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Socoder -> Misc Gaming -> so magicman and others on the Hydra.....

Mon, 20 Nov 2006, 09:29
power mousey

so magicman,

are you still interested in the Hydra?? or...are you going to just Wii or PS3?

same goes for everybody.

power mousey

Mon, 20 Nov 2006, 10:13
wii, everything other console can go die for all i care right now

i don't care how good the graphics are or any stupid propeller chip or cell processor

i like green haired girls...
Mon, 20 Nov 2006, 15:23
power mousey

hyrule dude!,

the propeller chip ain't stupid!.
and yes it takes more than graphics to make a game. Buy why is both the PS3 and Nintendo Wii being advertised as well as for the graphics and FPS rate as well? huh!? and especially for their games to?

I was asking you,magicman and others if you are going to get a Wii,PS3, the Hydra or some other console or perhaps to stay with your PC. And I said it in a joking way.

Too bad for you and its your choice if you miss out.
For a new computer and console...

if you just want to play games and overly priced ones...then get either a PS3 or even a Nintendo Wii.

if you want and like to play games, learn some things about micro-controllers and multitasking and even parallel programming...then you can get and buy the Hydra or even the propeller demo kits and boards too.

its your choice and as long as you learn and have fun. then enjoy.

seriously and whatever...
power mousey
Mon, 20 Nov 2006, 15:33
power mousey

magicman, hoboben, blanko, agent smith

and others too

what say you all? if you do get another console....what will it be: a Wii, PS3, some other console or computer?

power mousey
Mon, 20 Nov 2006, 15:35
a wii are cheaper than a hydra, plus the games are $50 while PS3 and 360 are $60

why would i buy a game console if there are not going to be any good games on it. even if i was going to code on it.

the hydra has no games and probably will not for years to comethat are not clones of old arcade or NES games.

also nintendo is not pushing the wii's graphical power, it is not as good as the other systems but has a better control system.

the MSX one chip thing looks better anyway, it uses PSX controllers which i have already and are cheap and easy to find. while NES ones are a bit harder to come by.

if want to learn about micro-processors i would buy a book on robot coding, which i already have 3. the only reason i would buya propeller chip is to make some robots or control interfaces for my remote controled gizmos and warships.

also doesn't the hydra cost like somewhere near $250+, i rather get a wii that i know i can get a lot of good games for inthe near future. also parallel programming can be done on some PCs, something called dual core processors and multiple slots. instinct has one mobo with both of those for his server.

i like green haired girls...
Mon, 20 Nov 2006, 15:46
im going to get a wii, mabey if i get alot of money i will get a hydra and a ps3, but my first priority is a wii.

Stuff... Yeah...
Mon, 20 Nov 2006, 16:12
I quite like the idea of the Hydra, mainly because I think that more games should come from the same people who play them and not just big budget licensing.

Most games that I've seen on today's consoles are more like interactive movies rather than games.

|edit| By definition, a game should be as the phrase suggests... A game). |edit|
Mon, 20 Nov 2006, 16:12
power mousey


hyrule....the Hydra is around the same price of the Nintendo Wii.
true, shipping and handling factors in the cost.
yet, eventually the Hydra will appear be stores such as GameStop, Eboutique and other ones as well.

talk about games being even $30 to up to $60....that is expensive and overly priced! Maybe not for you, but for me.

and hey, even if it was marked up to even $300 to $350 it would still be a good buy. Look what you get:

the Hydra console itself, power supply, slim keyboard, mouse, Nintendo compatible game pad, AV video cable and USB interface cable, 128k memory card, blank experimenter card,
and also the 900 page book...which is selling for around 60 to 70 dollars itself. And thats an average book price in such stores as Borders, Barnes and Noble, Waldenbooks, and other stores.
And also on the cd contained within the book are a lots of games,demos, apps, game and graphic engines, media resources, and other tools too.

but true multiprocessing exists on the Hydra contained within the propeller chip and yes on the cel processor contained within the PS3 too.
also the propeller is a micro-controller and with embedded systems too.
no....the One Chip MSX will cost more and right now are not ready to ship sometime until next year and are filled with a lot of terms and conditions tat...you might not get one and be refunded your money back or even not get all the components as well.
yes, the Nintendo company and the media as well are advertising its graphical side but especially its controller motion itself. a game is more that its graphics and the game mechanics of control too.

there are some good games on the Hydra. but perhaps I or even you can make some better ones....in the future? I will certainly go for it and do this.
and beleive me more and better games will come out as the Hydra sells and is received.
also, Andre and his team are working on a more powerful Basic to eventually come out.

