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What Have You Done : 8th September 2010

9th September 2010

I want it so bad :(


What Have You Done : 8th September 2010

9th September 2010

Oi, Jay, can you download the Xcode 4 preview?


New Site Design (Janice)

9th September 2010

Because female names sound a lot better than male names


What Have You Done : 8th September 2010

8th September 2010

What did you get done this week.
[*]Wrote this post
[*]Made a new design I'll be using for my site at some point
Did everything turn out as planned?
This post didn't, because I wrote it once and accidentally hit 'Refresh', which cau*snip*


Any good books, lately?

29th August 2010

Could read the Baroque Cycle by Neal Stephenson. That's a pretty good series.


Blehblah Art

29th August 2010

While we're posting art...


What Have You Done : 25th August 2010

26th August 2010

What did you get done this week.
[*]Released a free version of Ascension, updated both to v1.6
[*]Got most everything ready for school, then started classes
Did everything turn out as planned?
Well, the coding went as planned. School has not been*snip*


What Have You Done : 18th August 2010

19th August 2010

What did you get done this week.
[*]Moved back into my Boise apartment
[*]Worked on an Ascension update
Did everything turn out as planned?
More or less.
What didn't you get done?
[*]Nothing I can think of
Why not?
See above.


Two Weeks Later

8th August 2010

Sorry, no zombies


What Have You Done : 4th August 2010

4th August 2010

What did you get done this week.
[*]Played Just Cause 2 a lot
[*]Updated my phone to Android 2.2
Did everything turn out as planned?
I think.
What didn't you get done?
Why not?


What Have You Done : 28th July 2010

28th July 2010

What did you get done this week.
[*] (Linkage)
Did everything turn out as planned?
Not quite. Milestone/Droid users were unable to see the app due to a bug in their recent update to Android 2.1.
What didn't you get done?
[*]Lots of things*snip*


Programming language design

26th July 2010

I would assume public in that scope would be the module.


Ascension for Android (and Disjointed Rambling!)

26th July 2010

Well, I just finished my first app for Android, a live wallpaper I'm calling Ascension.
You can view some pictures here on AppBrain, this is a market link (this link will only work on Android phones with the Market app), and this is a giant version of the*snip*


What Have You Done : 21st July 2010

21st July 2010

What did you get done this week.
[*]Made a new skin for blitzbasic.com
[*]Made the live wallpaper a lot nicer
[*]My bank account was approved for payouts on Android's market, which is good. Not really something I did, but it's a good thing it's do*snip*


QOTD : Bias Towards Installers?

17th July 2010

On Mac OS, you typically don't use installers. You have self-contained app bundles that are to be dragged into your Applications directory, and then, if the user wants to, they can drag your app into the trash, and that should comprise the entirety of the*snip*


What Have You Done : 14th July 2010

14th July 2010

What did you get done this week.
[*]I sort of got my live wallpaper done.
[*]Researched Android market policies and such, what it looks like as far as sales go, etc.
Did everything turn out as planned?
Never does. Doing some research on Android's*snip*


Android Market Spam

13th July 2010

I've been working on a live wallpaper for Android for about.. a little under two days now. Not very long - it really doesn't take a lot of effort to get something to look nice if you know what you're doing, read docs, and happen to be an artist - and Andr*snip*



12th July 2010

You could make the showcases column smaller and move the shoutbox into the same column as the video/where the polls were. That way it looks fuller and doesn't require introducing anything new.


best server OS

6th July 2010

FreeBSD, just based on what most folks I know who do run servers say, it's supposed to be more secure, easier to set up, etc.


Aw, geeze, Flamewar...

6th July 2010

I demand a third option.
Also, aside from control structures, I think the majority of statements (or otherwise the bits of code that do things, as opposed to structures and such) is either going to be some form of assignment or a function call. If you're*snip*


Lack of Comments..

3rd July 2010

I don't use Cobra or Windows (except for playing games), so looking at it doesn't really yield anything for me.


Design : Programming Languages

3rd July 2010

[quote]syntax for allowing you to specify the type of many parameters.[/quote]
We've got that in ooc.
[code]foo: func (x, y, z: Float, a, b: String)[/code]
It's pretty handy.
As for what I'd like to see in languages, probably more stuff built-in entire*snip*


Gimme da Desktop

1st July 2010



Security Monster : Rawr

25th June 2010

I think mine is visible to friends. I don't know if I added you or not, though.


Skills and Interests

25th June 2010

What platforms do you enjoy coding?
Primarily interested in writing code for Mac OS. Working with Cocoa and the other Obj-C frameworks is very pleasant. I'm also interested in development for the Android operating system, albeit to a lesser degree. In *snip*

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