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30th August 2015

Thanks Guys :)
Trying to get my head around the whole Steam process now... and it looks like my account/game is set up wrong too!



28th August 2015

Happy Dance!!! Yay! Legends of Solitaire Curse of the Dragons has been Greenlit!!!


Win 95 : 20 Years Old

25th August 2015

Our first PC was a P150 (150Mhz) 8MB... which I overclocked to to 166Mhz using the motherboard's dip switches! :D
Coming from the Amiga, PC gaming was strange... setting up the sound card/graphics etc - wtf!?!
The PC had Windows 95, but lots of games*snip*



22nd August 2015

Well my wife has spent the last 3 days sending messages to a lot of the file download sites... its quite a bit of work but they do take them down.
It seems they make it harder for the copyright holders to report than it is to upload files :/


spectrum 128k

21st August 2015

I had the Amstrad 464 CPC with the cassette drive... it took forever to load games!! And since games back then were rock hard I would only play them for 10 mins or so before loading another!!



21st August 2015

Jay what do you mean about handing them the reigns? Have I missed something in the fine print?



20th August 2015

I'm thinking of taking up their free evaluation and see what happens from there.
As soon as you release a game on one of the big casual portals your game is on a pirate site either the same day or the next :(
I know that people who wants to pirate wi*snip*



20th August 2015

Got an email from DMCA Force offering their services... don't know how much it costs and if its actually worth doing in the first place!


Crime Solitaire in the Top 10

15th August 2015

Was it on a daily deal recently?


Chef Solitaire Trailer

9th August 2015

Cheers guys.
[quote]There's not an awful lot you can do with a card game![/quote]
Aye! And I didnt want to show too much too!
[quote]1. It's a bit on the long side - maybe 30-40s max?[/quote]
True - our first cut was over 3 mins, might do anoth*snip*


Chef Solitaire Trailer

9th August 2015

Finally got around to creating the trailer for Chef Solitaire, its the first trailer we've created! It's not perfect, but its not bad :)


Today, I Went To The Shop

8th August 2015

Good job Jay! Keep it up!
Create a game out of it, time yourself and see if you can improve :)
And create a game a week out of it - get platdude to cross roads to get to the shops after having a few drinks ;)


Pixels are Unsafe

8th August 2015

In next week's headlines:
''SoCoder Closed due to copyright of Pixels!''


Desktop Gamer's Change of Life

5th August 2015

So what are you actually going to do Dave? Some manufacturing/printing thing... but whats your product?
Still self-employed?


artwork - I'm not sure about this....

5th August 2015

You could make it so it starts a forest fire and if enemies are hiding in there they come running out! :)


artwork - I'm not sure about this....

4th August 2015

Looks great!
Can you shoot and burn the trees?


Classic Screensaver-esque 3D Maze

31st July 2015

Looks cool Dabz!
Sultans Maze... that takes me back!


Windows 10

29th July 2015

I'm going to wait a few months before jumping onto Win10, I need a new PC and I might as well install it on a fresh one :)
Looking at Jay's screenshot - is ''My'' Computer back!?!? Also cant you change the background colour/wallpaper to ma*snip*


BlitzMax to Monkey

29th July 2015

Cool! Hope it does well for you.


Android Borkage

29th July 2015

Nasty Android bug, disable the MMS Auto-retrieve to be safe!: Linkage


BlitzMax to Monkey

28th July 2015

[quote]Someone's just asked if they can do an ad-funded HTML5 'trial' version of CS2 to boost sales of the download versions[/quote]
Nice... can I ask who?


BlitzMax to Monkey

28th July 2015

Yep... it was pretty straight forward as long as you know the limitations of MonkeyX. I had to refactor some of the XML code etc but mostly painless...


Car Troubles

27th July 2015

Dave is that the new car you bought a few years back or an old banger????


Chef Solitaire USA

25th July 2015

Thanks guys... cant believe on how long it took to make! Over 6 months this time.
I think next time it'll be a shorter game...


Chef Solitaire USA

25th July 2015

Our new game is out on iWin :) Chef Solitaire USA Linkage

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