In any case, bro I will show you, magicman, hoboben, blanko, and evrybody what I will learn and can do with the Hydra. So says the SPartan mousey. serious and true!

power mousey
Mon, 20 Nov 2006, 16:17
Ere mousey !

You say that evetually the Hydra will appear in shops... Do you think that it will be available in shops worldwide, such as the United Kingdom ?. I hope so coz I'm interested.
Mon, 20 Nov 2006, 16:20
power mousey

hey thank you steve. true.


I want to learn and utilize both parallel programming, true and actual multiprocessing, and also learn some of the harware and computer architecture of both the propeller chip and also the cel processor contained within the PS3...which was manufactured and in a joint development effort by Sony, Toshiba, and IBM.
And also I like and want to learn how to program and game programming utilising parallel programming and multiprocessing with the Hydra computer.
So I like and want to play and run the games, demos and apps. Yet, also to create my own games and other apps and with the Hydra.

power mousey

Mon, 20 Nov 2006, 16:25
power mousey
to steve first
then others...

as agent smith himself said: "power to the people!"
both Andre and others are starting to listen to their customers and potential ones as well.
they are working on distribution plans..and I mean worldwide distribution plans to open areas to sell in other countries in both Europe, Australia and other countries too. Physical stores and distribution centers in other countries.
since this is a new product from both Andre LaMothe and a good medium-sized company such as Parallax...it will take both time and experience to plan and execuite this centers of distribution.

power mousey

Mon, 20 Nov 2006, 16:31
power mousey

well said and how true, agent smith.

yet( ), they are bigger plans in the works too.
without giving too much away....bigger and better game and graphic engines for the Hydra, a more powerful Game type of Basic, even a Hydra C programming language is in the works.
And even better and bigger games for the Hydra. Just look what some of the beta testers and Andre did with some of the games, demos and even some of the graphic engines too.
Bigger and better things are in the cogs of the Hydra beast. So says Spartan mousey! true

power mousey

Mon, 20 Nov 2006, 16:41
power mousey


concerning these game console and the Hydra computer:

you go to the movies to be entertained and wonder how they make these movies and what is involved. you go to college and learn how to make movies and all whats involved.

power mousey

Mon, 20 Nov 2006, 17:53
With more stuff for the Hydra in the works, it could spell the re-birth of the Home Computer days. Just think... the explosive outcome of loads of home user programmable games consoles/home computers, a bit like the Amiga, but with more power. I think I had better start getting my bedroom coding mind back into shape.
Tue, 21 Nov 2006, 04:00
No better way to test your bedroom coding mind than with a good old Workshop entry..

The main issue here is, though, that the kids won't want a Hydra, and the Parents won't buy one for them. That was the difference when we were all little-un's. We got the bedroom-codeable systems because our parents thought "Oooh, a COMPUTER!" and went out in their droves to get one.
Nowadays, if you showed that to a kids Mum, it'd be "Not another console", and Dad would suggest it's got crap graphics, and he might as well get the kid a PS3.

.. Now, if a PS3 had a blinking cursor, and made you type in Play "GTA" before it started ..

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 21 Nov 2006, 04:39
@ Jayenkai...

I will get around to doing a workshop entry some day... Promise !.
Tue, 21 Nov 2006, 10:55
magicman, hoboben, blanko, agent smith

and others too

what say you all? if you do get another console....what will it be: a Wii, PS3, some other console or computer?

I'm afraid that I can't afford such luxuries, what with saving for Cobra and all.

In an ideal world where I have unlimited cash, I'd probably get PS3, because the whole family would have to be able to have fun with it, whereas the Hydra console would be just for myself.

In an even more ideal world, like some sort of glorious, flawless utopia, where our house was bigger, I'd defiantly get a Hydra. I am very interested in it, but whereas the chances of getting a PS3 are lower than the chance of a sunny day in Swansea tomorrow (very low!), getting a Hydra would be a certain zero probability.

Maybe in 5 years or so, when all these things are cheaper. My brother's PS2 cost £99, and all our games bear stickers like "Pre-owned, 3 games for £20". Once prices for the Hydra, and PS3+games approach this, then I'll have a chance of getting one... But by that time, I'll probably be in uni with a massive debt anyway!

However, I'm counting on you, Mousey, to let me and all of us know how this Hydra beast performs.

And everyone else can wow me with tales of the PS3 and Xbox 360.

It's been interesting, that PS2/Xbox games that are advertised on TV used to have captions like "Not real game footage". I saw an Xbox 360 ad the other day, and it said "Real game footage". I think I swore a bit, and complained that those sort of graphics required super-computers. I mean, the real-time game graphics were approaching film quality.

