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Socoder -> In-Development -> AGameAWeek : 2017

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Mon, 28 Nov 2016, 09:30
With December just around the corner, it's probably about time I kicked things off.

First things first. I think I need a more reusable menu layout.
Sure, it's nice having the circular menu, but that thing's a right pain in the arse on touchscreen devices!
Instead, I'm thinking of something more static.

Play Game

Then, from the Play Game option, open up the selections.
I'll have to come up with a couple of layouts. A simple Easy/Normal/Hard, and a more complicated "FUCKTON OF LEVELS", because I seem to be doing that quite a lot!
Maybe even a standardised "Unlock nearby levels" thing..?
Lots to think about.

It'd be nice to have random ingame sprites float around the menu, too, but that might be hard to standardize!


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Mon, 28 Nov 2016, 13:41
Perhaps I should give Unity another try..?
Mon, 28 Nov 2016, 16:08
I'm going to be doing Unity soon too. I've been a registered member for over a year and recently purchased a training course thingy, so hopefully I'll be able to knock out something next year. At least one thing would be good!
Tue, 29 Nov 2016, 03:20
I'm finding the same issue as I found, last time. Namely that drag'n'drop seems to be the only real way to add assets.
However.. I have noticed that simply adding art into a particular folder can make it accessible, without having to drag it into the unity GUI.
This could conceivably allow me to write a simple exporter tool.
I'm already doing most of my art this way. Draw spritesheets, use tool to add padding around sprites and save high-res versions.
The tool could (I think) be rewritten to create Unity Compatible spritesheets..

Will have to try that out.

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Tue, 29 Nov 2016, 03:53
Jesus Fuck!!!
12Mb for a test compile, AND a separate folder full of the assets and stuff..


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Tue, 29 Nov 2016, 04:05
*Tests a WebGL compile*
.. waits.
... waits..
..... waits...
CPU at 95%, Disk mashing like crazy, fan going overboard.

*purposely crashes and reboots the laptop lest it explode*

FFS, who created this language!?

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 29 Nov 2016, 07:23
Tried about half-a-dozen languages over the past few hours.
Nothing is compatible with AGameAWeek...

OH, and Eclipse (the Java-based editor) won't install, because I apparently don't have Java installed.
.. Even though I installed THREE versions of Java the other day, trying to get Android Dev working..


I've asked Mark whether Monkey2 can do Android TV. Hopefully he can get back to me, soon.

Pissed off, today..

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 29 Nov 2016, 15:51
I've spent a long time, today, fighting with a lot of different languages.
Each has plusses and negatives.
The overriding negative, in my opinion, is fucking bloat.
The simplest of tests in Unity was a 12Mb exe.
Shockingly, the simplest of tests in Monkey2 was a 7Mb exe.
Meanwhile, LibGDX and Unity seem to require a fresh start each time, with no quick and easy way to start with a template, or quickly throw new sprites into the mix.
And, maybe I'm doing it wrong, but practically everything seems to need at least 30 seconds to compile..
I'm doing AGameAWeek, here! 30 seconds is a lifetime!!!!

The most logical of choices seems to be...

Stick with Monkey

Kill my "NewYA" target, and redo it from scratch, ignoring OUYA completely, and instead specifically targeting just the Android TV.

Possibly scrap my framework and redo that from scratch, too.

.... shit.. :/

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 30 Nov 2016, 08:50
Spent most of today faffing about with Monkey's OUYA target.
Abandoned my old NewYA and started from the OUYA base again.


A few oddities along the way, including things like "I wonder why, when the Razer Cortex is now on Marshmallow, the developer website is still telling me to target JellyBean..?"

The whole things utter chaos. CHAOS, I tell thee!!
I've emailed my thoughts and questions to TeamOUYA, and will probably get a reply like "Yeah, that's Android for ya.."


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Sat, 03 Dec 2016, 16:37
Here we go again.

skel2_01 folder created, and 2 (TWO!) .monkey files created.

and (*gasp*)


Currently trying to wrangle the two files to work well together.
Framework will, of course, be messy as fuck.
I'm trying my damndest to keep Game as clean as I can, but it's not going to be easy!!

So far..
The new framework can load images, imagefonts, music and sfx. It can draw the images, write with the fonts, and play the sounds.. It cannot yet play the musics.
It can do scale, rotation, alpha. It also scales to whatever resolution.

There are no ".png,-hd.png,-hd2.png" image scales. Instead, sprites are whatever size you give it.
I'm trying to work around smooth-scaling, but it's not easy.

F1 switches on DebugMode, displaying the framerate in the bottom left.
F2 switches on Screenshot Mode, although without any actual gameplay that's hard to notice!
F11 flips between Fullscreen and Windowed.

With those important bits and pieces implemented, I'll start work on the Menu->Game->Menu stuff, tomorrow.
That'll need all sorts of bits and pieces, including scoreboard and load/save functions.

But, over the course of yesterday and today, I've managed quite a lot of the important things.
Hopefully tomorrow will run smoothly..

