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Bitmapfont as text

18th November 2018

Bitmap fonts as easy as text. Color is changeable with the color statement.
This was made only for one font (at time), but can be expanded to use multiple fonts. For example, replacing img_font, img_char and Fontstring$ for arrays.
This is for monospace*snip*


Font Makey Thingy

17th November 2018

Fony is a bitmap font editor, originally created for editing Windows bitmap fonts in FON/FNT format.
Fony runs on Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7 and newer.
So far it can load the windows fonts in the .fon/.fn*snip*


Know your Language - Bug or Feature

11th November 2018

Here is another candidate, this time is the Shift and the Number Pad Keys.
Graphics 800,640,32,2
Graphics 480,220,32,3
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
AppTitle ''Keyboard test''
Color $ff,$ff,$ff
If KeyDown(42) Then Text 0,0,&*snip*


Creepy Mouse Tracking

6th November 2018

Great !


Creepy Mouse Tracking

5th November 2018

Here i'm using the Scite 4 autoit to compile autoit scripts.
When the Scite is open, and an au3 file is loaded, then i can use Tools/compile menu to open a compiling window called ''AutoIt3Wrapper gui to compile AutoIt3 scripts''
There you s*snip*


Creepy Mouse Tracking

4th November 2018

Try to uncheck ''Use upx'' first. Or changing ''Fileinstal Compression'' to lowest


Know your Language - Bug or Feature

3rd November 2018

I was surprised by seeing my code and wondering why it is not working ..., the file dialog was not appearing or only for a second, with a fast flash, or occasionally appearing when clicking on the button and moving the mouse away.
And only by the closer l*snip*


File/Folder browsing in Blitz3D...

3rd November 2018

:lol: well, as long as blitz runs on windows its not late ^^;
Great looking indentation as well :)
Thanks, its ideal.
i mean, done by ideal. the ide, aI ;)
(pun : that's big i in the last al ) (edit well it looks the same in*snip*


File/Folder browsing in Blitz3D...

2nd November 2018

Hello, for my project i'v used the code from Phoenix, and here are my modifications:
Const gfxW = 400
Const gfxH = 300
Graphics(gfxW, gfxH, 0, 2)
Graphics(gfxW, gfxH, 0, 3)
; All files in the current dir are given *snip*


Cat Link

2nd November 2018

sigh ...


Cat Link

2nd November 2018

Nice crow: Facebook Linkage i mean cat, cat CAT !


Know your Language - Bug or Feature

2nd November 2018

When Suddenly, the code is not working, and you ask yourself, why not ?
While MouseDown(1) Delay 10 Wend
Print ''yah''
While MouseDown(1)=0 Delay 10 Wend
Print ''clicky''
While MouseDown(1) Delay 10 Wend
Print ''aha&quo*snip*


GetDrive$ - create a list of available drive letters

2nd November 2018

Create a list of available drive letters


Creepy Mouse Tracking

2nd November 2018

Here is an autoit example of ''global'' mouse tracking:
#include <Misc.au3>
HotKeySet(''{END}'', ''_Quit'') ; Hit ''END'' to quit
$dll = DllOpen(''user32.dll'')
While 1
If _IsPressed(''01&q*snip*


Creepy Mouse Tracking

1st November 2018

Something like this ?
(the characters are actually in a transparent borderless window (big as their size) and could be drag'n'dropped)
It's done with autoIt 3
You can find a download of my modification of the screenmate here: Emu.Zone or*snip*


Blitz Eye's

1st November 2018

Now blitzbasic has eye's, too !


See more of the game screens while in play.

31st October 2018

Great, thanks for sharing.


Extract image width+height without loading - bb3d

28th October 2018

Reads image information from bmp/jpg/png/tga/gif without loading the file


Amos Returns

28th October 2018

Great news, lets see if it will be useful as Blitzbasic (on PC) is.



27th October 2018

Hello, this is another useful app, which i'm using here.
I use it mainly to launch apps, and write down some notes, but it can do more.
Here is a link to a review page on donationcoder.com
Again, as the main page (http://www.nebulasoft.cn/minipa*snip*


Locate32 - Find files

27th October 2018

Hello, i would like to introduce this freeware program, that i'm using here.
Description from the HP:
Locate32 finds files and directories based on file and folder names stored in a database. Locate32 saves to a database the names of all fil*snip*


Happy Birthday Rychan

19th October 2018

Happy B-Day !


Shoutbox Topic - 363

25th September 2018

Ah i see, that would misspell on the QWERTY keyboard layout.
(using qwertz kb here)


Shoutbox Topic - 363

25th September 2018

What is JAT ???


Happy Birthday, SoCoder

8th September 2018

Happy invention-day !

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