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QOTD - December 2023

10th December 2023

Isn't it interesting that people can taste things they don't like much easier than things they do. I bet you could tell the difference between a cake baked with or without eggs, whereas I wouldn't.


QOTD - December 2023

10th December 2023

Licorice, yet I don't mind Aniseed.... go figure.


QOTD - December 2023

8th December 2023

If you could bring one historical figure back to life to witness modern computing, who would it be and why?
Charles Babbage... I'd be like ''You know that idea you had? Well it rules the world now!''
What habits are preventing you from achiev*snip*


DallE 3

7th December 2023

Dammit, I was going to call him Disney James...


DallE 3

7th December 2023

Hmmmm it refused to do ''Sid James as a Disney character'' dammit 😋


QOTD - December 2023

4th December 2023



Who Hype 2023

3rd December 2023

[spoiler] It was nice to see Bernard again.


Machine Made Max

3rd December 2023

Having battled with this for a few days, it seems that text to speech on the pi is just plain useless. PArt of what I need to do it output the speech to a file (or file-like array) to be messed with later, but that just doesn't work at all. The engine *snip*


QOTD - December 2023

3rd December 2023

When ever I phone a manufacturers customer service departement, at the end of the call, I often say ''Thankyou, you've been a great help, enjoy the rest of your day''. When quite often they have been little to no help at all.


Who Hype 2023

30th November 2023

Didn't like the episode much at all. :-( It just wasn't Dr. Who.


Monk - The Movie

28th November 2023

Used to like monk, not sure how well it will hold up years later though.



28th November 2023

On windows a screensaver is just a .exe renamed to .scr that requires a command argument. I have no idea how Mac screensavers work, but they do have them.


ST Picard

25th November 2023

This is both terrible and brilliant!


Unresponsive mouse in Windows

19th November 2023

My bluetooth arc mouse would lag a lot for no reason, (only bt device paired) and would require clicking a couple of times and shaking. Then it would go off again. It was working fine for a good couple of years.
Switched back to a trackball.


QOTD - November 2023

16th November 2023

Werewolves ride free promotion or something?


QOTD - November 2023

15th November 2023

Got a Lordship.... Does that count?


Who Hype 2023

13th November 2023

Just remember to post it here once its on the tube, because I will most likely forget about it.


QOTD - November 2023

13th November 2023

An understanding of the concept of computer programming, apparently some people don't have that.


QOTD - November 2023

12th November 2023

Fun lessons?


YT blocking ad blockers.

8th November 2023

If the ads don't work, then the prices for the ads will drop and youtube will put even more ads to rais the same (or more) money.


QOTD - November 2023

8th November 2023

Divide by 0


YT blocking ad blockers.

7th November 2023



Goto Top

7th November 2023

At the bottom I guess. ''Preview Post | Uploads | BBCode Help | Back to Top'' ?
To be fair, there's only really one recent thread that needs it, but it wouldn't hurt.


Goto Top

7th November 2023

site suggestion.... ’’back to top’’ link at the bottom of the forum.


Machine Made Max

7th November 2023

Problem the 1st... CEX sold me a Raspberry Pi 1b+ and called it a 3b+. I thought it was running slow. Now I just have to try to prove it and get an exchange.

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