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Socoder -> Question of the Day -> QOTD - October 2023

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Sun, 08 Oct 2023, 03:38
Just a pair of pyjama shorts for me. If it's too cold, I'll grab a t-shirt from the drawer, but I'm not fussy. I'm not a fan of cotton pyjamas. They make me itch like crazy.

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Sun, 08 Oct 2023, 03:58
Bob Ross Happy Trees pajamas. I have several pair in two different styles. Also one pair of Grinch pajamas.
Sun, 08 Oct 2023, 07:58
I mean, the ones I just made I guess
Sun, 08 Oct 2023, 08:46
Some sort of soft shorts, don't need to be pajama shorts, just soft. Usually a tshirs of some kind.

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Mon, 09 Oct 2023, 01:54

Question of the Day : October 9th

How do you approach game development on a limited budget?
Mon, 09 Oct 2023, 02:59
Mon, 09 Oct 2023, 03:02
^ See above ^
Mon, 09 Oct 2023, 13:19
1. Stay away from 3D.
2. Use tools like PureBasic, Jamagic or PICO-8
3. Stick to a very retro Atari 2600 style where I can handle the graphics as I have ZERO artistic talent and can no longer afford to pay somebody to make art for a free game.

I also need to:

0. Figure out the DPI bullshit
1. Buy SpiderBasic
2. Explore JSE
3. Explore SDL BASIC*

*Richard said he put an improved version of the sound engine for BBC BASIC for Windows in it.
Tue, 10 Oct 2023, 01:15

Question of the Day : October 10th

who's your favorite superhero?
Tue, 10 Oct 2023, 01:44
Me from '78 or '79. Should answer the question.

Tue, 10 Oct 2023, 01:51
Obligatory Speccy photo

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Tue, 10 Oct 2023, 02:51

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Wed, 11 Oct 2023, 01:30

Question of the Day : October 11th

What's an odd fact about yourself?
Wed, 11 Oct 2023, 01:43
My feet are slightly too big for my height?
Wed, 11 Oct 2023, 05:43
I once won first place in the category of "distance" in a Florida state farting contest. Mine could be smelled from eighty feet away.
Thu, 12 Oct 2023, 00:32

Question of the Day : October 12th

Can you name 5 things that are hidden in your bedroom?
Thu, 12 Oct 2023, 00:33
*looks around at all the packed boxes*

There's more than 5..

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Thu, 12 Oct 2023, 01:07
Theres a good amount of novelty compter crap stuffed into my wardrobe that I can't be arsed to put away properly.... does that count?

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Fri, 13 Oct 2023, 02:38

Question of the Day : October 13th

What's the weirdest thing in your food cupboard?
Fri, 13 Oct 2023, 02:48
Right now, the vast empty space.
We've been on minimal shops since we sold the house IN JUNE....

And you just know filling up, at the other end, is going to cost a pissing fortune, with the prices going up..

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Sat, 14 Oct 2023, 02:33

Question of the Day : October 14th

If you could travel back in time and witness any historical event, what would it be and how would you try to change it?
Sat, 14 Oct 2023, 02:56
"And witness" vs "How would you try to change it"..
.. make your mind up, SoCoder.

There are many things I'd love to change, but none of those I would like to witness.

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Sat, 14 Oct 2023, 03:57
Many events in the past happened so that people can learn something from it.

An event changed may mean, for someone: a lesson not learned.
Sun, 15 Oct 2023, 02:58

Question of the Day : October 15th

What would your first movie be about?
Sun, 15 Oct 2023, 03:52
A realistic vampire movie about someone called Jack who has one (or multiple) conditions that lead to the original vampire myths. Perhaps allergic to sunlight and garlic, and a hemoglobin defisiency.
It would be called Jackular.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sun, 15 Oct 2023, 05:35
In the sequel, perhaps he wants to go out in the sun, for a holiday..
He could wear sunglasses.. Spec Jackular.

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