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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Hobbies?

Tue, 04 Dec 2007, 14:36
We've all gathered here for the single purpose of coding. But that's hardly the only thing you ever do, right? Perhaps we've already had a dozen of these threads, but if that's the case, I still don't see the harm in having another one

Personally, there are two things I do when I'm not programming: playing the guitar and writing novels. I mostly write in Swedish though, so I'm pretty sure you'd have a hard time understanding any of my stories. I have a few ones in English though, however they aren't finished. In any case, what are your other hobbies?
Tue, 04 Dec 2007, 14:46
Piano and trumpet. I love music.
Tue, 04 Dec 2007, 14:58
Films, but I haven't bought anything new in ages. I also like games. These days I don't have time for hobbies.
Tue, 04 Dec 2007, 15:08
power mousey

mystical magical mousey musings.

some hobbies and activities:

working out: walking,calistenics,isometrics

dancing and self defense

reading books on various subjects.
Ancient civilizations,economics, science fiction, fantasy,
weird phemenon-->which includes quantum physics and also
Tesla coils, and Bible Prophecy.

playing a computer game or two.
and watching a few DVD movies or collections.

writing and blogging...of course.

also, I like and want to learn and do
some hang gliding too.
Tue, 04 Dec 2007, 15:11
i kinda like playing the guitar.
Tue, 04 Dec 2007, 15:57
Golf... When I can find 4 hours spare!

Tue, 04 Dec 2007, 16:01
Does playing video games count? Or how bout spending time with my friends? Or even programming? Other then those I dont have any other hobbies.
Tue, 04 Dec 2007, 16:33
I play guitar... intermitantly
play games (a lot of CS nowadays)
sometimes i write.. have to be in the mood though
video editing/television graphics
listening to and enjoying music

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Computer Science Series: Logic (pt1) (part 2) (part 3) 2's Complement Mathematics: Basic Differential Calculus
Tue, 04 Dec 2007, 16:41
I fly R/C model planes .
Tue, 04 Dec 2007, 16:51
I like playing guitar, bit of parkour when I get the chance, I also keep lots(>20) different types of ant colony from around the world, in my bedroom alone I have tropical leaf cutter ants, 'big-headed' ants from near the saharah desert, honey-pot ants and the usual red and black ants that you see outside, then lots more in the loft, some types over 2cm long per ant :o.
Make very interesting pets, growing the ant colonies from queens is like growing plants from seeds, only harder and more exciting . Each type has different characteristics and abilities, and since I like AI programming, the ants are good for inspiration too.
Tue, 04 Dec 2007, 17:08
Woh! Show pictures now!
Tue, 04 Dec 2007, 18:05
Sports of all kinds, including football, soccer, and basketball.

Also, weight-lifting, reading, and lately I've been into Rubik's cubes.

Wed, 05 Dec 2007, 03:15
does beer count :?

last year i would've said free running although i kinda lost intrest in that due to lack of time.

bit of soccer here and there, making games consoles portable.
pool/snooker and theres more likly more things there that kill time that i can't think of right now..


Wed, 05 Dec 2007, 09:15
^ Beer always counts
Wed, 05 Dec 2007, 10:01
I have some usual hobbies. Music, video games, hanging out with my fionce (however you spell it)

I also like to ride my bicycle. I'll occasionally take really long trips, sometimes 10 or 20 miles one way, and then go back. Takes a few hours to do it, but if you can keep a steady pace you'll get there. Always have to leave prepared, though. Not just water but food, sunscreen when its summer time, ponchos in case it rains. I have a lot of pride being able to ride places, though - and it doesn't even cost any gas. One time I had just left and was heading for a far destination, and I realized a very dark cloud I was watching was headed straight for me. I turned around and put on a poncho. The storm's winds were blowing from behind me, and I was going like 25 MPH on flat roads with the wind's help. Unfortunately, that night I ended up in the hospital with the flu... but that probably wasn't related to the trip.

Vesuvius web game
Wed, 05 Dec 2007, 13:23
I'll get some pics online soon, I making a site but there's quite a few other sites already up . I don't keep army ants, as much as I'd like too , their lifestyle doesn't suit being kept in a tank, being nomadic, they like to move from place to place everyday, to find more food. Plus, I doubt I'd ever be able to get my hands on army ants .

For now here's a youtube video of my weaver ants building a nest(shhh, don't tell them it's a fake leaf hehe ). See how they work together to pull the leaf together, the larvae produce silk to wrap themselves in a cocoon, but in this case they use it to stick the leaves together instead after the ants had pulled it together .

Youtube ruined the quality quite a bit though :/.

View on YouTube

Another, nice big Australian ants with stings

Original vid is a lot better quality

View on YouTube

Any more pics and videos I'll probably put in a blog or something

Hobo: Strange, that happened to me too, but it works now.
Wed, 05 Dec 2007, 15:48
Is it me or does it appear that YouTube deleted the first video?

Anyway hobbies...

We've all gathered here for the single purpose of coding. But that's hardly the only thing you ever do, right?


Ok, I suppose when I'm not programming, I'm killing braincells playing Tremulous. If anyone wants to join me (it's a free multiplayer FPS) I'm "nand" and I hang on the PureTremulous / PureTremulous 2 servers.

I enjoy beer and rum (See this comic )

And if I ever venture outdoors, it's fighting for Socialism

blog | work | code | more code
Wed, 05 Dec 2007, 19:05
I've always wondered about keeping ants. I'd appreciate it if you could do an article on it.
Thu, 06 Dec 2007, 02:06
Sure , I'll get started on that later
Thu, 06 Dec 2007, 06:18
Hey that looks pretty cool I could probably sit there for like an hour watching them..

Sat, 08 Dec 2007, 10:14
Playing guitar and drinking, mostly.
Lately I've also started to take up studying the science of Social Dynamics, which takes up alot of my past time. This new hobby also lends itself to another hobby that I've started delegating time to; Picking up women. If you wanna get into it, you should really read 'The Mystery Method' by Mystery.
There's also 'How to Become an Alpha Male' by John Alexander, and The Game by Neill Strauss.
Also I do the occational drawing of live-stills (photographs) from the internet, though I've never been a great artist, so this only happens on an occational basis.

Edit: And, of course, games. But there haven't been alot of great games around lately, so nowadays I mostly play 'Gears of War' for PC and Sim City Socities on an off and on basis.

Afr0 Games

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