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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Site Problems

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Mon, 18 Dec 2006, 09:01
Everytime I try to get on to the site i get an error (I type www.socoder.co.nr) it says: Dear user, The server is once again buggered up. Please try again in about 5 minutes, when hopefully the SQL server will be running again! In the meantime, please enjoy some music. it has been doing this all day. To get on now i just went to google and clicked on the second link. Do you know what is wrong jay?
Mon, 18 Dec 2006, 11:00
Hmm.. Seems to be a regular occurrance. I'll look into it.

Whenever the error appears, it's due to the php script not being able to communicate with the SQL server. That used to happen when Oscarent was doing it's SQL Backup, but if it's happening more and more, there might be something else going on.
I'll check with Oscar.

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 18 Dec 2006, 11:58
Yeah, I've had that problem aswell.
Mon, 18 Dec 2006, 13:19
Jay !... Have you ever considered using your own PC as your server ?. I'm not sure if you have already discovered this application 'WWW.SimpleServer' (www.analogx.com/contents/download/network/sswww.htm), an easy to use server that runs on your own PC within Windows. All you do is run the app, then click on the button that allows you to point the server at your own IP address, then click the other button to set the directory on your PC where your HTML and site content is stored. I hope it helps.

|edit| It aslo helps if you have Unlimited Broadband such as NTL, Cable And Wireless or something similar. That way you won't get any bandwidth issues. |edit|
Mon, 18 Dec 2006, 15:04
There's a lot of difference between normal broadband (DSL, Cable etc) and a fibre(-ish) connection. It might be alright with 30 users... but what happens when you have 300 users? It's like peeing on a bushfire to put it out... there's not enough to go around.

Also, you'd probably have more issues relating to DNS and whatnot than you could poke a stick at. And what happens when you want to turn the computer off?

It's not a silly idea. I host my website from a server running in my friends' bedroom. It's just not very practical for this application.
Mon, 18 Dec 2006, 15:10
It's just not possible to run a decent server off my system.
I already have a basic webserver on here, and it's doing all my avatars, quick links and things like that, but my PC's running so slow that if I shove on a TV Show at >640x480 res, the framerate stutters like crazy! DVD's just about cope, with occasional glitching!

I really need a new PC, to be honest.

But I'm all Wii'd out of cash!

.. Plus, BitTorrent can really sap your bandwidth, like crazy!
If I ran the chat from my PC, you'd not be able to chat whenever I'm downloading Have I Got News For You, Horizon, Torchwood and especially not over the Xmas period!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 18 Dec 2006, 15:23
I agree. A home computer and a personal internet connection really isn't right for the job. I think a server and a internet connection with a large upload speed is right for the job. Although backups are annoying its just one of those things we will have to get used to. Like a buggy copy of Windows 98..

Quit posting and try Google.
Mon, 18 Dec 2006, 16:55
Yayyak..."It's like peeing on a bushfire to put it out... there's not enough to go around."
LOL... That's another phrase I need to add to my collection, cheerz Yayyak .

On a serious note though... If a home PC such as my Pentium 4 @ 3 GHZ hasn't got the calibre to do the job, may I ask... what kind of system and/or internet connection has got the guts for it ?. I don't know much about servers.

Cheerz in advance.
Mon, 18 Dec 2006, 17:06
Steve, your computer has the specs to do it. The only think I might be concerned with is your internet connections upload speed. Most packages ISP's give out have really slow upload speeds but fast download speeds. They don't figure you will upload too much. But servers depend on upload bandwidth. I am guessing a 1Mb connection is good enough for a basic operation. So DSL would probably work.

Quit posting and try Google.
Mon, 18 Dec 2006, 18:05
The problem with most connections isn't the down speed, its the up. Most connections (especially home packages, but it also included buisness ones) have a much higher download bandwidth than upload. Mine has 7Mb/s Down, but only 56 KB/s up. A 1Mb connection usually has 28.8 KB up

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Tue, 19 Dec 2006, 00:11
If a home PC such as my Pentium 4 @ 3 GHZ hasn't got the calibre

.. Well.. um.. Mine's a Celeron, running at 2Ghz, and is currently running my normal Webserver, my FTP server, my whole wired Internet Network routing stuff (via ICS) and my whole Wireless Internet Network routing stuff (via a small USB Wifi Dongle, and it's "Software Access Point" driver)

Do you really want me to host all this on there, too?

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 19 Dec 2006, 04:47
yep - lol

Tue, 19 Dec 2006, 07:53
Na!, I don't think any of us can be that cruel to you Jay. LOL
Tue, 19 Dec 2006, 14:20
I defiantly say no Jay.
Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 00:54
Quote "A 1Mb connection usually has 28.8 KB up".

I've got 1Mbs broadband, and normally, I have a download speed of around 117kbps. The lowest I've ever had is 101kbps, and I use the worst provider ever (Though it hides my i.p. adress) ........ Aol.

Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 03:28
I got 4-Meg Cable Broadband with NTL/Cable&Wireless. I sometimes get download speeds up to 512 KB/Sec. Not bad for GBP-£24.99/month. I dont know what the upload speed is though.
Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 04:38
Your upload speed is about 256K (compared to 4-Meg Down, not the 512K)

I know, because I have the same package.

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 05:24
Don't you get T.V. and a phone line with the package aswell?
Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 06:10
Not for £24.99
Well, technically you can have plain basic free CableTV with that. I do in fact have that.
But it's in my sis's room, so I can't watch it all day
The phone line is additional since we aren't paying for the TV.
If we paid a basic TV Pack, we'd get the free line rental.. But then we'd also have to pay for the Set Top Box rental..
Currently we don't pay for STB rental since we have no TV pack, even though we do get TV through the STB...

Very confusing!

Essentially it's £24.99 Broadband + Um.. I think £9.99 Phone line + phone calls.. So it's quite cheap, really.

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 06:15
Well, not bed. I've got 1Mbs broadband from AOL for £9.99 but it's the package without a wireless router (_This one dramatically cheaper), however, we bought one of(Netgear DG834pn)off the internet, and it is meant to be delivered today. It should have been here a couple of hours ago be it isn't yet. Anyway, it'll come eventually, i'll spend the time until it comes, perfecting my ww entry.
Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 06:17
Ere Jay!

If the Broadband package You and I both have are not up to the job of running a web server, what speed does a hosting company's net connection run at ?. Iv'e alway's wondered about it.

|edit| BTW andrewsoltan... You might be better off with NTL if it's available in your area, not only does it give a good speed, but it also has no limit to the amount you can download. Personally... I think the AOL company are a lot like Satan, they give a little, take a lot, and alway's want to know what you are up to. |edit|
Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 06:27
Residential packages are all crappy upload speeds. Apparently Upload costs much more, or some other pap like that.
Business lines offer much better upload speeds.

Try looking at Cable and Wireless

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 06:29
Are'nt NTL and Cable&Wireless the same company. ?
Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 06:31
AOL, also have unlimited downloads. We can get NTL in our area but we would a) Have to buy a new wireless router (as NTL is cable meaning you would need to buy a DSL router, but for aol and bt, you need an adsl router
b)We've got a 12 month contract with AOL, not due to end till next september
c)We'd loose our e-mail adresses
d) We'd loose our i.p. adress protection (not really a main factor)
e)AOL would bully us to rejoin them.

I'm sure we will be switching as soon as our contract ends steve.
Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 06:34
Aaah... That explains it... Contract reasons.

AOL would bully us to rejoin them.... Just like Satan.
Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 06:35
and I made a mistake above, we pay 9.99 not 24.99. I've fixed it now.
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