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Applications of Calculus

14th September 2008

Really cool stuff in here


Seth MacFarlane's Adverts!

11th September 2008

From the maker of Family Guy (like you couldn't tell a mile off!!)


Browser Shots

10th September 2008

Test your web design in different browsers.


Commander Keen - Episodes 1 to 5 - 50% off!

6th September 2008

This weekend, Steam is doing 50% off on every ID game.
This means that the complete Commander Keen is a complete steal at $2.49!
Sure, there's probably a torrent/free download somewhere as with most DOS games (and if you're like me, you've probably got a*snip*


Mozilla Labs: Ubiquity

27th August 2008

Bringing the command line to the browser - check out the video and if you want install it as a firefox extension.
I've just installed it and it is really cool. The define and tinyurl commands are really nice.
I might even (re)sign up for google mail just*snip*


YouTube Comment Snob

24th August 2008

A firefox extension to filter out idiotic comments on YouTube.
Sometimes the completely awful comments make me laugh. Sometimes I wonder if it's all a really elaborate joke that everyone is in on. But usually, it makes me freaking depressed at how complet*snip*


Wireless Electricity

22nd August 2008

Intel cuts electric cords with wireless power system


Great Self Defense

20th August 2008

I don't know how many times I've seen this video but I keep laughing my ass off, have a look :-)


Chad Vader

18th August 2008

I command you to watch these videos.


At my job

15th August 2008

This is where I work (its a video).
I'm not in the video, but it was cool that the news did a interview of the business.


HE-HEY... Imagine the fun you could have.

11th August 2008

[edit]If they manage to perfect this, they could apply it to cinemas, for when Mr Lankie sits in the next row in front of you.[/edit]


Web Development Cheat Sheets

10th August 2008

Reg Ex, Javascript, CSS, PHP, htaccess mod_rewrite


The LHC May Be Shut Down From the Future

5th August 2008

''As the LHC supposedly gears up, Harvard physicist Kevin Black, based at CERN, investigates rumors that the particle accelerator may, in fact, soon be shut down—by ripples from the future.''
Dun dun duuuuun!!!
Edit: Speaking of which, it shoul*snip*



5th August 2008

That's gotta hurt. :P
Tube took it down :(:(:(


XSLT Introduction

5th August 2008

Instead of using (X)HTML to markup a page, you can use pure XML to hold the data and then use an XSLT stylesheet which then decides how the markup is applied. e.g:


If only all doctors were as dedicated as this.

5th August 2008

This Doctor deserves a Knighthood or something !.


Cool flying machine

4th August 2008

I though i might share this with you guys, its a video of what i think is the best looking flying machine ever.
And also a robot learning to walk



4th August 2008



Can you Adam And Eve this ?...

4th August 2008

I seriously cannot begin to believe that there are still people out there, who still believe the Earth is flat.
If that wass the case, then how would satellite communication be possible ?.


Something better than just water?

2nd August 2008

It looks like the red planet may be packing more than just water.. Who knows.


Electronic Legos

2nd August 2008

Build it yourself electronics are closer, but pricey.


Martian Water: Real + Confirmed!

1st August 2008

NASA Spacecraft Confirms Martian Water, Mission Extended


Pathfinding with a Navigation Mesh

26th July 2008

Scroll down past the video and there's a really nice article on using a navigation mesh for pathfinding instead of way points.


YSlow for Firebug

26th July 2008

YSlow analyzes web pages and tells you why they're slow based on the rules for high performance web sites. YSlow is a Firefox add-on integrated with the popular Firebug web development tool.


Microsoft to sponsor the Apache Software Foundation

25th July 2008

Hell Froze Over!

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