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50 Shades of Cable Ties

22nd August 2015

Lol... Well, the poll tee'd itself up for it, one had to oblige! :)


50 Shades of Cable Ties

22nd August 2015

Cable ties are a bit harsh and you've got to be careful when cutting them off... Handcuffs are the way forward! :D Hehehe


spectrum 128k

21st August 2015

I'm sitting here thinking of all the crap we used to get up too back in the day, surprised we never killed ourselves, some of the more fond memories:-
Soldered a wire to a lightbulb, connected a plug to it, plugged it to a 240v socket, switched it on.*snip*


spectrum 128k

21st August 2015

Eeeeee fond memories... The CPC light pen was proper pap too, lol, you couldnt draw diddly squat with it, but it was fun! :)
The best peripheral for the Amstrad I'd seen was actually one me and a mate modded up, it was an Atari paddle, one of these:- *snip*


Internet vs Phone Line

21st August 2015

I tried ringing BT but ended up just going round in a circles then when I was in a queue I was in forever and give up!
I'll just have to ring them back and have a bit more patience, though all I want to ask is basically is can I have a broadband accou*snip*


Internet vs Phone Line

21st August 2015

Here's a one... I don't live with the girlfriend, and her internet is pure pap and she's not fussed about the Internet or out... So, the question is, would I be able to get broadband in her house, but in an account in my name... I've google*snip*


spectrum 128k

21st August 2015

You've got to love it though... Big is indeed... Beautiful! ;)



20th August 2015

Did you really post a thread about this on bb.com, lol, your keen Steve matey! :D


Desktop Gamer's Change of Life

19th August 2015

Spiffing! :)


spectrum 128k

17th August 2015

You'll probably find the majority of us go way beyond that and are children of the Amstrad CPC! ;)


Crime Solitaire in the Top 10

16th August 2015

Yummyyyyyyy!!! :)


OUYA Bastards

16th August 2015

Sounds like a perfect kickstarter project in my eyes... Lots of work, quite a bit of pull out on the pocket front... Raise enough money, rent the required servers with adequate bandwidth, and, subcontract some of the work out.


Free Image Hosting

14th August 2015

Nah... Hosting is for nowt these days, I was just thinking back in the day a bit of free hosting with hot linking of images was like rocky horse shite, and when someone found one there was always a thread up! :D
Eeeeeee kids these days, they don't eve*snip*


Free Image Hosting

14th August 2015

Can anyone remember when, back in the day... Finding free webhosting with hotlinking images was an absolute boon! :D


Win7 Failures

13th August 2015

Lol, divvy! :P
All good now said the cow, thought I'd get a bit done tonight... But nah... Nowt! :D


Electrically Charged Roads

13th August 2015

I have an A600. It has a Compact Flash reader in its PCMCIA slot.
Pfffft... Dog poo... Get one of these in there...


Win7 Failures

13th August 2015

Windows 7 Jay... The tinker... I'm cooking again, there was no errors on the SSD drive, memory was okay... I did read while having a look for a the cause that Windows might download the updates to the biggest drive on the system... Which, is my 500gig *snip*


Win7 Failures

13th August 2015

Well... You know... Have to reimage my pc due to a windows update failure error! :/ lovely


Electrically Charged Roads

13th August 2015

I have a DeLorean DMC-12, it runs on banana skins, the previous owner, a doctor I think, said if it goes past 88mph, shit happens... Luckily, the A1 is constantly rammed so I never get the chance to open her up!


New system...

11th August 2015

Hew man.,. I'm like... ya nar... A top notepad ninja master me like hewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!
Erm, what I meant to say was... Nice feature of the site that... Cheers Jay! ;)


New system...

11th August 2015

Perhaps a use for that Notepad section that I keep forgetting I even added...!
Well I bloody never in the name of the creation of cows dribble... We have a notepad on here!!!
Sack le blurt!


New system...

11th August 2015

Well, I thought ''Nah... I'll just do a clean install''... Then... When it was all up and running I hit the old ''choppy sound'' thing which had my head spinning last time... Thought to myself ''Ohhhhh fuck''... So, after much g*snip*


New system...

11th August 2015

Update on the system-i-bob! :)
Got myself a nice shiney 250gig Samsung 850 Evo SSD today, reinstalling Windows on it now... Eeeeeeeeee!!! :)
The 500 gig spare will now reside as a back up of sorts, sorta, but, gonna have to lose the CD-ROM drive once all*snip*



11th August 2015

;) :D



11th August 2015

Lol... You being from Brighton... I'm surprised at that mind! :D

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