-=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- (c) WidthPadding Industries 1987 0|457|0 -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=-


JSE - Jay's Scripting Engine

29th May 2022

in blitzbasic, you can add a function parameter with default value center=1
then you could write the function like
function CollideRectToRect(x,y,w,h,c=1)
if c=0
end if
End Function
In that way you need only to write the *snip*


JSE - Jay's Scripting Engine

29th May 2022

Looks like the CollideRectToRect is not checking the coordinates in the way (starting point x,y + width + height) but in the centered square position ?!
// Bug-CollideRectToRect
// by dan
// Created 2022/5/29
Graphics 512,512,1


Bug with jse? NextBug

27th May 2022

Uhm, have you ever had a span of time when you felt like you do not want to code ?
Then you coded for few months, then stopped, then again, then stopped again ...
Well, currently for me, it is starting as if i could do coding again.


Random walker graph

27th May 2022

How about to squash some bugs ?
// Display Random walking bugbers
// by Dan
// Created 2022/5/27
Graphics 200,200,3
Dim Squares(10)
#const $display=SetCol z*15,z*15,255 : Rect x+(z*18),100,18,(Squares(z)*sh),0 : SetCol 20,20,20 : DrawRect x+(*snip*


Streaming Recommendations

27th May 2022

Mr.Beeman !


Bug with jse? NextBug

27th May 2022

Or the jse is using next instead of the variable


Bug with jse? NextBug

27th May 2022

When i have changed the beginning letters it worked.
So It seems to be the nexttrack variable (jse thinks it is the next command !???)
// bug with dimensions
// by <pakz>
// Created 2022/5/27
dim bots(10,10) //
Graphics 512,512,1 *snip*


Random walker graph

27th May 2022

I just saw the moving graph on the (Linkage) so i made one in jse.
// Display Random walking numbers
// by Dan
// Created 2022/5/27
Graphics 200,200,3
Dim Squares(10)
#const $display=SetCol z*15,z*15,255 : Rect x+(z*18),y-(Squares(z)*sh),18,(*snip*


Interesting CONST Use

25th May 2022

Nice !
// consting
// by Dan
// Created 2022/5/26
rem ThrowParticle( SourceX, SourceY, [ Type ], [ Direction ], [ Speed ], [ Symbol ] , [ Colour ], [ Blend Mode ] )
Graphics 512,512,1
Symbol 0,''0__0,440!440!440,4_4/0,440!440!44'';


A Big Move

23rd May 2022

If you want to have a honest answer:
Wherever you go, you are carrying your thoughts with you.
Therefore does it really matter where you are ?
I'm saying, because wherever you go, sooner or later you will find some/same reasons to leave that place *snip*


Box Dispensing

21st May 2022

Or RandomizedBorder


Box Dispensing

20th May 2022



Ripe Crawler / Agent Block

18th May 2022



Box Dispensing

15th May 2022

aaah i thought you want 1 row/column of the boxes around the square.


Box Dispensing

15th May 2022

If you have to place the boxes around the fixed size (i mean not going smaller) rectangle, then calculate if they fit.
If they do not, increase the size and do the calculation again until they fit.
arbitrary code is:
rem increase the rectangle u*snip*


Box Dispensing

15th May 2022

The trouble, at leas for me is, that i do not know what you want to do.
see these question to understand the problem:
What happens if you have 1 box instead of 100 ?
What should be, if you have 2 boxes ? 3 ? 4?
if you have 4 boxes, shall they be on th*snip*


Box Dispensing

15th May 2022

Just start with what i gave you. see the result, then you may discover how to apply dynamic values.
Because as soon as you start thinking in that way, a solution may come up.


Box Dispensing

15th May 2022

To calculate the top count, you simply use, say 5 (box width) + 2 (spacing) = 7 pixel
If the rectangle is 200 pixel in width, then calculate
200/7, and you get how many squares can fit there (rounded down)
at least, this is how i would begin with.


Box Dispensing

15th May 2022

What you should have is the width/height of the boxes and the spacing in between.
When you have it, it is easy to calculate how many boxes fit in the top part.
You can do that with one side.
Then you calculate the (count of the top part*2 + the count o*snip*


Happy Birthday, Dabz

11th May 2022

Happy Birthday !


The A500 Mini

10th May 2022

Yes, and a working keyboard mod like this:


Language Comparison Code : Basic Functionality Example

9th May 2022

Ok i have decided to try it in AutoIt3.
If you want to test it, you have to get the include file from Here (My Ascii Game Framework)
#include ''GDIP_AsciiGamework_include.au3''
#include <ScreenCapture.au3>
;;Startup and ending


Language Comparison Code : Basic Functionality Example

9th May 2022

If you do not have an image then replace the img=loadimage line with this:
img=CreateImage(128,128) ; Any image will do
SetBuffer ImageBuffer(img)
For x=1 To 100
Color Rnd(200)+55,Rnd(200)+55,Rnd(200)+55
Line Rnd(128),Rnd(128),Rnd(128)*snip*


The A500 Mini

4th May 2022

I do not have an amiga mini. But i saw someone doing some mods, on youtube:


Two Jobs

30th April 2022

If you like to do an experiment:
When going to sleep, this night, say with your thoughts: ''When i wake up, i will know which job to take.''
Do this few times (at least 3 times in the exact same wording), in a sense to have a dream which will bri*snip*

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