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Sun, 04 Dec 2016, 07:17
Odd finding..

With HTML5, at least, drawing 1000*32x32 sprites appears to be faster than 100*8x8 sprites..

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Sun, 04 Dec 2016, 08:21
Back to random testing!!

Click the mouse to spawn particles.
Touch with a finger to spawn particles.
Touch with up to 10 fingers to spawn bazillions of particles!!!


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Sun, 04 Dec 2016, 08:59
Works very well here
Mon, 05 Dec 2016, 09:58
Been working on controls, today.
Got them half done, but am being too lazy to pick up a gamepad for testing it

Might additionally need to add pseudo-analogue-touchscreen controls, like I did in the previous framework.
Amazing how much stuff I've done to the old framework, but then it was over the course of about 3 years!!

Haven't uploaded a new test, yet. I'll be testing the gamepad, first, and maybe looking into getting html5 gamepad support working,. (!?)

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Mon, 05 Dec 2016, 12:03
Seems to be working this end, got a spinning whit map thing and snowflakes appear when the mouse is clicked.
Mon, 05 Dec 2016, 12:08
Touch with up to 10 fingers to spawn bazillions of particles!!!

Can't get 10 fingers on the app on the phone screen, it's like trying to push sausages through drinking straws.
Mon, 05 Dec 2016, 12:34
Yeah, it's tricky to get ten fingers on the iPad, so I can only imagine how hard it is on a smaller phone!!

... doubt I'll use it, but nice to know it's there

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Mon, 05 Dec 2016, 13:56
Updated Monkey from v83 to 86. (Probably should've done that a few days ago.. Meh, whatever!)

Thankfully it's fixed that annoying dpad issue I was having, and surprisingly it's also enabled gamepads in the HTML5 target, which is nice!
*two thumbs up*

Android and OUYA targets are now totally knackered again, though. I'll have to rejig those again, I suppose.

Still haven't picked a new Standard AGAW Font, yet.. I wonder what it'll be.. Hmm...

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Tue, 06 Dec 2016, 14:59
Currently installing half-a-dozen Android SDK's, in the hopes that one of them manages to somehow get everything working all at the same time.
The main Monkey->Android target now includes controller code, but only seems to support one controller.
The OUYA code, on the other hand, has all the old issues within...
Will have to poke and prod it, I reckon.

Today, I spent FAR too long playing the "Pick a new font that will be used on all future games" game.
Flicking through thousands of fonts, picking viable ones, running them through the Bitmap Font tool, adding shadows in PSP, then copying the kerning values and giving each font a test.
Took ages.
In the end, I've ended up with yet another Brian Kent font, Bandwidth (the Bandless variation).
Seems to work quite nicely.
I've also left the old EditUndo in the framework's folder, for any odd occasions that might require a slightly more blocky font.

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 07 Dec 2016, 02:17
Wrote a save function with checksums.
Almost identical to the previous one, but much smoother, this time around.
Having woke up at 6am, I'm already tired enough for a nap, so will be doing the Load function later!!

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 07 Dec 2016, 09:05
Updated the Framework Test.

Same link. You may need to F5 it.
Single finger, now.

Text should work fine!
Tap or drag to position the particle throwing TNT stick!
If you have a keyboard (i.e., not using a mobile device!) you can hit 1 through 0 for different particle effects. (Although 5 to 9 currently do nothing, and 10 is just my usual score display thing.)

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Wed, 07 Dec 2016, 16:34
Seemed to work OK here. Couple of things though -

1) The sword? is spinning around in the corner, off screen for the most part

2) The particle cloud for the dynamite isn't coming from the spark, but from the dynamite itself.

Are they supposed to be doing that?

Thu, 08 Dec 2016, 03:10
The particles are coming from the midpoint of the sprites, because fuck niceties, this is just a test!!!
I did consider turning it into a fire extinguisher, at one point, but then remembered "this is only a test..."

As for the sword, that's "particle Sprite #001", and was previously a different design, spinning in the centre of the screen.
I just moved it out of the way!

It's left in to check things are still pixelated when drawn that large. The small amount it's onscreen is plenty,

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Thu, 08 Dec 2016, 03:25
Wasn't sure.
Fri, 09 Dec 2016, 08:06
Today's update adds a Starfield and Tilemap onto the mix.

Same link.. F5 it!
You'll see the framerate starting to struggle, now.

I've spent the past hour or so experimenting with what works better..
lots of tiny sprites, or less larger ones.
The current tilemap uses a 24x24 grid of 64x64 pixel tiles.
This seems to be the perfect balance, but it's not ideal.

Alongside the tilemap is all that text (bitmap font = oodles of sprites, again at 64x64 pixels) plus 250 background stars (32x32 pixels) and 250 foreground particles, (32x32) as well as that oversized (32x32 but scaled to 320x320) spinning thing, and the TNT (144x144..?!)

So, yeah, plenty going on, there. Much more than most of my games would need.

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Fri, 09 Dec 2016, 08:14
Considering how much is going on that's pretty good
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