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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Building PC Computer

Mon, 20 Aug 2007, 15:54
I might get this


I know they low quaity brand of ram but who care.

I already got spare hard drive and graphics cards.

All I need is new tower(with PSU).

what do you think?

Mon, 20 Aug 2007, 17:00
Well considering the info that I just looked up, I would say if you like it then go for it.

Smaller Links
Happier Links
Mon, 20 Aug 2007, 17:55
Ere Jay !... How do you get the links to shrink down like that ?.
Mon, 20 Aug 2007, 18:00

Some of the prices over there in england are outragious.
$300US is too much.

Mon, 20 Aug 2007, 18:10
all looks good to me, just make sure you got a PCI-e video card.

also for the case do not buy one with a PSU, they tend to be of poor quality. the antec 900 case and the coolermaster stackers really look great too me.

i plan on getting the antec 900 for my next case instead of building a new case, no cash/no time for one right now.

i like green haired girls...
Mon, 20 Aug 2007, 18:16
That RAM isn't low quality. Still, I would never buy computer parts of Ebay unless I was buying a shitty test rig.

Mon, 20 Aug 2007, 18:28
oh yeah as nolan said, ebay = bad

the parts themselfs look fine just not the source. personally i think you should buy them from a well known website

i like green haired girls...
Mon, 20 Aug 2007, 18:43
Try frys.com

They have comparable prices with warranties.

Mon, 20 Aug 2007, 19:11
@ Steve : [url=ReallyBigIncrediblyMassiveStupidlyInsaneLinkHere]shorter link description[/url]

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 20 Aug 2007, 20:50
Cheerz Jay.
Thu, 06 Sep 2007, 12:38
I saw a ready made system which are

QUAD CORE Q6600 Core 2 Duo 4GB 500GB nVidia 8800 GTS

it cost 800 pounds.

Can anyone get cheaper than that?
Fri, 07 Sep 2007, 08:22
I guess no one going to help me but I either but E4400 with 2GB Ram with good GPU or get this

QUAD CORE Q6600 Core 2 Duo 4GB 500GB nVidia 8800 GTS

I dont know which one I want.
Fri, 07 Sep 2007, 09:03
The second sounds better, but it says both Quad core and core 2 duo. Which is it? What is 10ghz-eff?
Fri, 07 Sep 2007, 09:52
well this pc spec

QUAD CORE Q6600 4GB 500GB nVidia 8800 GTS

Beat the hand down against E4400 core 2 duo.

What is 10ghz-eff?

It say 10GHZ which will be able to run anythings that current and future games to offer as long as it got top graphics card to go with.

Fri, 07 Sep 2007, 10:04
HotShot It say 10GHZ which will be able to run anythings that current and future games to offer as long as it got top graphics card to go with.

That tells me nothing of what '10ghz-eff' means. That is too fast to be referring to the speed of the CPU, graphics card or ram. So what is it referring to?

Is this online? Perhaps you could post a link?
Fri, 07 Sep 2007, 12:20
I presume it means effective (10ghtz effective)

Basically, if its quad core, and each core runs at 2.5ghts, its effectively like a single core 10ghtz processor.

I think

(its probably a big number to make it sound better, so they sell more)

''It works, but I'm not sure why it works...''
Fri, 07 Sep 2007, 13:41
Does anyone know Well know website for buying pc?

I do have pay pal
Fri, 07 Sep 2007, 14:34
Then it's wrong. A Quad Core 2.5ghz CPU is not the same as a single core 10ghz CPU. Especially since the amount of work per clock is a big factor. For example Pentiums are generally faster then Athlons, but are generally worse processors.

The performance also depends drastically on how the software is programmed. For example most games are only marginally faster on a quad core then on a duel core because most games are not designed to take advantage of multiple cores. In comparison benchmarking tools which do take advantage of 4 cores do give a score twice that of a 2 core system.

To say it's a 10ghz system is very misleading.
Fri, 07 Sep 2007, 15:46
Its only what I thought it was - I could be completely wrong

''It works, but I'm not sure why it works...''
Sat, 08 Sep 2007, 12:29
power mousey
oh yes it is!

ya see...you have each core running at least one object.
and an object can represent the input processes such as mouse and keyboard, another core for display and screen, and another core for math and physics, anothe rperhaps for networking.
Yet cores and each core can be assigned various object processes. Where as a core can work on 2 or more objects
at the same time. Or each core can work in unison of all the objects so its effectively like a 10ghz cpu.
Believe me the Propeller chip from Parallax and also used in the Hydra is like this too.

I wouldn't be surprised when the XGS 6502 comes out..that the cpu is a 8 or 16 core 32 bit propeller chip rigged to simulate and emulate a 6502 design architecture and philisophy and with improved hardware technogies and devices of today.
Especially removable flash hard drive and SD and MMC cards for one thing.

power mousey

Sat, 08 Sep 2007, 12:51
power mousey, this is where the confusion arises. You see, a standard application has only one thread, and thus can only use one processor. So for every input, network, graphics delay you have, the application must stop and wait for the delay. The application cannot make use of any extra processors, since the next instructions of the program could (and probably will) rely on the received data.

Now, that's not to say extra processors can't be useful. For operating systems that can utilize them, the other processors can be used to run other applications. And for multi-threaded applications, you can use however many processors are available. But that's only if the program uses multi-threading (which until recently has been a discouraged practice in software - but that should change).

Vesuvius web game
Sat, 08 Sep 2007, 13:02
power mousey
true, thats where th confusion arises.
I'm not just talking about threads or retreads.

I'm taking about your computer elements and processes broken down or categorized into objects. Sorta like parallel
processing...or seems to be like parallel processing.
Each core processes at least one object and/or cores
do multiple objects...no matter the x-number of threads.
The processes are defined as object oriented.

new editey:-->and with each object are defined or contained
basic or essential threads to do and/or act upon.

You can still assign all the cores to act together in unison for all the objects...like a hive collective.

For some further and more in depth information:


and forums.parallax.com/forums/

Also, you can ask and email the man....Andre Lamothe.

power mousey