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Hi socoders (=

7th May 2007

Welcome to the wonderful world of... SoCoder!
I dont remember the name 'f4ktor' but mousey said 'SeBe' and I remember that name, welcome!


An idea...

5th May 2007

hehehe.....creepy cool!



5th May 2007

I missed the number 10 pin on the last shot.
aww. that sucks



5th May 2007

Yup, thats right! I got a Wii! Ok, fine, here's the story ;) :
I have recently got a job (hence why I have not been here very much lately) and I went to the mall by where I live. Using 1-800-GOOG-411 (google's 411, if you don't know what that is then goog*snip*


Do you make a design document?

20th April 2007

I usually just like to make up ideas as I go, as hobo said "it stifles my creativity". I usually have the basic layout of the game in my head and I just go from there.
Oh, and i think that I am going to get a white board. That sounds like a great idea. bu*snip*


A "big" project

14th April 2007

no. but its just that I have tried something like that before amd after a little bit I found out that it was too big of a project for me. Im not saying that you cant do it. just start small and get a basic something working and then make it bigger. If you *snip*


A "big" project

14th April 2007

I think your getting ahead of yourself



13th April 2007

Younger, 15 (16 on November 5)


#094 - The Atari 2600 Challenge

5th April 2007

dontcha love it when that happens :)


#094 - The Atari 2600 Challenge

5th April 2007

I think ill just do pac man. but i dont know if Ill have time.


#094 - The Atari 2600 Challenge

4th April 2007

But, but but, I was going to do pac man. Awww. ok Ill do space invaders if i have time. Ingenium, i made all the gfx for pac man already so if you want them I have them.


Project Motivation

2nd April 2007

eh. Neither have I. It would be a learning experience in the beginning until we get in to the "groove".


Site Update - 26 March 2007

2nd April 2007

Why dont you underline links in stealths mostly white theme. It bothers me that they blend in with text.


Project Motivation

2nd April 2007

I have quite a few projects that I have thought of lately and I have great ideas for them. But I never seen to have the time to sit down and program them. Maybe it's because I want to learn OpenGL first and I haven't yet gotten around to it. I think that i*snip*


Google Tisp - Free broadband

2nd April 2007

www.google.com For those of you that cant find it.


Another little toy to add to my collection.

2nd April 2007

Yea that'll do. ;)


Stealth's April Fools Gag

2nd April 2007



Google Tisp - Free broadband

1st April 2007

Yea I just saw that. Its hillarious.
April Fools everyone.


Peeps we've lost..

28th March 2007

[quote]I think I can recall a few memories of seeing Skyfire getting a grilling for being mouthy on CW.[/quote] Ahh... Good times.


Peeps we've lost..

27th March 2007

Guess who kricket noises is?


Site Update - 26 March 2007

26th March 2007

cant you just url link the image?


Binary game

24th March 2007

yer welcome.


Binary game

24th March 2007

Nice code:
[code]//------ Set Global Variables -----//
var hiscore=getCookie("Hi");
var target, level=6, score;
var minutes, seconds, answers;
seconds++; //puts back the second lost when initaiating timer
var num = new Array();


Binary game

23rd March 2007

Yey I got 55!


OpenGL Texturing

23rd March 2007

For "non-blitz" issues i think it best to search for hakuna mattata elsewhere. :wisemonkey:

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