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@Socoder Lies

21st July 2013

it worked for me


Rescue PlayMyCode

21st July 2013

I'd totally be up for another WW, but I can't say I'd be likely to code it in Quby. Nothing against the language or Joe, but I am in love with JavaScript too deeply for me to relearn another language.
Still, though, I WOULD appreciate another WW (even if *snip*


GooglePlay Store

11th July 2013

Nope, Google Play Developer licenses are valid for life. Much better than Apple's terrible (and discouraging) policy.


Aminal Xing Knew Leef

3rd July 2013

I don't harvest fruit too often, but perfect trees are too hard to resist. I've expanded my orchard such that a single harvest yields almost 360,000 bells. The game seems kind of broken; though if, prior to this game's release, you came up to me and told m*snip*


Wrong Side of the Bed..

2nd July 2013

The link to the Google+ post is here. Apparently someone decided that the 'standard' is to click on the date/time that the post was made to get a permalink. I don't know who started it, but that's a really stupid practice that really ought not to exist.


Aminal Xing Knew Leef

1st July 2013

I'm always disturbed when he knows that I don't have anything to donate. It's like he can see what I have before I bother to show it to him.


Aminal Xing Knew Leef

28th June 2013

It happens really often. If I leave wifi on for more than 20 minutes, it's likely to happen even though my Internet connection is perfectly fine. That's not fun.


Aminal Xing Knew Leef

28th June 2013

I totally didn't just accidentally delete my post
I hate that communication errors remove your progress. That's terrible in a game like this, and it hurts on the inside. I did a lot of stuff with my gate open, but I wasn't saving frequently :(


Aminal Xing Knew Leef

28th June 2013

Rockford, get over here. I've got some fruits waiting for you.


What Have You Done - June 2013

28th June 2013

Oops. I thought I posted in this thread four days ago. I guess I didn't. Then I went on a road trip for four days and didn't have the chance to.
What did you get done this month?
[*]Finished first year of high school (with decent marks)
[*]Became r*snip*


Aminal Xing Knew Leef

27th June 2013

I just sold a harvest of perfect oranges in someone else's Bell Boom town for 226,800 bells. That's just awesome.
@Rockford: I forgot about persimmons. A friend has some. I'll have to steal some from her eventually.


Aminal Xing Knew Leef

23rd June 2013

Yeah, playing tours with friends is awesome. It's kind of boring if you're not playing with friends, though.
I have started an orchard of perfect oranges. A single harvest should yield over 100,000 bells if I sell the oranges in another town. It will need*snip*


Hoppy Bobby iOS

22nd June 2013

Oops. I didn't know it was available on Android. I felt really left out for awhile.
About to play it now.


Aminal Xing Knew Leef

22nd June 2013

Rockford, my DS says we're friends. I'm Timothy and have a purple shirt.


Aminal Xing Knew Leef

22nd June 2013

I have so many freaking pears and oranges in my town. I'll open my gate, if you'd like.


Aminal Xing Knew Leef

22nd June 2013

I have all of the fruits at this point... unless I'm bad at counting.
[li]Cherries (thanks Jay! That was the last one I needed)[/li]


Aminal Xing Knew Leef

17th June 2013

One character wanted me to give something to someone else, and I did... neither of them gave me a gift for it. I was a bit peeved.



16th June 2013

That reminds me... Why the subreddit change?


Aminal Xing Knew Leef

15th June 2013

I started with oranges and have a lot of pear trees from my sister. Could use some apples or cherries. There's also another way of getting lots of fruits that I'd rather not spoil for you, but there are a bunch of new types of fruits you can get.
There's *snip*


Aminal Xing Knew Leef

13th June 2013

I've been playing a LOT of this game with my friends over the last few days. I have oranges and have been doing pretty well. Rockford, we're already 3ds friends. We can coordinate a visit sometime.


2Lite, or not 2Lite!?

13th June 2013

[quote=Jayenkai]... On a somewhat related note, the FULL version of SpikeDislike2 is now available in the Android store!![/quote]
The lord has responded to my prayers! Right at the start of finals week...


"New" OpenGL

9th June 2013

How I hate writing shaders... those things put me off of game development pretty effectively.
I was just watching someone write a game for a game jam on a livestream, and his game had a problem on my system. We spent a bit debugging, and it was, of course*snip*


Looking to build up a dev team

7th June 2013

ImageVenue and related sites tend to have very intrusive advertisements. You might want to switch those images over to imgur, which allows you to host fairly large images and hotlink them directly.



5th June 2013

@Cower: I'll gladly give you a SHA-256 hash of my Google account password and tell you that it uses perfect English grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It is a comprehensible English sentence. Have fun trying to crack it.
My point is that, though it goes *snip*


How're You Doing?

5th June 2013

We had a lot of trouble coming up with a proper name. That one stuck after a LOT of other potential literary references. Since we had already had the cat for a good six hours and hadn't named it yet, we decided that Dantès (after Edmond Dantès) was a*snip*

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