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Socoder -> Concept/Design -> Community Project

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Tue, 02 Jan 2007, 02:17
Only true, or false. That depicts if the player has lost a life.

As far as design, I'd say keep the games as quick and simple as possible. Part of the idea is to be a series of fast quick fire games. And try to make sure there is a time limit, to enforce the player to play it fast.

Alot of people have been asking alot of questions about how to write the game. Here is an example minigame I wrote, and I've written a temporary core program. The main point of the core program is to show how it should work internally, rather then externally on the screen. Mini-games will be added into each difficulty level (the difficulty also won't incriment as quickly as it does currently in the completed version).

However there doesn't have to be an easy, normal and hard version of each mini-game. If Shroom feels his impossibly hard Mushroom Eating game can't have an easy or normal version, it will only be added once into the hard mini-games section. It would also be better if there were some mini-games specific to each difficulty, as well as ones which arn't.

I also put this in a .zip to download rather then simply uploading the code because it is also about showing the structure of the folders. My mini-game is in my folder, and the mini-game has it's own folder. So my files (if there were any) would be kept completely seperate from Shrooms mushrooms (fortinately).

Notice I also put 'DuckHunt_' before types, constants and globals. This is the convention I will use, feel free to copy or use your own. However try to use something distinctive. For example the constant 'SPEED' would be a very common constant, as could the type 'Unit'. So you should use a convention to keep them seperate.

Here is the file.

Feel free to also change and improve upon the core program, as I said it is only to shot how it will work internally. However, this is one aspect that needs to be kept unified so don't change anything which will affect how it runs the mini-games. But of course if you feel something should be changed in that department, please feel free to post.
Tue, 02 Jan 2007, 07:04
Sound's like a good idea Diablo... BTW, do you mean like making a virtual machine in one language such as Blitz, Ruby or some language, and then having some sort of script that will be the programming language for the virtual machine (similar to Java) ?. Personally, I think you should use Blitz 2D/3D as that is the one's most of us use on here.
Tue, 02 Jan 2007, 07:04
Sound's like a good idea Diablo... BTW, do you mean like making a virtual machine in one language such as Blitz, Ruby or some language, and then having some sort of script that will be the programming language for the virtual machine (similar to Java) ?. Personally, I think you should use Blitz 2D/3D as that is the one's most of us use on here.
Wed, 03 Jan 2007, 08:24
I am not planning to make a scripting language or some sort of virtual machine. Primarily because I think it would be far easier and better to just use Ruby instead, as this would also allow the end-user to add their own mini-games.

BUT we are making this in Blitz, for two reasons. First we ought to get something made first, before anything else. Doing things like building scripting languages and adding all these features will make the project larger, making it less likely to be completed. Secondly the majority of people here know Blitz Basic, so in order to help fulfill the first reason we should use Blitz.

In the future, for community project v.2, maybe we could make a scripting language or use Ruby. But lets get v.1 made first. It'll be easier to make a second far better version once we really do have it made. It will also help us to find the real flaws with the idea, and so they would be sorted too in the second version.
Thu, 04 Jan 2007, 07:26
How about for variables something like this:

Global garand_playerx = #
Global diablo_points = #

Type garand_bullet
Field x
Field y
End Type


Thu, 04 Jan 2007, 07:57
Why is there one called 'diablos_points'? What would that be for? For variable and type names see my example. The ones your suggesting are perfectly fine Garand.
Thu, 04 Jan 2007, 08:54
It is for like if your game has the players numbers of points. that way there could be a

Global garand_playerx
and a
Global diablo_playerx

and it wouldnt messup anything.

the variables i used are just placeholders.

Thu, 04 Jan 2007, 09:25
Yeah I get you, their examples.

But I would preffer to try to use as many local variables as possible, so evoiding many of these theoretical global name collisions.

I would also preffer to use a player type to encapsulate the player's variables togethor rather then create several indevidual variables to achieve the same effect.
Sat, 06 Jan 2007, 10:56
OK, here is the basics of my first game, Shroom Maze Run. I've put in some of the stuff people said needed adding, but I've decided not to bother with the speed thing, cos it seems to run fine on other people's computers.

Linky (7KB)

|edit| I've had an idea for another game, which I am also going to work on. |edit|

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Sun, 07 Jan 2007, 13:13
Okay I linked the Shrooms game to the main script. You can download that version Here By clicking on the community project link. Shytee brinkster does not let me do remote linking

It may be a good I idea if we set up a centralised place to store the files for this project.

maybe it would be a good idea to specify some standards in order to make it easy to link the games.

Also for the sake of simplicity maybe we could drop the difficulty thing and just have random games playing as they play.

Anyway I got a cool Idea for a little tank game so I might start work on that.
Sun, 28 Jan 2007, 20:22
so, um, hows this going?
Mon, 29 Jan 2007, 00:02
Well, I kinda put my entry on hold for the moment. I'll work on it if I get time...

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Mon, 29 Jan 2007, 08:42
power mousey

does anybody need a mousey?

a mousey who wears glasses, likes to dance, loves to
play music. lifts weights, and..and who likes to the dirty,dull, boring work of writing and typing any kind of docs or manuals?

I also can help with story,plot, sub-plots, especially characters too. I'm also writing a rough draft for another project/idea too.

And, as Mad Mod says:

I'll give you some synaptic synopsis!

Mon, 29 Jan 2007, 11:37
I've been unable to work on the Community Project for some time. These have been because of several reasons which include, Christmas, student work, Greenfoot work and my latest project 'the Game Creation Environment' (which I am trying to give me all, as I really want to complete it).

