio. I told some friends of mine about it.
Anthony, was really impressed. Being a musician...he likes all kinds of music. Matt is kinda curious too.
the Wildforce mousey

power mousey

Christmas Avatars

10th December 2006

wow and hey,
if you were in the pop rock scene.... :)
hmmm...perhaps a cross between bubblegum and acid rock.
a geniune album cover or cover art label on a cd. true. ;)
edit: psst...psst hey put long streaks of different color bands in t*snip*

power mousey

Einstein and Sega

10th December 2006

I like this Slay Radio.
thanks for the link, Jay.
going back to listen to more.
bye ;)
the power mousey

power mousey

Einstein and Sega

10th December 2006

JPop? Slay Radio?
another link and site to investigate. :)

the Grey Mouser

power mousey

Einstein and Sega

10th December 2006

no...no, this is not disclosure nor a weird conspiratorial on how Einstein could have been involved in making the Sega Genesis. though another time for both Tesla and Einstein, though.
what I'm talking about is this:
when I used to have a Sega Genes*snip*

power mousey

HTML editor?

9th December 2006

again, magicman
do a googa. ;)
but here a few..just a few.
I didn't use google nor do a googa. I used the dog. the lycos dog. ;)
power mousey

power mousey

@agent smith...then others

9th December 2006

hey guys,
this is fun and something totally different.
2 17 + .
19 10 - .
: hw ." Hello,World" ;

power mousey ;)

power mousey

@agent smith...then others

9th December 2006

hey agent,
thanks for the link. I'm downloading that Win 32 version of Forth. Taking the plunge into Forth. :)
Maybe not as ambitious right now usinfg Forth..like my friend who created a binary search algoritm for various planets,stars, and other ma*snip*

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