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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Quiz

Sat, 14 Apr 2007, 06:53
I thoungt a little quiz might do you all some good

What do the numbers 11775232 and 11748040 have to do with b3d and how are they related?

There are 10 kinds of people in this world -

( Insert 16 remarks about to what extent people know hex here )
Sat, 14 Apr 2007, 10:42
power mousey

certainly not the extended names
nor the extended numbers of the
coming beast or Antichrist of 666! :/

Couldn't be your Fema camp number. :/

Or even your National Id number as well? :/

I give up...what is it? How does it relate
to b3d?

power mousey

Sat, 14 Apr 2007, 14:02

There are 10 kinds of people in this world -

( Insert 16 remarks about to what extent people know hex here )
Sat, 14 Apr 2007, 15:11
Evil Roy Ferguso
Incorrect, Blitz3Dman. FrontBuffer() and BackBuffer()'s values refer to their memory location, and as such, they will differ from computer to computer, or even on the same computer at different points in time. I, for example, get 4109640 and 4109424 at the moment, but those numbers aren't guaranteed even for me.

Sat, 14 Apr 2007, 15:46
Link: pointer
I think this will explain you why the numbers change from computer to computer and from time to time...

Roger Federer is go(o)d.
But he is not alone.

Just relax... sometimes there's no need to argue.
Sat, 14 Apr 2007, 16:08
Arg, I try to make a quiz and.. grrr...
Sat, 14 Apr 2007, 16:12
lol... next time you'll go better!
Sat, 14 Apr 2007, 17:12
And even if it they were constant values, it would be almost impossible to figure out.
Sat, 14 Apr 2007, 17:49
Nice avatar, Phoenix!
Sat, 14 Apr 2007, 18:04
power mousey

yeah, Phoenix!

the Phoenix rises again.
your avabar is fresh and firey too.

cheers fiery bird
power mousey

Sat, 14 Apr 2007, 21:28
Pointers are the one thing I really wish BlitzBasic had.

And yet at the same time, I'm really glad it doesn't have them.
Sun, 15 Apr 2007, 06:07
Pointers? What do you mean?
Sun, 15 Apr 2007, 06:18
They point to a memory address. Ingenium already posted a link for you.
Sun, 15 Apr 2007, 06:26
Oh, oh, ok
Sun, 15 Apr 2007, 06:34
Yakyak Pointers are the one thing I really wish BlitzBasic had.

You can use "Object" and "Handle" to covert between pointer and address or the other way around
Sun, 15 Apr 2007, 08:14
at least they aren't the d.o.b's of seven of nines older sister

A pie a day causes heart failure
Sun, 15 Apr 2007, 10:56
power mousey


must put on my tinfoil hat.
Sun, 15 Apr 2007, 10:57
And yet at the same time, I'm really glad it doesn't have them.

Roger Federer is go(o)d.
But he is not alone.

Just relax... sometimes there's no need to argue.
Sat, 21 Apr 2007, 13:14
For a procedural language pointers are pretty important, but now that i've worked with a lot of OOP, they become unnecessary and a hassle in an OO environment, especially once it's managed.

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Sat, 21 Apr 2007, 14:56
power mousey

I did and still do like the structures
in C. And I did like making and building
linked lists as well.
The good ole days of Turbo C/C++ and also
the initial and original Microsoft C...
and on my moms' old Tandy home computer.

Sat, 21 Apr 2007, 15:03
I like scanf's and the semicolons at the end of the lines
Sat, 21 Apr 2007, 15:15
power mousey

semicolon that too.

and also the getchar()
and also fgets() too.

Thank gosh, I kept some of my C and C++
programming books. Especially one by Greg Perry.
I might just go back to C and use Dev C++ package.

I don't know...I'm just getting stale, to be honest
with the 'usual' game programming languages right now.
If you know what I mean. Maybe its time to be moving
onto C/C++ again.
Or I hate to say it...Java. I tried a few times
before and it wasn't my cup of coffee. And I prefer
soda or tea. Yet, I might just have to learn Java.

yeah!!, you heard or read it from me, the power mousey.
I might just have to learn Java. If I do, it will be
a teaching tool of more patience and discipline. And also
learning how to type long command and function names too.