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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

Created : 19 July 2007

Ticking over

...Tick... Tock...

"Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day, you fritter and waste the hours in an off hand way"

Since the Pink challenge I've not been coding... I quite liked the idea of the Ants game but couldn't get my head around any actual ideas so I got stuck into some graphics that didn't work!

Meanwhile, I've been spending hours into the night looking at HDD Camcorders ahead of my family holiday in a couple of weeks... I had instant ideas of a Panasonic but a JVC looked possible... I dug around looking at reviews and scouring forums for comments for an against on all sorts of points. Finally, I cam down to a choice between two practically identical models each with a slight pay off for a better feature... the very Panasonic and JVC that I saw weeks ago when I started!

I went for the Panasonic SDR-H250 and I'm very happy with it. Of course, now I'm looking at editing software that works well with the MPEG-2 files because the one that shipped with the camera is a bit on the pants side...

...I'll get back on that coding horse eventually!