However I do NOT want to see this idea fail. If anyone else (perhaps Mike_G because of his recent core program code he has made) would like to take charge then, feel free. But I feel the best strategy is to try to have the core program made and finished. Then it will be purely a case of populating the game with games, which can be developed individually (or in groups if you prefer), submitted and annually compiled together (which should be a quick and easy process).

I am not saying I want to back off from this idea completely, but I am a very busy man and so don't have as much time as I would like. That is why I think it would be best for me to step aside and let someone with more free time and focus to take charge.
Mon, 29 Jan 2007, 15:05
Well I lost the code for my tank game when I formatted my HD a few days ago

Nevermind, hopefully this project wont die on us. I was bored so I am having a play around with the prog diablo made linking this weeks WW entries, even though they wernt designed for this. Hopefully no-one should have a problem with this.

Anyway if it all works out good i'll post my progress. tbh I cant see myself working a whole load on this project, but it would be nice just to get something up and running.
Mon, 29 Jan 2007, 15:36
power mousey

well in any case...

its cool if it does happen or not.
and I thank you guys. true

I can now put more of my atention on some game menus, some animations and especially Anubis too.

And write more of my synaptic synopis. true

time to hit the hay again. to renergize for work tonite.
c ya all, and good nite. oh, and I did lift weights this morning. true.

Mon, 29 Jan 2007, 17:31
Okay, I have done some work on it. The project now features:

>Avoid Crap by Magicman
>Number Bucket by Jayenkai
>Dotty by Hoboben

Hope you guys are cool with that Hopefully tomorrow i'll add servermans game, and maybe make on of my own.

I also added a couple of dims to hold information for the minigames title, and controls that appear before each game starts. Each game won gets added to your score, and every 5 games the difficulty increments. The way things are at the moment everything should be working fine, but i have let the code get just a little messy patching things so they work. Sorry diablo, I rearranged the core program quite a bit.

Anyway, if anyone else is planning on doing the WW you can also use the opportunity to code your entry to fit into this prog

You can download what there is so far from HERE. By clicking on the community project link.

Tue, 30 Jan 2007, 15:26
If no-one objects, I'd like to take what Mike's done, and do my own "rearranging the core program".

The idea of the Dims to hold the game controls and titles kinda messes up the whole "Plug+Compile" idea of the engine.

I'm sure there must be an easier way to achieve the minigame engine.. I'll have a fiddle with it. Without resorting to scripts.

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 30 Jan 2007, 16:09
Cool, go for it. It would be good to see what you come up with. What i did was more or less off the top of my head without a whole lot of forward planning or anything.

At the moment I am working on a bizzare rescue game that can be put in it. where you have to eject healthy moles into spaceships, and kill the nasty ones with viruses.
Tue, 30 Jan 2007, 17:27
Here's an early screenshot for mole emergency:

Thu, 01 Feb 2007, 13:54
power mousey

oh hey,

how cute!

but they look more like Mister Mutant Potato Heads after sprout fallout.

hey, Mister Mike

how about a game and call it Potato Posh? true. ahhhhh

can you posh the potato heads...before they posh you.
Can you not only Master the Puppets...like Metallica did. But also Master posh the Potato Heads!?

cheers and squeaks,
power mousey
Thu, 01 Feb 2007, 14:17
For the controls you could simply use the standard 'keyhit', 'keydown', etc. This is because it should enter it's own separate main loop in the mini-game.
Thu, 01 Feb 2007, 15:32
"jayenkai" The idea of the Dims to hold the game controls and titles kinda messes up the whole "Plug+Compile" idea of the engine.

"diablosdevil" For the controls you could simply use the standard 'keyhit', 'keydown', etc. This is because it should enter it's own separate main loop in the mini-game.

@diablo: The dims just hold a string that describes the controls. So you know what buttons to press

@Jay: Any progress?

Thu, 01 Feb 2007, 16:37
Haven't actually done anything of use today, other than putting my bedroom door back on! (Old door, bad hinges, eventually gave up!)

I think my brain may have melted from all the silly picture drawing yesterday, so I just played on the wii for a few hours.

So, um.. No!

I'll have a play tomorrow.

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 02 Feb 2007, 05:43
Loaded everything up, today.

I hadn't previously looked at the source for Diablo's Duck Hunt minigame, and I nearly died when I saw it.

Holy Cow! What a mess!!
18 functions.. It draws boxes scrolling up the screen!

Seriously, the games are meant to be about 10 seconds long at the most, and this coding method is definately NOT the way to be doing it!!

Speaking of boxes, I drew 8 boxes in Paintshop Pro and saved them to a CoreSystem/Gfx/ directory, where they're drawn to the screen to show whether the game will use Mouse controls (2 boxes, 1 large box below) or Keyboard (4 for cursors, 1 to the left)

I created Up_Button, Down_Button, Left_Button, Right_Button and Fire_Button functions which use cursors or WASD for directions and Space, Ctrl, Alt, Z,X, J,K for possible Fire buttons (all doing the same thing)
That way, hopefully, the player will always know what buttons to push, rather than flailing around the keyboard trying to figure out what does what, before the minigame's over.

I might add a second fire button if you feel it's necessary, but do remember that these are minigames.

I changed the loader.

In fact... I don't think there's a lot of the original code left, to be honest!

I'll show what I've got in a couple of hours. First I want to shove a bunch of minigames in as "How to get your minigame to work" examples..
(all games must have a Run_MinigameName() function, and if you shove a few variables right under the name of the function, it helps things along a little.)

And I have to add lives, and "You Won/Lost" things back in, too..

''Load, Next List!''
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