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SoCoder -> Snippet Home -> Graphical Effects

Created : 10 February 2015
Edited : 10 February 2015
Language : Blitz

IFS Fractal Viewer

7zipped IFS proggie

Nearly three dozen IFS fractals.

You can download it from the URL below:
7zipped .bb listing



Tuesday, 10 February 2015, 17:51
Although I've known for years that fractals can be used to do graphical stuff, I still don't understand how they work.
Sunday, 15 February 2015, 14:59
Sorry for not getting back sooner but I don't have regular internet service at the present.
Fractals are odd in that they're described as objects with fractional dimensionality. In the case of these fractals, they're between 2 and 3 dimensions because although they're bounded by a 2D perimeter, that perimeter has an infinite length.
So in short, 'fractals' are a short hand way of saying that the object has a fractional dimensionality.
Checkout Wikipedia for a proper description.
Sunday, 15 February 2015, 19:00
I just viewed this video, it made about as much sense as a bottomless bucket.

Monday, 16 February 2015, 14:20
Yeah that makes no sense if you've never worked with complex numbers. The funny thing is that complex numbers map to the Cartesian coordinate system that is used for placing pixels on the screen.
The only difference is that when you square a nunber you can end up with a negative number, which never happens with non-complex numbers.