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SoCoder -> Showcase Home -> Apps and Utilities

Created : 23 September 2008
Edited : 14 July 2009
System : Windows
Language : Basic

GTA3 cheat

A macro cheat program for GTA 3

The other day I found my copy of GTA3 and played it. I got sick of typing out the cheats over and over again so i decided to make a macro program to do it for me and well here it is. Thanks to Phoenix for pretty much all the coding



Wednesday, 24 September 2008, 00:17

Does exactly what it says on the tin!!
(I imagine.. Been a while since I had GTA installed!)
Wednesday, 24 September 2008, 10:46
Wish I had GTA3 so I could test my (mostly, at least) creation Looks nice, though.
Thursday, 09 October 2008, 10:26
Orion Pax
Hey phoenix. How would you get GTA: San Andreas to work with this? I tried changing GTA3 to GTA: San Anders but did not work as well as changing the cheats too. Any ideas?
Thursday, 09 October 2008, 14:03
Hm, well I don't have GTA: San Andreas either so I can't really test. You sure you wrote "GTA: San Andreas" instead of "GTA: San Anders"? And if you hit Ctrl+Alt+Delete, is the window actually called that or is there some acronym being used such as "GTA: SA"?

Are cheats entered the same way in SA? I mean, do you need to hit enter or something to make a console window show up perhaps?

I've seen that with Windows Vista they made keyboard simulation more "secure" with some priority system, and although the program seems to function well on Vista over here when using Notepad, things might be different in SA.

Could be many reasons...
Thursday, 09 October 2008, 17:20
Orion Pax
In task manager it says "GTA: San Andreas"

In GTA SA you just type the cheats. Thats it. No console window.

And I am using windows xp.

I would have thought it would have been just changing the title bar text in the findwindow function. Not that I know anything about c++ but I know enough about programming in general to follow program flow and pretty good about picking everything out.

I will give GTA SA a try.
Thursday, 09 October 2008, 17:28
Orion Pax


none of those worked. Weird ....

I know there is a way to iterate through each windows process and get its title bar text and see if the letters GTA is in it and act on that. I just dont know how to implement something like that. When I get back from picking my son up at practice I will post what I fount about that and maybe you can work it in for me?
Thursday, 09 October 2008, 17:56
Orion Pax

how would you work this into that app?
Saturday, 11 October 2008, 14:24
When downloading the source, it at first glance looked like some other program because cthug reorganized the program, renamed some stuff and added comments (people actually use those? )

Anyways, I don't really see why that would change anything. If the program window is called "GTA: San Andreas" then FindWindow should find the window. Have you tried debugging the program?

I'm not at my dev computer at the moment so I can't test anything, and I don't know what that EnumWindows function looks like. If EnumWindows does what I think it does and returns a HWND, then this: "HWND window = FindWindow(NULL, "GTA3");" should be replaced with something like "HWND window = EnumWindows(SearchProc, NULL);"
Saturday, 11 October 2008, 18:09
Orion Pax
I really dont know how to use dev c and dont know much about programming in c++ (i think its c++...lol)

So I dont really know how to debug it as of right now.
Saturday, 11 October 2008, 19:41
Orion Pax

I run that while the game is running in the background and it finds it just fine. In fact it says GTA: San Andrea NOT Andreas. So I use that and it still doesnt work. San Andreas doesnt support WINDOWED mode, would that affect it?
Saturday, 11 October 2008, 20:35
Orion Pax
Well I am stumped. I dont know. I am going to attempt to add that bit into the source some how and get it to use that. I know what the title bar says so I will use that as its search text. Maybe it will work like that.
Saturday, 11 October 2008, 21:56
Orion Pax

Well I managed to get it running with out any major erros. But its not working. Now it looks fine. From what I know it SHOULD work but its still not. Maybe Rockstar added something to their game to prevent something like this?
Sunday, 12 October 2008, 10:50
I actually don't know. Since it works with regular GTA, and not with GTA: SA, there's something different about the newer version. As I said I don't own it, so it's difficult for me to know or test what the problem might be.