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My First... Windows App

22nd October 2006

Ahh, some guys on gamedev managed to help me. Basically, i had to get rid of the LPCWSTR that i had shoved in, and press Alt-F7 and change one of the properties to multi-byte something or other.. yeah .. :p but it works :)


SourceForge, FFS!

22nd October 2006

I have never had a problem downloading stuff from Kent... is it just that file?
Also... why are you reinstalling? You uninstalled it?


My First... Windows App

22nd October 2006

I just started raedng my book, "Teach yourself Game Programming in 21 Days with DirectX". It starts off with creating a simple window. So i went and downloaded MS VC++ EE and installed it. Then, I got the PSDK that i needed for it. I then did the following*snip*


Tilebased Platformer....

22nd October 2006

OK, so rob over at devcrunch helped me fix the level 2 pickups thing... i was missing a -1 in the for..next loop to load the pickups XD
Can anyone help with scrolling or movement?


Tilebased Platformer....

21st October 2006

I just posted this on devcrunch... it is a bit clearer.
jay: What you say about 8*4 steps... i tried a for.. next loop in the movement bits (update_player()) but it did not work. I am doing something wrong?
Media: huji.rar
Devcrunch post:
I tried what*snip*


Tilebased Platformer....

19th October 2006

ahhh.. 8*4 steps... thats sneaky! I will have a crack at that tomorow...
Just gonna upload a .rar onto my new apache site :D
[edit] hmmm... not much point in putting it on my apache website seeing as it will probably be off when all the millions of peopl*snip*


Tilebased Platformer....

19th October 2006

OK, so, i started on my long lost game, "The [edit] Chronicles... my game is the chronicles...[/edit] of Huji" again.
I painfully managed to get the basic basics down... draw the tiles+pickups, handle picking up pickups, handle Huji stepping on a *snip*


site suggestions...

18th October 2006

ah right dats cool :D


site suggestions...

18th October 2006

Yo all.
i was thinking... like underneath the badge count on user's post things, can we have a showcase count too pl0x? Just like at CW. This way we can easily and quicly access oter people's showcases, and actually see if they have any. Good idea or no? *snip*


#071 - The One Button Challenge

18th October 2006

Hmm.. one button.... if only i was creative XD
I will think and think and think until i can think of an easy game that i can wedge onto one button.. hmmmm...


A Fever You Can't Sweat Out

18th October 2006

they aren't that new? Or a you all american?
Im no big fan of them, but my sister likes them quite alot.
mole gives them: 6/10!


#070 - The Crate Challenge

17th October 2006

Its half term for me next week, so the next one should be a reaaaally fun one to do, so that i will enter :D cos well all wan me to enter... *cough*...


#070 - The Crate Challenge

17th October 2006

I was going to enter this... but i have french oral in for tomorow, IT cw in for thursday and english cw in for friday :S


WWW archive (including Blitzcoder)

16th October 2006

Get those old BC articles/tutorials easy peasy


Red badge

12th October 2006

oh thats cool then :D
Does this mean i get a badge for getting the first red badge?? :p


Red badge

11th October 2006

I have a red badge!
harsh :(


Input without Inupt$()

9th October 2006

... :D


Input without Inupt$()

8th October 2006

Hi all,
I am making a function that receives input from the keyboard without the need of the inbuilt Input() command (it goes to the command prompt, which i dont want).
I used to have source with this in.. but i lost it when my computer had to be Ghost'*snip*


Pre-ordered my Wii

8th October 2006

0_0 i hadnt seen that article! :S uh-oh... well, hopefully i (we (wii XD)) will get atleast break-even.. :S
And the child thing.. people have said similar stuff before lol.. but i gues there comes a time in everyone's life that they must learn to *pre-ord*snip*


Pre-ordered my Wii

8th October 2006

I have pre-ordered two :) one for me + my brother, one for ebay :p
We are getting like 3 games with it, 2 extra wii-motes+nunchucks and the classic controller, and a few of those points things to buy old games.

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