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Dropbox & Security

7th June 2012

@Steve - so true :D
@dna - sorry what were you trying? You place files in your Dropbox folder and it gets synced with the Dropbox server and any other devices you have your Dropbox account on...


Dropbox & Security

7th June 2012

BTW the poll was about backups, not source control... just pure simple backups :P


Dropbox & Security

3rd June 2012

Dropbox = backup every time you save a file :P



19th April 2012

[quote]Spriter is a powerful animation tool for creating highly detailed 2d real-time game characters and effects in an intuitive, visual editor. The characters are saved to a format that allows game engines to produce higher quality visuals, while also us*snip*



19th April 2012

Nope, I just stuck it in there for ease. I really should create a new GoogleCode project for it... maybe later ;)



16th April 2012

[quote]is there any point to this?[/quote]
Just off the top of my head:
* DirectX Target
* Stable Windows and Mac Target
* Linux supported (Monkey does not offically support Linux)
* Debugger
* Easy to add code to change resolution/fullscreen etc



14th April 2012

Awhile ago (6 months) I started a little project on Monkey which would output BlitzMax code (in other words, a new target for Monkey).
I managed to get it to mostly work, but got bored of it... until Karja over on the Monkey forums 3 weeks ago kicked it o*snip*


Jay's Crappy April

13th April 2012

Not again :(


Jay's crappy March

27th March 2012

Hope you get better soon Jay :)
Do you know what the ooze is?


Win8 Preview

3rd March 2012

:( I cant get Win8 (32bit) to work with VirtualBox...
Looks like I'll be waiting for the beta ;)



22nd January 2012

"when I click the thumbs-up vote on a joke, the vote count goes down?."
Your not hitting it hard enough... Dabz has made it pressure based :P


Vsync and Input Lag - Fixes...

16th January 2012

For the past few days, I've been looking into various fixes for input lag when using vsync.
Over on bb.com, we think that we have found an okayish solution, which involves performing an occlusion query after flipping on DX9 and a grab pixel for DX7 and Op*snip*


Monkey thoughts...?

27th November 2011

[quote]The features are there, you can utilize them by modifying the C++ output.[/quote]
Yeah I know you can alter the C++, but it I couldnt work out how to change from full screen to window, I did work out how to change the resolution on the fly though, *snip*


Monkey thoughts...?

26th November 2011

My 2 cents... I really like Monkey, yeah it needs a debugger and a few more features but it's still young.
I think I've said this before but I only use the HTML5 as a prototyping target. For me the main targets are iOS, Android and Flash.
GLFW needs a lo*snip*


(iOS) Pirate Solitaire

11th June 2011

Yay! Pirate Solitaire now out for iOS :) PITA to get it there though!


Portal 2 Spoilery/Discussion Stuff

24th April 2011

I finished Portal2 on Saturday, what a great game!
Fair enough the puzzles were easier than Portal 1, but it was more enjoyable and soooo much longer!
I was half expecting a robot Cave Johnson at some point!


Blitz Monkey is Out!

26th March 2011

With Java you need to install the JRE on every target platform you wish to run your application on.
Monkey translates "monkey" code into the "native" code for the target platform.
Quite different in my opinion.
What problems has Java been tackling with?


PMC Pacman

25th March 2011

Poor Pacman! LOL!


Blitz Monkey is Out!

25th March 2011

@9572AD - Im not anti-HTML5, I think when its mainstream it'll be great... but thats a few years away...
@CodersRule - LOL


Blitz Monkey is Out!

23rd March 2011

You haven't answered my question - What is your audience for your "freelance" web sites?
This plays an important part as if your sites are technical, in general technical users will update their browsers whereas the average Joe Blogs will not.
And how ma*snip*


Blitz Monkey is Out!

23rd March 2011

The statistics simply disagree with you.[/quote]
Ahhh stats...
Statistics can be made to prove anything[/quote]
What is your audience for your "freelance" web sites?
Heres another stat for you from Microsoft:
34.5% of China still us*snip*


Blitz Monkey is Out!

23rd March 2011

I didnt say it was a good platform, I said its a toy.
Only modern browsers can run HTML5, so you are going to limit your audience if you do a HTML5 only game. Also you get different speeds in different browsers, so its the same old problem with web develo*snip*


Blitz Monkey is Out!

23rd March 2011

Well HTML5 is a fun toy at the moment, but I wouldnt use it seriously - but its great for prototyping...
If you are testing HTML5 I suggest using Chrome, I normally get a nice steady 60FPS - using FF I get low 20-30FPS.


Blitz Monkey is Out!

18th March 2011

Its 'a me Mario :)


Blitz Monkey is Out!

14th March 2011

Asteroids coded in Monkey:
Converted this code into Monkey: (Linkage)

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