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Socoder -> Killer Bites -> SnackVerse

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Thu, 12 Dec 2024, 14:26

Daim Bar

Looks like Daim, tastes like Daim. Crunchy on the inside, smooth and creamy on the outside.

(Insert obligatory Armadillo here)

It was nice enough, but I prefer the original.

Marabou Oreo

I'm not sure if this company is under the same bunch of companies as Cadbury, but with it being Oreo, I expect that's quite likely.
Gave me a bugger of a migraine, that has...

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Sat, 14 Dec 2024, 13:20


What a unique and easily trademarkable name..!

This is the Pepparkaka limited edition, which Google suggests is a gingerbread cookie.

Tiny. About the size of a DS Cartridge.

Absolutely no crunch to these. The "biscuit" top and bottom is fakery, and is a kind of gooey/creamy consistency all the way through.
Really quite nice, but.. tiny..

A google search brought this up.. It's a Walls Ice-Cream Sandwich...!!!?
How bizarre..
Available imported to the UK here, no idea how many 125g are. I imagine it's less than I'm imagining!!!

Dubbel Nougat

Another nice one from Marabou

Chocolate layer, and the bottom .. I want to say Peanut Butter?
Hazelnut and Almond, apparently.
Tasted lovely, but I'd say it was more fudge than what I'd call Nougat.
.. Though I was brought up on Nougat exclusively being those pink and white Barratt bars, so who am I to argue!?

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Sun, 15 Dec 2024, 13:20


Nothing magical here, this is pretty much a KitKat in a slightly different rectangular shape.

Alright, I suppose.
Just tasted like a KitKat


Chocolate and Hazelnut. I think it's Hazelnut, anyway.
Quite nice.
I do like this brand of chocolate, but .. Migraine's incoming. I think it may be Cadbury related.

Both of the above chocolate bars were bloody small, though.
The Squish-Kat was pretty much 1 finger's worth of KitKat, and the Marabou is roughly the size of a Freddo.
I sure do hope these are cheap, because.. Blinkin' eck!


AL Green.. That's two of my characters!

Teeny tiny little foam things.
They look like the ship token from Monopoly, and are roughly the same size, too. I'm not sure what they're supposed to be.

Amazon has them available in larger 125g bags (The bag here is only 30g!) and they're .. SIX QUID!?! Naff off!!! (Though, obviously that includes import taxes and such)

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Mon, 16 Dec 2024, 16:35


These are a standard Chocolate-coated-toffee toffee. Nice enough, but I wouldn't like a whole bag of these.
Luckily, there were only 2 small sweets in the box.. ... .. The cheap buggers.


Nothing much to see here, either, really. It's like if they made a Rolo Bar. .. Do they make a Rolo Bar? If they did, it'd be a Plopp, for Plopp is just a flattened Rolo.

And, size wise, it was about 2 x Rolos


It is green...

Green Marzipan with a bit of a chocolate coating, and inside..
Rum and nuts!?

I mean, it was nice, but it was also WAY too sickly. Maybe the marzipan, or maybe the combination of the marzipan with the rum.. Not sure.. WAY too sickly.
It was roughly the size of a Kinder Hippo, if you remember those.

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Wed, 18 Dec 2024, 05:50


Looks like one of those marshmallow Snowballs you used to get, but then you bite into it, and ...
Ooooh, nom nom nom..
It's like a chewy, sponge, coffee flavoured centre. Ooooh, lovely.


Sourcream and Onion

No surprise.
These taste like Sour Cream and Onion crisps!!..

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Thu, 19 Dec 2024, 16:47

Wasa Sandwich

A sandwich is a scrumptious filling contained within two slices of bread.

I'm not a fan of "Fake" Cheese, so these have been left until last. (Though, there's still one more item in this box...!)

Mint imperials on standby.

The texture is a LOT crunchier than I was expecting. Imagine each of the two biscuit layers being like THICK Cream Crackers.. That's how crunchy and crispy, and "chewy" they were.
Really not what I was expecting from the look.
Taste wise, the creamy filling was kinda like Primula cheese, specifically the Cheese and Chive one. Really quite tasty, actually, but I'm left with a really odd aftertaste, as I have been with a lot of this Swedish box.

It's alright. I won't grumble. It's a perfectly edible snack.
I wouldn't choose it, but it's alright.

Mint Imperials, incoming.

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Fri, 20 Dec 2024, 14:52

Bjare Chips

One final snack in the Swedish box, and, boy, have I been putting this one off.

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Sat, 21 Dec 2024, 06:01
Merry Christmas, one and all, it's time for another box.
This actually arrived a couple of days ago, but I'd still not dared try those god-awful crisps from the Swedish box.

December's Box Is..

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Sun, 22 Dec 2024, 06:21


Aye aye, captain!

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Mon, 23 Dec 2024, 18:17


"The flavour HITS you!"

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Tue, 24 Dec 2024, 08:51

Snakes Alive!!!!

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Tue, 24 Dec 2024, 13:49

Violet Crumble

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And then... Mum lost her fucking shit...

Nestle Peppermint Crisp

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Fri, 27 Dec 2024, 18:18
We've run out of turkey.
Back to the Snackbox..!!


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Red Rock Deli

Honey Soy Chicken

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Thu, 02 Jan 2025, 03:49
Munchies were had whilst watching "Goodnight Mr Tom" last night.

Mars Bar - Raspberry

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KitKat - Milkybar

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Zappo - Grape

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Mon, 06 Jan 2025, 14:30
Munchies whilst watching some undefined telly. (I'm not admitting to watching Corrie)

Freddo - Strawberry

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Caramello Koala

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Cherry Ripe

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All three Cadbury bars, all three about the same size.
We had a lovely cadbury night!
And, surprisingly, no migraine from any of the three, which is really nice.
I'm usually REALLY bad with Cadbury chocolate, so I guess it's just British Cadbury..

Destroy the originators!!!!

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Tue, 07 Jan 2025, 16:50

French Fries

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Burger Rings

Ooooh, please be like Quarterbacks, please be like Quarterbacks!!!

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Wed, 08 Jan 2025, 10:29

Life Savers - Musk

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Thu, 09 Jan 2025, 13:55

Frogs Alive

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Obligatory Tim Tam

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Thu, 09 Jan 2025, 13:57
Aussie snack attack!
Sun, 12 Jan 2025, 12:42


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Arnott's Shapes

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Fri, 17 Jan 2025, 13:42

Jacob's Bites

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Fri, 17 Jan 2025, 15:14
Remember the ritz sandwich crackers with cheese in them?

Check out my excellent homepage!
Fri, 17 Jan 2025, 15:26
They still do Tuc with cheese. I think those are as close as we get to those, but.. yeah, that's a different texture again.
Best bet, box of ritz and a tube of primula

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Mon, 10 Feb 2025, 07:13
Gawd, that's been almost a whole month since I last had a snack from the Snackverse! They've been sending out emails for the past couple of weeks apologising. Apparently a couple of the items they'd got had short dates on them or something, so they opted to do a restock of a few items rather than risk of murdering us with bizarre foreign snacks.

(But I reckon they just over-did it trying to rush out December's Xmas box!)

Welcome to Greece

I hope there's a John Travolta in the box!

Upside down Y, o, u, E with extra squiggles

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Tue, 11 Feb 2025, 10:59


These were munched after midnight, last night.
Nom nom!

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Fri, 14 Feb 2025, 01:46


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Cuba - Spicy

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