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Socoder -> What Have You Done -> What Have You Done - August 2014

Wed, 27 Aug 2014, 05:19


What did you get done this month?
  • Server Upgrade!!!!!

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    Did it bollocks!!
    The new SQL database has extra protection, so even though I was managing all the apostrophes and backslashes and things well enough, the new database was going "aw, hell no!!!" and rejecting everything it felt could've been even marginally dodgy.
    I had to do a WHOLE lot of site recoding to get it up to "standard".. .. Even though it's been working fine for nearly 8 sodding years!!

    Hopefully the whole thing's even more secure than it was. .. Because otherwise that a waste of a day and a half!!


    What didn't you get done?
  • Enough AGameAWeek games!

    Why not?
    I was supposed to do four, this month, but only managed three. I took most of last month off, and ended up having to cobble together a few games towards the end of the month, which overextended into this month, and all went a bit crazy!
    Thankfully all went mostly smoothly, and I've managed to keep up with my three OneGameAMonth accounts, which is nice!


    What are you working on right now?
    Wondering what to do for my next few AGameAWeek games.

    How's that going?
    To say I'm running short on ideas would be a bit of an understatement.
    It's not so much the game ideas that's the hard part (I have a HUGE list on my desktop!) more that I can't be sure they'll be doable within the space of a week.
    A lot of the ideas are starting to get a little too big for AGameAWeek... Hmmm..


    What's the plan for the month ahead?
  • Organising "ONLINE"

    Since I upgraded the server, I figured now's a good time to be thinking about Scoreboards and Achievements for future AGameAWeek projects.
    I'm currently jotting down ideas, and requirements, and trying my best to plan the whole thing out before starting.
    The trickiest part, so far, is how to get a simplistic login system to work on keyboard, mouse, touchscreen and game controller, all at the same time..

    Bloody hell!!!

    I see lots of planning, over the coming weeks..


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  • Thu, 28 Aug 2014, 14:57


    What did you get done this month?
  • Shed loads of web work, more improvements to They Are Everywhere, including some box art promo stuff.

    Did everything turn out as planned?

    Pretty much so. All the web work is pretty standard stuff, with some more fun bits thrown in from my [BLANTANT PLUG] https://www.refreshcartridges.co.uk/ [/BLATANT PLUG] odds and ends.
    Keeping on top of things like page speed, accessibility, etc,etc pretty well, bar any wordpress sites which are basically broken out of the box IMO.

    Some nubling has an old install of joomla on the server which never got updated, so that got hacked early august and they only noticed yesterday, so, no back-ups for them, silly monkeys. If you run an e-commerce site, you'd expect them to check it daily, FFS


    What didn't you get done?
  • As usual, finish off any games

    Why not?
    See last month, probably the month before also
    I've actually expanded They Are Everywheres scope to include unlockable bonuses. Which requires a little more work. hopefully it'll be worth it.


    What are you working on right now?
    Web goo, including coding an email newsletter in plain jane HTML 4.0, without CSS. Eurghhh.

    How's that going?
    Fine, just taking longer than it should.


    What's the plan for the month ahead?
  • Finish Stuff Off
  • Sort out Laylas sleeping(plz, plz, plz)
  • Start New Stuff!

    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
  • Thu, 28 Aug 2014, 15:31


    What did you get done this month?
  • Removed a fucktonne of bugs, and started working on chat system for Project Dollhouse.

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    More or less.


    What didn't you get done?
  • Finish chat system.

    Why not?
    Started working out again after the summer.


    What are you working on right now?
    Chat system for Project Dollhouse!

    How's that going?
    Slowly forward. I've removed (hopefully!) all bugs not directly related to it, so now I have free reign. But character login seems to be borked. Or is that the chat system?
    Messages seem to be sent with the wrong recipient. :\


    What's the plan for the month ahead?
  • Start work placement!
  • Finish chat system.

    Afr0 Games

    Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!