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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Pebble Time (aka Pebble 2)

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Mon, 27 Jul 2015, 08:48
Ain't it Cool News currently has a Max Headroom style animation in the top-left.
..just sayin'!

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Wed, 23 Sep 2015, 12:12
Next up : Circles

"Up to 2 days battery life"..

Hmm.. that kinda sucks.
The Pebble Time is meant to be "up to 7" and I typically get about 2 days out of it, since Misfit's constantly running in the background.
2/7ths of 2 days isn't very much, at all.

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Wed, 23 Sep 2015, 12:42
Hmmm.... round.... Way to innovate!
Fri, 22 Jan 2016, 12:46
After having the time for a while Jay, how does it compare to the pebble classic? I'm considering getting one, but I need convincing.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Fri, 22 Jan 2016, 13:01
They recently did a firmware update that adds "Pebble Health", doing step counting and sleep analysis much like the Misfit app did before.
Now you're basically getting those stats without having to have the misfit app running..
In general it means I get about 4 days battery, as opposed to the 2.5 I got having misfit constantly running
Turn off the health, and I get a full 7 days, but.. ... I like counting steps

Other than that, it has colour.
It also has a mic, but I've yet to find a purpose for it.

The charger seems more settled when connected, unlike the original one that seemed to keep losing its connection.

But... That's about it, really.
I use it the same way. Having it be in colour barely makes any difference in reality.
Sure, it's nice to have a full colour Platdude on my wrist, but ...
Meh.. Could go either way!!

If you can afford the unnecessary cost, then go for it. But think of it more a treat than a necessary upgrade.

It's like iPhone X to iPhone Xs.. It's not a huge step.. It's just a tiptoe along the way.

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Fri, 22 Jan 2016, 13:11
I wonder if would be a better investment than a mountain bike...

Check out my excellent homepage!
Fri, 22 Jan 2016, 13:31
You could use it to count how many steps you wouldn't have had to have taken, if you'd've bought the mountain bike!

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