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Daily Dislike

21st October 2022

572 was my highest of the first 3 scores. On the .net link.
Edit... played a second time and got 582. If you see that score uploaded you know something has gone wrong. :)


QOTD - October 2022

20th October 2022

Ah lasagne... similar story, but I now have it on the menu every week and is a favourite. Home made of course, I build mine cheesy.
For a long time in my younger years I had a psychological block on anything green. I could taste the colour in my mind, w*snip*


Daily Dislike

20th October 2022

Ultimately, this us the Jay site. You make it happen and you make it a nice place to hang out.
Personally, I don't see a problem with that. I don't know what everyone else thinks?
The poll is kind of fun but I like the idea of the game with a cha*snip*


Daily Dislike

19th October 2022

Just thoughts. Daily spike dislike. Could you make a special version just for us here on socoder. You know me, looking at gamification like would you rather... so the special version would be a button to open the game. You get three goes and you submit yo*snip*


Happy Birthday, Rychan

19th October 2022

Happy cake days


Quantum Leap - 2022

15th October 2022



No Man's Sky - Switch

14th October 2022

I did think of that initially but I'm finding it with which ever ship I'm flying.


R.I.P. Robbie Coltrane

14th October 2022

So sad.


No Man's Sky - Switch

14th October 2022

With the latest version, the buy and exchange price for ships is coming out exactly the same ... are you seeing that?


The Cost of Staying Warm

13th October 2022

Yea, imagine 4x jayenkai's all using computers and boiling kettles, all living in an old 1920's house that is insulated as much as it can be.
You can see why I've not shut up about the potential costs. The calculator still shows what the ener*snip*


The Cost of Staying Warm

13th October 2022

If of any use for my uk chums. Octopus have put their calculator back up again, with the UK price guarantee prices in place. This gives an idea of what my energy usage for the next 12 months could cost.
From December to February, it thinks on my past usag*snip*


Mind Poke - October 2022

12th October 2022

Which version is this, the original?


No Man's Sky - Switch

11th October 2022

I didn't think to try that.


No Man's Sky - Switch

11th October 2022

Ah OK. Good to know. I guess you can use the teleporter stargates at stations to go back and forward on your route?
This is now the furthest I've got to in the game.
Thanks for the tip on getting the Switch ship and multitool.
I've had the game*snip*


No Man's Sky - Switch

11th October 2022

I've set up my second base on a green planet with glowy trees and grass. I bet its not 100 miles away from your version which had the slow down originally. Thankfully its running at a good speed with the latest patches as you found. Also has this nice*snip*


No Man's Sky - Switch

10th October 2022

Ah, I had to shoot some pirates and then follow a comms thing, land at a crash site, get name, fly into space and answer another comms message and now I can summon the Anomaly.


No Man's Sky - Switch

10th October 2022

[quote]head to the Anomaly (dpad down whilst in space, it's in there somewhere!!) then head to the Quicksilver guy[/quote]
What does head towards the Anomaly mean? I can see the galaxy map on dpad down. I've only jumped once so far... do I need to*snip*


No Man's Sky - Switch

10th October 2022

Hehe...I know, difficult to put down.
Ooo will have a look.
New inventory interface is different, and tiny. Need magnifying glass hehe.


P5.js Language

10th October 2022

Yea, the coding train guy is a bit energetic but you watch a few videos and it seems its just him, rather than being put on, and the content is pretty interesting.
Lots of good javascript with p5 videos, which is perfect for my son. Conways life and snak*snip*


No Man's Sky - Switch

10th October 2022

Nice. I did wonder as I thought this was version 4.0 already, I was looking for all the difficulty settings you were supposed to be able to tweak.
I bet they've fixed the part exchange glitch .... hopefully I'll get to keep my nice ship :)


P5.js Language

10th October 2022

Playing with p5.js, primarily to help my son with something. Anyone used this before? Ps: rediscovered it due to that coding train guy on YouTube, who did that Apple BASIC snake video...he covers p5 a lot.


No Man's Sky - Switch

10th October 2022

Shhh no spoilers, in the past when I've played other versions I have never got further than a few hyperspace jumps and then i tend to get lost on what I need to do. This v4 update seems much improved so hopefully I'll get further now and I'm no*snip*


No Man's Sky - Switch

10th October 2022

Perhaps this is where the extra power through the Dock might help? I've not found any taxing planets yet but will test that when I do.
Obviously nothing can be done if playing in handheld mode. Can understand why they took some time to get the switch*snip*


The Cost of Staying Warm

10th October 2022

I've got the Nest scheduled for low temperatures and it's getting cold enough for the heating to come on, in the mornings mostly.

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