Anyway, keep us posted, Power Mousey.

blog | work | code | more code
Tue, 21 Nov 2006, 11:05
the PS3 only has 4 games for it, hobo and right now sony is really frakking up. a lot of gamers are pissed at their new stuff

go with good old faithful, nintendo. plus i need someone else to do with battle in a WW2 shooter. you better not let down your people in the war against germany

get the Xbox 360 if you are willing to deal with microsoft, i really want one for gears of war, fear and some other games. but zelda and metroid take priority

i like green haired girls...
Tue, 21 Nov 2006, 14:51
power mousey

thank you Ben,

true. I will keep you.... and others who are curious or even interested.... informed and updated as well.

hmmm...maybe here is another but simple analogy concerning pure game devices and other consoles and computers for the hobbyist and developer and educational value as well:

I like the Teen Titans. The old original ones I used to read in DC comic books. Even Deathstroke:Terminator series too who is Slade in the New Teen Titans. He is like a combination of the current counter-culture Green Arrow and an anti-Batman type.
In the the New Teen Titans...especially the cartoon, within the Titan Tower and in the recreational family room...a lot of times both Beast Boy and Cyborg will play video games. All Beast Boy cares about is playing these video games and winning if he can. Sometimes he is a sore loser.
Cyborg, on the other hand, does like to play video games too and tries to win. However, he is into computer technology and programming and probably knows how some of these games are made. He certainly knows about cars and auto mechanics too.

power mousey

Tue, 21 Nov 2006, 15:05
power mousey
hey, its all a matter of your choice and decision.

if you want and like to play video games on an overly priced console and with overly priced games...tehn get the PS3.
if you want and like to play video games on a fairly decent priced console then get the Nintendo Wii. However,
if you want to buy and acquire overly priced games...then go for it. Also, if you want to shake and move it all about like Elvis or some of these rappers and hip hoppers...then get and enjoy the Wii controllers. I myself, prefer the old game pads, mouse,keyboard....even the PS2 and XBOX controllers look good now too.

not only the Hydra, but also PiC Micro, Commodore One, the up n coming One Chip MSX and XGS 2 Cube computer and for next year too, and other hobbyist and education computer and development kits too.

here is a link to something


and also Spark Fun Electronics


power mousey

Tue, 21 Nov 2006, 17:04
What I have seen for the Hydra looks like done up NES clones. If it was as powerful as the Amiga, then I'd be interested. But still I'd rather go on Ebay and buy as much Amiga stuff as I could with $250, then buy a Hydra.

For what you get, not the amount of things, but the machine itself it is over priced. Writing this now I am really surprised that a machine that's been dead for over 10 years, the Amiga, looks far more powerful.

I'd seriously advice trying to track one down and code for that instead. More power, probably less price and there is already a vast selection of the some of the most defining games in history. Games that created genres used today (Dune 2 for example). Plus the Amiga version of a game was ALWAYS better then the Mega Drive, PC or SNES version, guaranteed. This almost makes me want to get one.
Wed, 22 Nov 2006, 09:07
power mousey

hello Mister Columbo,

I hear you are a private investigator and are trying to reach me for questioning. I also see you are playing the devils' advocate too.

okay, Columbo....a short little past from me concerning both video consoles and home computers too. Many, many years ago I saved up enough...around $600 to buy a VHS player. They were still new and advanced viewing and recording devices at the time. Well, for me at least.
I just had to get one. So I drove over to Consumers Distributors...which was next to the Toys R Us store and at Blossom Hill Road and Almaden Expressway of the cross streets.
I looked thru the catalog and ready to order my VHS player and purchase it onsite. To my shock and dismay, the most inexpensive one was around $900. Whoa!!!...too much and very expensive for me.
So, I decided to look thru and get something else. Browsing thru the catalog I came across Atari 2600 game console and that you can play video games on it.
Hey thats great!...I thought: dad bought Atari Pong a few years ago and the whole family had fun with it. I really liked playing Pong on that Atari Pong machine.
So I bought the Atari 2600 for $400 and a few games as well. By the way, I really enjoyed Adventure, Space Invaders, Frogger, and especially Outlaw.
about a year or two later...I bought my first home computer. The Trs-80 Level 1 home computer. It came with a Zilog Z-80 microprocessor, a keyboard and built-in white and black monitor, a tape cassette storge system, Level 1 Basic, and 4k of ram. I bought this for around $350.
a few months later I upgraded to Level 2 full Basic for $100. An another $100 I could've upgraded to 16k of ram.
around 1985, I bought an Apple IIe home computer system for $1500. 256k color monitor and with various color and graphic modes, advanced 6502 microprocessor, keyboard, dual 5.25 inch disc drive, and 64k of ram. Also Apple Dos, Apple Pro-Dos, and built in Apple Basic. For another $200 I bought a adapter graphics card which gave me more advanced colors and graphic modes and also an additional 64k of ram.
Making the whole system ram a whopping 128k.
yet, even before buying the Apple IIe home computer system...I also bought a Vic-20 as well.

