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Readly - Magazines

14th October 2016

I still buy Viz on occasions me, not much for the cartoons (Partial to Sid the Sexist and Rodger Mellie though), but, I mostly like the daft articles, readers letters, top tips and that...
''I think our star the Sun is highly overrated. At least the m*snip*


Kuron vs Lawyers

9th October 2016

When I bought my first house, the solicitor was a complete nightmare... Her and the firm were recommended too!
They lost the cheque for my deposit... Twice!
Give them my mobile number... Mmmmm... Five times or something because they said they never had *snip*



7th October 2016

@Poll : I went to the funeral of a tennis player once... It was a lovely service!!! *I'll get my coat*



30th September 2016

I think that's a good move... For me, herringbone is just a throw back from wooden floors in old buildings from years gone by, and obviously it's spilled outside... Don't get me wrong, when you walk into an old building and it has a herringbone*snip*



17th September 2016

I still dont eat chicken! :D
Been two years now... Still have noooooooo fancy, bit of a nightmare though... I dont think you realise how much chicken is out there until stop eating it... Bastard everywhere... Supermarket... Chicken chicken chicken chicken*snip*


The Room...

17th September 2016

Anyone played this?
I love the series, in fact, I'm addicted to the bugger... Bought The Room 3 lastnight, and, just completed it... Well, I say complete, finished it, but there are alternate endings to find, which I'm over the moon about! :D



17th September 2016

I loooveeeeeeeeee corned beef hash... Not sure how you's do it further down south, but in Durham, you take one slow cooker and put water, two tins of corned beef, potato, carrots, peas and onions and an oxo cube (Or two, I prefer one) into it, let it c*snip*


Jay Plays with Mandelbrot

16th September 2016

Canny!!! :)



16th September 2016

I still want to know who voted that they wear a wig... I'll be wondering about that till the day I pop my clogs I reckon! ;)
So thanks for that... Whoever it was! :D


The Watch Costs What

11th September 2016

I nearly keeled over when I saw the price, even though the ''cheapo'' versions are a rip.. If your unfortunate enough to have a large wrist your paying an extra 100 quid!?!
How, how does that work Apple?
They are mental!



11th September 2016

I've been there three times... Everytime I go, you can feel the place has been scarred! :(
God bless them all that perished... And fuck them who made it happen... They'll never win... Because theres a seven letter word that defeats them, and it ho*snip*


The Watch Costs What

11th September 2016

Your f***ing kidding me: Linkage :/


#245 - The 3x3 Challenge

2nd September 2016

I fancied this... But I've racked my brains out on what to do... I can do tic tac toe and a cheapo slider type thing... But I made them when I was 10! :D
Coming up blank at the minute me!


GameJolt vs Nintendo

2nd September 2016

It's missing that vital ''s'' at the end probably Dabz
lol, you would think, but when they took it down from the Play store, they stated it was because of the style (Vector graphics) and it had the word ''Asteroid''*snip*


GameJolt vs Nintendo

2nd September 2016

I'm surprised I havent had a take down notice from Atari for Asteroid Dodge yet!


TEN : Happy Birthday, SoCoder!

1st September 2016

Jesus, 10 years eh!!! Nice one! ;)


RIP : Gene Wilder

29th August 2016

He will forever be the best Willy Wonker! (IMHO).
Same thought... Loved him in See No Evil Hear No Evil too... What a film! :D


Blitz in the Steam

29th August 2016

Basically, if it wasnt for Guildhall plonking it on PC Format, I would never have used it, I wouldnt have bought anything (And I've bought the lot so far), so actually, regardless of what people say about them, they still generated BRL a few hundred of*snip*


Blitz in the Steam

27th August 2016

It still is isnt it, just been greenlighted thats all, but I'll be honest, this should of happened years ago, and Mark should of done it himself, with monkey as well... I got a little feeling people will take to it for a play etc, but, probably a littl*snip*


You're Doing it Wrong

15th August 2016

One word that my gob couldnt say right, and I did actually have to train it to say it properly, was the word ''Nutrients''... It would come out something like ''newtrions''! :D
That's about it really.


GfK's Holiday Disappointment

12th August 2016

I got her a Nintendo 3DS XL and Lego Jurassic World as compensation. I think we're good.
Will you be my dad too please! ;) hehehe


GfK's Holiday Disappointment

12th August 2016

I would suggest a train, but then, you really need to be the boss of a train company, have your own spaceship and live on an island to be able to afford a frigging train ticket nowadays!



3rd August 2016

I'm totally tied up with time myself... Work is mental... Like honestly... Whoever tells me the economy is in a recession will get the biggest fattest cuddle known to man!
The new other half thing is going dandy, we haven't broadcasted it on Faceb*snip*



3rd August 2016

Bet that still runs better then my first ever PC! :D lol


What Have You Done? - July 2016

30th July 2016

Computer related... Nowt!
Tax related... Squared up!
Relationship related... Going awesome... That much so, tinder is uninstalled! ;) hehehe

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