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deleted user

Season's Greetings

1st January 2013


deleted user

Season's Greetings

1st January 2013


deleted user

Season's Greetings

1st January 2013


deleted user

Season's Greetings

1st January 2013


deleted user

delete my account

20th September 2012

delete my account

deleted user

Gimme da Desktop

2nd July 2010

not great

deleted user

hot totty

27th April 2010


deleted user

tile or x and y based

12th January 2010

you and JL235 have brought up an interesting thought and to be honest I hadn't thought of anything like that, about splitting the screen up into blocks, within blocks.
I guess the best way to find out is with some basic demos,

deleted user

tile or x and y based

12th January 2010

thanks, I understand and agree with your ideas.
I guess I need to think about it more, as I only have some basic sketches of my game. and will need to think how I make things like the buildings and their roofs to run across, whether they are going to be *snip*

deleted user

tile or x and y based

12th January 2010

I've never made a platform game before, a bit different from click based edu-games for children.
But I've been working on a tile based level editor in blitzmax,
and am wondering what would be quicker for big but not overly large levels, a tilebased *snip*

deleted user

QOTD : Got Mail?

2nd January 2010

The last one was from me, testing sending out e-mail from my new smartphone, and a reply from my mother in the UK saying "yes, it works"

deleted user

QOTD : New Year's Resolutions?

31st December 2009

1. Get more than 30% through making a game.
2. Get blitzmax working on ubuntu 64-bit version.
3. Gain a superhero power.

deleted user

The forum game! (Modem warning : lots of pics)

29th December 2009


deleted user

The forum game! (Modem warning : lots of pics)

29th December 2009


deleted user

Correct Acer 5735 Driver?

24th December 2009

is this any help

deleted user

Correct Acer 5735 Driver?

24th December 2009

I have an acer 6930, the driver for what? or do you mean all of them?

deleted user

To drink or not to drink!

5th December 2009

I'm in spain and I like guiness,, but when I go home to wales, I ussually drink the best beer in the world, brains dark, it's like guinness but smoother and a bit more chocolatly:
I also like a red wine for a night in or a film night

deleted user

File Insanity

4th December 2009

My desktop is very clean with no icons and some simple temprature and cpu/network stats and using linux as my OS all the programs are sorted and together, but...
my directories are a mess. I have the linux '/' and '/home' partitions seperated, also I h*snip*

deleted user

Characters you never used...

27th November 2009

the rabbit is cuuuuutte!
my awful attempt at animation:
she's called 'jump girl'.
and this is 'space boy':

deleted user

After Blitz...

26th November 2009

I had a little play with purebasic, and it was quite easy coming from Blitz, although I with the demo whether it is as good as it says
It also aims to be very cross compatible, I use Linux and the limited :-( linux demo worked well and what I wrote in the*snip*

deleted user

QOTD : Well, I thought it was!

16th November 2009

dressed up as a naughty-nurse for Halloween

deleted user

Battlestar Galactica!

16th November 2009

I loved Battlestar galactica, the earlier seasons more. I agree about Kara Thrace, it didn't really come to anything or importance of what she was meant to be in the final episodes, and preferred it when she and Apollo where fighter pilots instead of a re*snip*

deleted user

Airplane abducted by UFO...

6th November 2009

OMG, I was going to go home by plane at Christmas, Now, I'm not so sure.

deleted user

QOTD : Are we all fucked?

2nd November 2009

yeh, the stuff you see factories pump out (usually at night) is unbelievable, if you think there are millions of them all doing the same, so I think they should clean the factories up first, before they start slowly taking away more of our freedom, that'l*snip*

deleted user

QOTD : Gotta Love Coding!

14th October 2009

I think after you eventually overcome a challenging problem in the code, which you haven't been able to work out how to do for a long time.
Sometimes, the answer has come to be in bed and I've switched my computer on late, just to write psuedo-code or *snip*

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