now with this Columbo, the Hydra machine is reasonably priced and justified too...as well as with all the extras you get with it.
yes, you are right. Most of the games made are done up Nes clones. But remember these: (1) within a framework of under a year some beta testers were chosen by Andre and given Hydra prototypes and even the final full version of the Hydra and to code some games and demos to show off some..some of its power and capability in a small time window; (2) the original intent of the Hydra is not only to play games but also learn about game programming and as well as parallel programming and multiprocessing as contained within the propeller chip of the Hydra...by making games and other applications. And while you learn...to have fun too; (3)and...what better way than start with what a lot of people are familar with and is also is gaining interest and some popularity again...retro gaming and old style video game consoles and home computers.
Yes, that even icludes the AMiga home computer itself; (4) the Hydra was built around to have people start to learn game programming..and a good way is with retro gaming and old Nintendo and Atari like games, which a lot of people have played. The console kit design is evident of this...however with todays' current 10x hardware. Which was eseentially non-existent back then. And I'm talking about the computer architecture of the Hydra...and especially of the propeller cel processor and of micro-controllers and embedded systems..some of which are of today.
one more thing: bigger,better and more powerful games, apps are in the works for the Hydra. So, you can see what was done with some novices(the beta testers) who had to learn the concepts of programming in parallel and multiprocessing with such languages as Spin and the asembly language of the propeller chip itself.
even more powerful harware add-ons, programming languages, graphic engines and even better and more powerful games are in the works too.

Columbo(Diablo) have and smoke another cigar ....as you hopefully realize this is a relatively new machine and computer too. And that it will take time but eventually more and better and advance games and apps will come oput by both the designers and users too. Maybe even you?? true.

power mousey

Wed, 22 Nov 2006, 12:26
Power Mousey: Maybe even you?? true. False.

The only point I can see which beats the idea of just buying an Amiga was:

(2) the original intent of the Hydra is not only to play games but also learn about game programming and as well as parallel programming and multiprocessing as contained within the propeller chip of the Hydra...by making games and other applications. And while you learn...to have fun too;

If your intention is to learn about how to program on a multi-processor machine, then I can see why you would want a Hydra. All other reasons just don't sell against the idea of simply using an Amiga instead. I had an Amiga 500 which only had 7mhz processor, yet outperformed all other machines at the time and what I have seen of the Hydra. If there are plans for programmes that do manage to outperform what the Amiga 500 could do, then just get something more powerful then that, such as an Amiga 4000t.

Seaquest DSV and Babylon 5's early CGI was done on the Amiga based 'toaster', I feel that is better then anything shown on the Hydra so far.

Even then I am only using the Amiga as an example of something else. PC's (now) are of course far more powerful then the Amiga.
Wed, 22 Nov 2006, 15:59
power mousey
okay Columbo,

lets see....how can I put this while you walk around in your trench coat, asking and talking, while chomping and smoking on your cigar

I could say as long I like and want it and for fun and learning. That is true. As long as I like it and want to learn and maybe..just maybe even have fun doing it in the process...then thats what matters to me.
Yet, even more so, devils' advocate, the Hydra and even the propeller demo boards and kits are for both for fun,learning and hobbyist as well. And for me, at a decent price as well. Of course, diablo, I bought both the book and 2 memory expansion cards. My family, fortunately is going to buy me the whole game development kit package and computer for my major and early Christmas present.
Aside from this and even more... check it out , do the research, come back at times for various updates and continual progressions of this new computer/console.
If you like it and plan to get it...cool. If you don't, then cool and hope you get something and learn and fun to your liking.

And of course...the Spartan Soldier will keep you all informed and share his ventures and explorations of learning and conquering the Hydra beast. true.

new postey toastey: again, let me repeat its a relatively new computer/console and its going to take time for more and better,bigger, advanced apps, demos and games to come out. Started by a one man band and with help and contracted by a medium sized company...Parallax.
again, you all shall see in the coming weeks and months too. But remember I'm coming into it as many people are as a novice and beginner to micro-controllers, embedded systems, parallel programming and multiprocessing, and especially the cel processor of the propeller.
what Hera bestows on me and shares the wisdom of the sons of the Hydra...I will tell you all.

power mousey