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Socoder -> Wednesday Workshop -> #155 - The Really Hard Challenge

Tue, 10 Jun 2008, 15:39

#155 - The Really Hard Challenge

Afro found a really hard game.. See if you can do any better!

The Challenge

Create a really hard game!
The game should be playable, it should also be beatable, but it should definitely be really really hard to beat!

The Time

Wed 11th June -> 18th June, 2008
You have until this timer hits zero to complete your entry. For the record, that's Tue/Wed, midnight GMT.

The Rules

You're free to reuse functions here and there, if it helps speed up your dev-time. Old art and audio, are pretty much expected, since we don't all have time to create fully working masterpieces within the space of a week!

Other than that, the main coding for each week's task should be pretty much created within the time allocated.

If you use other people's art/sound/functions, give credit where credit's due.
To enter, post your game below. If you can't find anywhere decent to host it, send it to Jayenkai@Gmail.com

Additional rules are available here.

Last Week

Last week, there were 4 entries.
Go and watch them all!

(I'm too full of flu, right now, to bother uploading them properly! Maybe tomorrow!!)

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 10 Jun 2008, 16:57
<emo> *sigh* I have a hard game to submit. I call it LIFE, and it is unbeatable </emo>

Sorry, had to do it :F

I am Busy Mongoose - My Website

Dev PC: AMD 8150-FX, 16gb Ram, GeForce GTX 680 2gb

Current Project: Pyroxene
Mon, 16 Jun 2008, 18:05
Like Mastermind, but with words instead of colors..

You might want to start off with a Hard word, before moving up to the harder ones

|edit| Note : It uses Official Scrabble Words 06, no complaining if you've never heard of the words!! |edit|

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 16 Jun 2008, 19:36
Thought it was suppose to be hard Jay!

Quit posting and try Google.
Mon, 16 Jun 2008, 19:47
Yeah, surprisingly having a 6x26 combination turned out to be a heck of a lot easier than I'd have imagined it to be!
Bah, humbug!

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 17 Jun 2008, 16:06
I was late starting but I'm quite happy with what I knocked up over a couple of days. It's quite tricky as it is by default but the fun starts (and coding got complicated) now that it is customisable.

Steady Hand

It's one of those follow-the-wire-without-touching games. Move the loop with the mouse and turn it with the scroll wheel. I was going to add keyboard controls for the turning but I forgot. Everyone has wheelie mice now anyway right...

Other controls:
E - Edit mode
O - Open a wire
S - Save current wire
N - New wire
Esc - as usual should take you back to where you were

You may need to touch the wire again if you have drained all your allowance and it stays 'buzzing' and rather than just a flash. This seems to be intermittent and quite random now.

The editor is basic but works well enough, Left-Mouse to draw Right-Mouse to erase. For some reason it goes very slowly when you are editing an existing wire rather than making a new one...?

You can of course use any graphics editor, just make sure the background is black! Then save as either BMP or PNG into the "frames" folder

Come rain or shine...
Fri, 20 Jun 2008, 05:02
Finally, my late entry!
Yes it's late, but it's approved by Jay. And I started working on it even before this compo began. And I finished it before it began.

Invaders Overload

Please try to ignore the fact that there's no sound. I tried adding it, but I'm having some backwards compatibility issues with the XNA Sound Creator. And also, since Microsoft requires that all sound be converted to wavs, it ended up taking.. 80++ megs.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Fri, 20 Jun 2008, 16:19
Everyone knows and understands my hatred of installers.

Because I said to Afr0 that I'd let him enter his entry late, I'll accept it, this once.
But Afr0's game will be the first, and ONLY Wednesday Workshop entry to ever have a stupid sodding installer.

Had I known his game would have an installer, I'd have used the "You're too late" get out clause.. But hey ho, there you go..

No installers.

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 20 Jun 2008, 18:51
Orion Pax
You never said anything to me about my installer! And I didnt know we couldnt use installers. Is it in the rules that no one ever reads?

|edit| Nope...cant seem to find it...but I will keep it in mind next time. But the way I had my screen saver made it wouldnt have worked without being in the system folder. But I did include an uninstaller. |edit|

|edit| Oh and fred...I dont have a wheel mouse. But thats my laziness. I have an ancient 3 button IBM mouse. My last mousey died I think and I just dug this thing out of the junk box to use until I feel like going to get one. My kids machine does have a wheel mouse. |edit|
Sat, 21 Jun 2008, 05:06
Typical! There's always one

There you go
Only 2 lines added. I should have done it ages ago

Come rain or shine...