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Socoder -> What Have You Done -> What Have You Done? - January 2019

Tue, 29 Jan 2019, 15:48

What Have You Done? - January 2019

Apologies for posting this a little early but I felt the motivation to get this on here tonight for some reason


What did you get done in January 2019?
  • Coded up the majority of a stock control system for work in .NET, works pretty well considering, scales nicely to different screen resolutions, etc, etc.
  • Carried on with the gym stuff from last year
  • Completed my first 3 5k parkruns and got the kids to do a couple 2k runs during the month.

    Did everything turn out as planned?

    Not exactly, everything was going along swimmingly with the gym stuff until my parkrun on the 19th when I clearly over did my run, finishing just behind my sister in law who's been doing this stuff for years now.

    I was pretty pleased with how I did until I stopped after the finish line and my shins felt kinda broken and a lil mushy. I'd given myself shin splints which are pretty darn painful and have put a stop to my runnning and gym activites for the moment, although I'm hoping to get back down the gym tomorrow all things going well for some mostly upper body work stuff.

    The stock control system had loads of weird issues with the tablet PCs we're using as part of the set-up due to dll support for in-built webcams just simply not being there, after a long time of virtually banging my head against many walls I found the solution over the weekend and it's now in the final development bits until the first version will be being used by our warehouse staff, on quite an elabortate set-up too.


    What didn't you get done?
  • Any coding for myself

    Why not?

    I've just not really been in the mood for it of late, after 9 hours of app coding , it's difficult to muster up the energy for more coding, yes, even in the fun fun language that is assembly


    What are you working on right now?

    How's that going?


    What's the plan for next month?
  • Gently get back into the swing of things at the gym but not overdo it, particularly going easy on the legs for another few weeks sadly.
  • Keep on cranking the code out at work, I'll be setting up some custom accounting software next month probably which should be different.
  • Maybe some NES coding? I dunno.


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    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
  • Tue, 29 Jan 2019, 16:32


    What did you get done this Month?
  • AGameAWeek Started!
  • Disability Interview

    Did everything turn out as planned?

    The disability interview was in the middle of Manchester at 9am.
    It usually takes about 20 minutes from Little Lever, so Uncle Jimmy, who was taking us, set off from his house at 7am, to pick us up early enough to get there by 9.
    He didn't arrive at our house until 8, a journey that should've taken him 10 minutes, but the traffic was horrendous.
    Needless to say, we sat in 1mph traffic for a good two hours, arriving for the 9am appointment at dead on 10..

    Luckily I'd rang from the car, and kept them updated as we chugged along at stupid speeds.
    The interview seemed to go ok, but now's the shitty waiting part to see what they decide, during which I literally have zero income, so that's fun...


    What didn't you get done?
  • Metal

    Why not?

    Trying to keep my c++ framework stable, not break too much of it, but also integrate metal, has been tricky.
    Metal seems to prefer to be the topmost layer of code, whilst my framework handles graphics towards the bottom.. is the main issue..
    Trying to figure out how to combine the two has been problematic to say the least.
    Every time my head goes "oooh, I know a way!" it usually leads to a dead end.


    What are you working on right now?

    A chess game of sorts. Like an endless chess board with lots of enemy pieces attacking.

    How's that going?

    Ok'ish. I can make it either extremely piss-easy, or insanely hard, but can't seem to get the game to work in the middle, so it's been quite a pain to find that middle ground where the game is most fun.


    What's the plan for the next Month?
  • More Games for AGameAWeek
  • More Puzzles for Foldapuz
  • More Sprite Generating for my still unnamed Sprite Generator!

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