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QOTD - September 2023

21st September 2023

Maybe go back about 10 years and buy *!APOUND!*10 worth of bitcoin...


QOTD - September 2023

20th September 2023

I can't say specifically, but I quite often spend days (literally) chasing 'bugs' that end up being typos.


Twitter/Mastodon Thread

19th September 2023

There are alternatives to youtube on android, they just load up content, they dont bother with ads and will even play when the screen is off.


QOTD - September 2023

19th September 2023

Does 'me' count?


Farewell to Neighbours

18th September 2023

I think its on freevee also.


QOTD - September 2023

18th September 2023

forgetting how to do simple code that I've done a million times (not limited to older hardware), typos like putting C code into a BASIC program or BASIC into a C program, again not limited to older hardware.


QOTD - September 2023

15th September 2023

Not sure it counts, but I replaced the hdd in my ipod with a micro sd card, via a microsd -> sd -> compact flash -> ide adaptors. So its a memory card adpator adpator adpator.
Works well.


JSE - Optimisationalism 4

12th September 2023

Repeating the first one got this...
Close browser and load the second one got this...
Tech specs
i7 6th gen
GTX 960
Windows 10 Home 22H2
Chrome Version 116.0.5845.182


Vincent Dawn's Pilot Showcase

10th September 2023

That bill & ted one must have been aired at least once, I have the whole series, it's was soooooooo terrible.


Coder or Killer

10th September 2023

5/10, oh well.


JSE - Optimisationalism 4

9th September 2023



N64 Controller Project...

8th September 2023

Modded the code a little for potential speed ups, only by removing function calls to abs().
#define xPin A2 // select the input pin for the potentiometer
#define yPin A1 // select the input pin for the potentiometer
#define XA 6


N64 Controller Project...

8th September 2023

I didn't, from what I remember, it takes the value from the analog stick, does a little math to round the value down to a similar vaue to the real n64 stick, then clip it so that id doesn't go outlide that.
I think I remember, it's the negativ*snip*


N64 Controller Project...

8th September 2023

OK, I dug out the arduino code, but I didn't comment it very well so I have gone and forgot that the hell the offset value does...
I'm tempted to think its the difference between the full stick value and the 'correct' full stick value...



7th September 2023

Bummer 😞
I missed out.



5th September 2023

Yep, runs well, I found that I need to keep the sleep time to half a second or less or else the milliseconds time goes a bit wonky.



4th September 2023



Old cheesy photo.

4th September 2023

Apparently they're making a new series....


Old cheesy photo.

4th September 2023

Can't find the other two episodes on youtube, nor can I find any of season 6 outside of youtube :-(


Old cheesy photo.

4th September 2023

One slightly less blurry version found of season 6 episode 20.


Antivirus False Positives

4th September 2023

I've had to download my own old projects in the past from socoder (good job I upload them sometimes) And on multipl occasions have had the file deleted with a message along the lines of ''Not many people have downloaded this file therefore it must *snip*


WordPad Removal

3rd September 2023

''Why give you a free document editor when we can sell you our other one for *!APOUND!*60 per year forever!''



1st September 2023

Nah, too lazy :-(


QOTD - August 2023

31st August 2023

[quote]If you had to write a book, what would it be about and what would you title it?[/quote]
I'd write a book on how to be lazy.... if I wasn't so lazy.
[quote]How competitive are you?[/quote]
I'm quite uncompetitive these days. I just can*snip*



28th August 2023

For no real reason, I send the screen data out over serial to a python scrypt to save a gif...

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