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1st March 2016

I've be really enjoying using Pyxel Edit for my pixel art needs:



29th February 2016

The new Pi (Raspberry Pi 3) looks pretty nice! Linkage


Microsoft Just Don't Get It!

29th February 2016

LOL... [del]but take a grain of salt from that site. It's a rumor site and its a Mac site :P[/del]


Purchase of the Week : Hair Clippers

28th February 2016

This is the model we've got:


surprise off my brother....

28th February 2016



Purchase of the Week : Hair Clippers

28th February 2016

Yeah we've got a Wahl one, the cordless one too :)
Over here in Oz, mens cuts costs around $15-$20... so over a year I save at least $180.


Purchase of the Week : Hair Clippers

28th February 2016

I've been using clippers for years, normally #7 on top and #4 on the sides... my Wife does it for me, saves quite a bit of money when you add it up over the years!


RIP : Frank Kelly (Father Jack)

28th February 2016

Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... Feck... *snip*


surprise off my brother....

28th February 2016

Nice bit of kit there!
Imagine what you thought of the size of the 464 when you were 10!
Re: Dizzy... which one is it? I thought you could play using the keyboard...


Happy Birthday Jayenkai

23rd February 2016

Happy Birthweek :)


Vive's Cost

22nd February 2016

[quote] make me feel disconnected from the real world [/quote]
Well thats kind of the whole point of VR, is to be immerse yourself in the game.
Maybe you will change your mind if you get to try it :)
All whats missing is the HMD ;*snip*


Vive's Cost

22nd February 2016

@Gfk and Rockford... have you tried any of the headsets? Its really hard to describe the feeling to anyone who hasnt used one.
[quote] and any headset is going to spend most of the rest of its life gathering dust in a cupboard.[/quote]
Dave, I know you l*snip*


Vive's Cost

21st February 2016

Yeah Rift does use an external camera for tracking.
Your experience with Cardboard shouldnt stop you trying the Rift or Vive, Cardboard is really bad compared to the Rift (and I guess the Vive).
Check out this redit post:
Reddit link with gigantic URL t*snip*


Vive's Cost

21st February 2016

HTC Vive to cost $799USD... not too bad I was expecting over $1000: Linkage


Gameboy Racing Game in progress.

21st February 2016

Good great!


Windows 10 For IT Professionals

18th February 2016

Free Windows 10 PDF: Linkage


GfKs Map

17th February 2016

BTW who gave you that estimate?
And you could say that map I posted costed me $20k!


GfKs Map

17th February 2016

Pretty good Dave :)
Something for you to aim for:
Once you get to this standard I'll hire you for our next game ;)


Visual Basic 6

16th February 2016

This link d/l a 617MB ISO:


New XFiles

15th February 2016

I've been enjoying the new series, great to see it back... of course I loved the original series even the later seasons.
(Haven't watched the latest episode as we watched new The Walking Dead episode instead last night...)



11th February 2016

Actually maybe not... as I remember owning the manual in the binder...



11th February 2016

Where my Blitz journey started: Linkage


Manga Studio

11th February 2016

[quote]GfK I have a Wacom but I hardly ever use it
Same here.[/quote]
I'm another one... hate drawing on it and looking at the screen.
@Gfk - why are you looking at Manga Studio in the first place?


Usborne Coding Books

9th February 2016

My local library had coding books for the Spectrum ... great, but I had an Amstrad!
I still tried the code listings though, sometimes they still worked...


Pancake Noms

9th February 2016

LOL @ you guys buying premix batters... its just milk, egg and flour!
Pancake day isnt big over here so we tend to forget until I go to a UK based forum/website, but we'll make some over the weekend :)

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