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Socoder -> In-Development -> AGameAWeek Progress Report

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Tue, 17 Jun 2014, 13:46
Floors are in...

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Tue, 17 Jun 2014, 19:38
Hmm.. Still fiddling these physics, but they're good enough for a quick flapping!
Vine of Flap

Now, exactly what will the game be... hmmmm....

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Fri, 20 Jun 2014, 15:30
After a couple of days not doing anything, I took a couple of hours to add AI characters, and a simplistic health display style.

Tomorrow I'll tackle character bumping, then see about getting multiplayer stuff working, although that might end up being just 2 player co-op mode, 'cos I'm struggling with time after the time I've spent pissing about with my new phone

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Sat, 21 Jun 2014, 09:27
Bumping working, dying working, game pretty playable..
Now to add fixtures and fixings, and make some kind of level structure or something.

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Sat, 21 Jun 2014, 16:42
Spent the week working on the code with the intention of adding two-player co-op/battle modes. Everything was going smoothly until I went to tweak the controller for player 2, at which point I suddenly realised my "Analogue Control" controller code needs a complete rejigging to work for two separate controllers...

A task for the morning, methinks, and I'll probably port any tweaks over to the framework for quick and easy future reuse.


Meanwhile, Single player mode is up and running, and appears to be fairly stable.
It's nothing special, simply you in the arena with another "Battling Ostrich" (Platdude in ... Battling Ostriches!)
Kill that guy and another drops down from the top of the screen.. Kill enough and more than one shows up, and then it gets progressively tougher.
Rinse and repeat, until dead!

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Mon, 23 Jun 2014, 18:19
Never did get round to fixing that multiplayer code.. Hmmm..
As a result, single player only.
Playable here
It's still quite fun as a single player game. .. but I might rejig it later. We'll have to wait for a gap in my AGameAWeek schedule!!

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Mon, 23 Jun 2014, 18:33
the graphics on that blurry Orb are good.
Did you use BMax or B3D?
If Max then in your opinion could B3D make that work the same?

Mon, 23 Jun 2014, 18:52
You'll have to narrow it down.. Which blurry orb are you on about?!

In general, I use BMax for creating coded-little graphical assets. It can generate nice .png files, whereas B3D can only really output in .bmp format.

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Fri, 27 Jun 2014, 06:27

Coming soon, if the resulting game is even vaguely playable, Duck'n'Swan!

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Sun, 29 Jun 2014, 06:57
Couldn't make it playable.
The general idea was that Left stick controlled the Swans and Right stick controlled the Ducks.
There would be obstacles, collectables and evil harpoons shooting across the screen.
But bloody hell, they're completely uncontrollable!

I spent most of this week trying to get the two sets of birds to be controllable, and they're still not do-able.
Perhaps I'm just not ambidextrous enough for it, but.. I was hoping at least something vaguely playable might've emerged.

It didn't.
I'm giving up.

AGameAWeek Game Fail : The first of these in a long long time...

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Sun, 29 Jun 2014, 16:26
Maybe it could come back in the future as a 2 player / vs cpu game?

Either way, don't beat yourself up about it, your games are enjoyed by many!

P.S. Made it to level 25 on Space Clusters (easy setting) tonight, yay!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 01 Jul 2014, 18:31
A busy week ahead, I think.
I've decided to tackle the Tower Defence genre, and am currently working on a sort of gamey gui to wrap the whole thing into. Given this is day one, and I so far have nothing more than a bloody grid, it's not exactly progressing at a super-fast speed..

I have a vague sense of where I want the game to end up, but the idea in my head is WELL above and beyond my usual AGameAWeek abilities. I might end up having to stretch this one out a bit.
But.. Hey.. You never know. This is AGameAWeek, after all, and even Blockman Worlds ended up being a simple one-week task.
I seem to be challenging myself a lot, timescale wise, lately, and I guess that's a good thing. .. maybe!
I'm trying not to overdo things, though.

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Sat, 05 Jul 2014, 09:26
Haven't even started this one..
I think I've overdone it, lately. Hmmm...

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Sun, 06 Jul 2014, 18:39
OK, started it. It's taken about a week to get myself into a coding mood, and I'm not quite sure why, but I'm going to put it down to general over-doing it! Seems to be the most logical explaination..

Gotta figure out all the complicated stuff, next!

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Thu, 17 Jul 2014, 06:06
Alright, failing to dig my heels into either of the two projects currently in the works, so am doing something entirely different instead..

Platdude in "A Go Kart!"

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Thu, 17 Jul 2014, 09:13
\o/ I love racing games!
Thu, 17 Jul 2014, 15:26

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Fri, 18 Jul 2014, 16:53
Super Happy Stars!
Sat, 19 Jul 2014, 06:31

Now to make a bunch of tracks and things.. Erk!!

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Sun, 20 Jul 2014, 07:11

First official "realtime" PaperArcade cabinet done!
I forgot to load the thicker Photo paper into the printer, though, so it came out on thin paper, and ended up all goopey and warped by the glue. Bah..

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