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Socoder -> Art and Sound -> Getting Rid of Sprites in the background?

Wed, 23 Jan 2008, 17:27
Hiya all,

The questions is how can I do it?

Is there a paint program that will try get rid of sprites on the background making good looking background

I am sure you know what I mean....for example
Any Shoot em up Level Map does Look great but it got Sprites on background that I want to get rid of.
Wed, 23 Jan 2008, 23:29
power mousey

be careful not to upset the folks
that live under the mounds, in the caves
and in the trees in Ireland.
They're more like small trolls and brutes
not a Disney Tinkerbell.

but on the subject of the other sprites....
even if you found someway to get rid of these sprites
how would you restore the original background?
You could add sprites or other pieces of artwork to cover
the other sprites that you want to be removed. This other artwork could include pieces of the original background to cover the sprites in question to be removed.

I have this bmp picture of ancient Babylon. Actually of some of the ruins of ancient Rome. But just as with both ancient Rome and Greece, these civilizations grew and adopted a lot of their culture from the Babylonians.
Anyway, I merged this picture with the flipped vertically and horizontally pictures of itself and saved it as a new picture.
I tell you it looks like a little of Heaven or a splendourous dimension of the beyond.

perhaps merging and fusion of the background with other backgrounds might help you as well.

Thu, 24 Jan 2008, 04:16
I'm wondering if you understand Tilemaps, Hotshot. Basically, games tend to use groups of tiles, and then instead of having a large image, they use a map to tell the system which tiles to draw at which positions.

If you're trying to reproduce old game backgrounds, then it's best to work out the tile layout and reproduce it that way instead. Not only will it save on memory, but you'll also be able to fling all that background stuff around much easier, and even be able to have HUGE levels, with plenty of background stuff.

As a vague example, here's a teensy bit of a Cannon Fodder map, with duplicate blocks pinpointed.

If you could give us an example of which game you're trying to reproduce, we could have a game of "Which Block's Which", and try to find them all for you

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 24 Jan 2008, 04:33
which link do you upload the picture(I do know on here but last time I upload the picture and people wasnt happy because I used photobucket as there were some adverts)?

What link do you used to upload picture jay?
Thu, 24 Jan 2008, 04:37
That "Your Uploads" link on the left.
Thu, 24 Jan 2008, 04:45
yes I know that....but what I want to know is...what upload picture do u used? do u used photobucket as when U click on left for "your uploads" and there is little box telling like this "https:// "

My questions is what link do u used to upload the picture that are free advert and no hassle otherwords...what link do u used to upload the picture...I hope I have explain right.
Thu, 24 Jan 2008, 04:50
1. Click "Your Uploads"
2. Click "Upload New File"
3. Use the Browse button to find a file on your harddrive.
4. Give it a title + description if need be.
5. Click Upload.
6. Post the "Socoder BBCode" that it supplies. Should be [thumb]https://socoder.net/image_url[/thumb]

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 24 Jan 2008, 04:52
here is

You can see in the start that I got rid of the stars and enemys and Now I want get rid of the enemys at other part which is so hard to do as I am sure anyone can see it.

click again and u will see the whole of it

Thu, 24 Jan 2008, 07:35
It doesn't look difficult to me, just time consuming. Open it in paint, select black, colour over all the enemies. Sorted.
Thu, 24 Jan 2008, 07:56
I think that Paint Shop Pro has a magic wand feature that can select shapes, rather than rectangular areas. That could be useful for removing those sprites.
Thu, 24 Jan 2008, 10:02
Using the Tile method I mentioned earlier, it's really easy to fix up that image. (Other than the fact that the jpg artifacts have seriously messed up the image.)

First off, though, the image is slightly off.. Copy the whole image, and shift it 2 pixels to the left.. Then switch on your image editor's Grid mode, setting the grid to 8x8 pixels.
Head over the middle-swirly-circle big, and you should find a nice gridded tileset, like so..

If you look carefully at the overlayed grid in that image, you should notice quite a bit of repetition in the background.
The background's panel shapes are made up of about 10 blocks, with a number of additional blocks making everything look a little fuller.

First off, grab a chunk out of it that we'll work on fixing.

Take a chunk like that, and start off by filling all the sprite parts with the plain background grey color.

Next, turn on your grid again, so you can see where each of the tiles line up, then copy alike tiles to try to reconstruct what used to be below.

It's nice and easy, but the messy jpeg algorhythm made a complete mess of things.
If that's the best image you've got then for that background at least, you're better off starting with a grey blank area, and actually drawing + building your own instead.

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 24 Jan 2008, 13:36
Hiya all,

The picturepush.com wont let me upload Png files..so that why I had force for Jpeg files(which I didnt like cos like what jay say...it is messing!)

I did try Jay methods but it all too time consuming.
So what I did was putting everythings in the background in Black

Thank you to all

Thu, 24 Jan 2008, 13:54
power mousey


--Marge Simpson

yet, thank you Jay for the information and the work
to help Hotshot out. I also have learned something new myself. Seriously, very informative.

Thu, 24 Jan 2008, 15:56

I do know on here but last time I upload the picture and people wasnt happy because I used photobucket as there were some adverts

i never got ads from photobucket. even my avatar is hosted there and any picture i may have posted.

must be ie only showing them or something
