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Youtube region blocking!!!

6th May 2009

I just found out that youtube are showing full episodes of Bill & Ted's excellent adventures, but guess what, I'm not allowed to watch them because I live in the wrong country!!! :(
anyway, if anyone is in the correct country, here is a link... Bill &*snip*



30th March 2009

I just seen this during a search for a new micro SD reader...
I can't find anyone selling them yet though :(
As you can see, the MicroSD card actually slots inside the male USB connector!!!



10th January 2009

The 'Bigger, better, longer' version of DSision


Also Cute and Fluffy...

3rd January 2009

I have just abandoned my game in a sufficient place that it is playable. My first ever, and maybe last (what a headache it was) multiplayer game is finished(ish), and entered into the drunken coders winter competition. I've waited a long time for a reason*snip*


Keyboard + dictionary...

22nd December 2008

I have been attempting to make a keyboard with sort of predictive text, by reading a dictionary file, but i'm failing.
I'm not sure if it's just taking too long to search the file, or if i'm just doing it wrong :(
void find_word(char * wo*snip*


Linux Illegal!?...

12th December 2008

I can't really explain this, so I'll just tell you to read the following...
ignorant teacher claims linux to be illegal.
also the reply.


Me in a book!

28th October 2008

I was recently featured in this book (google translated page) about DS homebrew! I received my free copy today, and the very first thing I did, was find the relevant pages, and scan them. It seems that only two other homebrews were mentioned, NeoDS (I'm gu*snip*


Things that throw you...

2nd October 2008

...but shouldn't!
Recently at work, I was comment on how cold it was...
Me : ''Bit cold today isn't it...''
Boss : ''That'll be the weather.''
Me : ''...!''
Shouldn't have thrown me, perfectly acceptable reply, but, speechless.


DS broke again! :(

14th August 2008

OK, yet again my DS has inevitably broke, the same way every other DS breaks. The right shoulder has cracked. I managed to catch this before it broke off, and as I still had that green case I got that time, I replaced the lower inside plastic. So it's gone*snip*


Geek Joke...

8th August 2008

Helen just told me about a joke some guy put on the forum she goes to, and, for a geek joke, it's quite funny!
Why did the geek add body { padding-top: 1000px; } to his myspace page?
[spoiler]Because he wanted to keep a low profile![/spoiler]


Too much weather!

1st August 2008

I don't know about anyone else in the country, by i got very little sleep last night because there was far too much weather. By which i mean, i must have been asleep all of 15 seconds (around 3am), then wham! the loudest roll of thunder i've heard in a lon*snip*


Autosomal-dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst : ACHOO...

30th July 2008

Or, for those who don't have a clue what that means...
Sneezing caused by bright lights.
I am one of the ~30% of the human population that sneezes when i look at a bright light, the brighter the better, sunlight reflected off a large white surface works *snip*


New HDD...

29th July 2008

I finaly got a new external drive (250gb) which i fully intend to use to replace my internal (80gb) drive, and use the 80gb drive as the backup. My first step however, is to partition it and clone my current drive, as it always takes a few days to get all *snip*


Crackdown on music piracy..

25th July 2008

I just heard on the news that the major uk isp's are working with the music industry to crack down on file sharing. To me, it is far too late for such a move, as uk isp's have been telling us for ages (through tv commercials) that we must buy supre-fast br*snip*


Ganglion Cyst?...

12th July 2008

Has anyone here ever had a ganglion cyst? I have on on my right wrist, it developed some time over tha last weak i think, and its starting to hurt a bit.
The traditional method of removal is to whack it with a hard book, my first attempt to do this failed*snip*


Stupic F*cking Computer!!!

5th July 2008

Today (ok yesterday), a spyware checker popped up on my computer (after secretly installing and running itself). Not only is this annoying, but after it does its can, tells me i have a bunch of spyware etc. it takes my to a website that tells me i much buy*snip*



19th June 2008

last night, when I opened up my ds, the damn corner snapped off!! Same problem as a lot of white ds's, apparently the plastic is crap, even I can tell, the size of the hinge compared to how much pressure is put on it really is stupid. The thing should be r*snip*


Moment of Stupidity...

20th May 2008

Recently, I got tired of my soldering iron, the cable it too thick and short for easy use. I figured, having reasonable soldering skills, I would simple replace the original cable, with a different, longer, thinner one. So after opening up the iron, notici*snip*


ZIP files!!

14th May 2008

OK, This is one of the many things about stupid people who zip something then rar it then f*cking tar it, then some other sh*t, what the hell do they do that for!?!? once its compressed, that's it you're not going to get much else out of it, in some cases *snip*



13th May 2008

I am a big fan of mashups (mixing two or more unrelated songs together) but I have one main problem with most mashup's that I have heard, is that they use the tune from one song, and the lyrics from the other. A better way, that I prefer =, is to have lyri*snip*


Made my first 3D frame captures!

10th May 2008

I got bored so I started messing with powerdvd and paintshop pro and came up with the following. Put on your 3D glasses (red/blue) for these,I tried a couple of methods for this, some work better than others.
(Image.jpg) (Image.jpg) (Image.jpg)


£10 ds flash cart...

8th May 2008

I just found this link over on another forum, The TTDS is going for $20 on dealextreme. So if anyone is after starting coding on the DS, snap this up before the price changes!
In case anyone is wondering, $20 is an excellent price foe a flash*snip*


DS Dead! :(

7th May 2008

Thats right, I killed it :(
In the process of transplanting it into its new see through shell, I somehow killed the top screen, making the damn thing near completely useless. More details tonight when I get home.


Restarting menu...

20th April 2008

Yes, that right, in an effort to resolve some of the issues with DSision, I have decided to restart the project from scratch. I had ran into some memory issues with the previous version, resulting in some errors in the final build. The icons didn't always *snip*


Neoflash results are in

13th April 2008

and I scored quite well!
I came 2nd and 4th, I would have thought DSision would have done much better than media player, I have no idea what goes on the the heads of judges.
The NDS/GBA APP division of NEO SPRING COMPO 2008

Pos Project Tit*snip*

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