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Die Alien Slime *cough* Walkthru

7th February 2016

[quote]CPC Airwolf.[/quote]
LOL! Too right!
And Airwolf 2, whilst it was a bit more playable it took FOREVER to load on the tape!
@Dabz - great first video!


Anybody recommend an artist?

7th February 2016

Bloody Nora! $40K!!!
How many assets are you asking for?
Retro Style Games normally changes around $20K...
Another place to try is: (Linkage)
(Havent used them yet myself...)


Happy Birthday, Jay's Mum

6th February 2016

Many happy returns!


Global Warming

6th February 2016

Hey, I'm not going to argue with you guys - just stating what I believe.
You can never win in Internet arguments :P


Global Warming

6th February 2016

[quote]If you believe that then you should believe the moon is made of cheese![/quote]
It is... Wallace and Gromit told me so!
I believe that the planet goes thru normal cycles of climate change, but we humans have caused the latest extreme climate chang*snip*


Global Warming

5th February 2016

Well at the end of the day, its us that has caused extreme climate change...
I was reading the other day that humans have actually stopped the next ice age. Of course I dont believe every thing I read ;)


Monkey 2 - Eclectic Blogger, Too

2nd February 2016

I agree with most of whats been said here... I'm just hoping for the best.
Mark has said he does want to create a full time job out of this (MX2)... but I cant see how that will happen, unless he starts charging for modules etc.


Monkey 2 - Eclectic Blogger, Too

2nd February 2016

A new Monkey2 site... Linkage


Prepay Monkey

31st January 2016

[quote]working on CS3[/quote]
Whoah! Where was the news flash!?
I've only gone down the road of paying for something that wasnt ready once (Elite Dangerous via KickStarter) and wont be doing it again any time soon.
MonkeyX is a great language and I&*snip*



22nd January 2016

The guy is running Windows 7 64bit.
2 x ATI HD 5980's
ASUS P6X58D-E Motherboard.
Intel CPU i7 X 980 @ 3.33 GHz (overclock turned off years ago due to it constantly blue screening my comp.)
6.00 Gb RAM
I'm sending him a small test app which is *snip*



22nd January 2016

Yeah it is strange, but there are monitors out there which support it.
My monitor is the same with the max res as 1920x1080 so cant really test it.
When a customer executes the game, I've got BlitzMax detects the desktop res and it spits out 1920x120*snip*



21st January 2016

Anyone got a 1920x1200 montior? If so, does BMX DirectX drivers work for you in full screen mode?



20th January 2016

Yeah I got it a couple of years ago now before ac was standard.



20th January 2016

I've got a TP-LINK N600, works great.


I just popped into BB.com....

18th January 2016

@rockford - thought it was an accident, it made me laugh though lol :)


I just popped into BB.com....

18th January 2016

[quote]Here's something for you Hotshit[/quote]
Hope that was a typo... as the ''o'' is next to the ''i'' - LOL!
The media are to blame for a lot of fear, the ''reporters'' just want to create click bait.


Chef Gets a Greenlight

15th January 2016

Go get your Chef hats on... its out NOW on Steam!!!


3D Paper Printer

13th January 2016

Also if they run out of bog roll they can use it too!


3D Paper Printer

13th January 2016

That is awesome!
Now ship that to Mars and when we get there the Astronauts can print off anything they need ;)


Early Mornings

10th January 2016

@rockford - get some sleep man! Thats crazy, I need at least 8 hours kip to be able to do a full days work!
@Dabz, I'm to same... go to bed around 9:30pm and read for an hour, then lights out...


RIP David Bowie

10th January 2016

Anything to get some sales... :P
RIP Bowie


Early Mornings

10th January 2016

G'ah! First day back to work in 3 weeks... so tired! It was hard to get up at 6am...


Quirky Monkey HTML

4th January 2016

Apparently this has been fixed in the next build (M48):
Got a reply today regarding this Chrome bug:
Thanks for the report. Looks like your test app is using timers instead of requestAnimationFrame() to schedule rendering. I'd suggest sw*snip*


''I lost my Password : Help!!''

4th January 2016

Gfk? Nope dont know anyone by that tag... Must be spam ;)


Building the Tardis

3rd January 2016

Looks great!
Oh BTW the last photo when enlarged turns upside down on Chrome...?

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