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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Birthday - one day late

Sat, 05 May 2007, 10:33
Happy day after your birthday, Diablos!

Sat, 05 May 2007, 12:19
First, it's not my birthday. Your 54 days late.

Second, where does it say my birthday is the 4th of May?
Sat, 05 May 2007, 13:33
hah! Well, it's the thought that counts.
Sat, 05 May 2007, 14:30
erm, ?

There are 10 kinds of people in this world -

( Insert 16 remarks about to what extent people know hex here )
Sat, 05 May 2007, 16:56
power mousey

um...hey the man of Blitz 3d
you could wish me a belated birthday.
Mine was last February 21st.

If you have had a birthday then...
Happy Belated Birthday.

If its future then...
Happy Future
Sat, 05 May 2007, 19:03
I have never seen 'Syntax Bomb' ever before. It's nice to know people who have never seen me care about my non-birthday.
Sat, 05 May 2007, 20:29
(lol) sorry about that.
Tue, 08 May 2007, 16:14
If you go into the profile of a member and look at the part that says Last Visited, it shows a date. I take it that Blitz3Dman mistook that for Diablo's D.O.B. The 4th of May must have been the date that Diablo last visited before Blitz3Dman spotted the information.
Tue, 08 May 2007, 16:26
power mousey

well...hey everybody

Happy Un birthdays to all. Yay!!

and 364 days..plus the leap year when it does leap and
occur too.
Wed, 09 May 2007, 13:37
The topic there was posted on May 4th.
Wed, 09 May 2007, 16:49
power mousey

hey Blitz3dman,

just buy DD a gift. I'm sure he'll be happy
and appreciate it.
Maybe a DVD of Columbo. Any of the seasons will do.
Or perhaps any of the seasons of the original Star Trek.
Wed, 09 May 2007, 17:08

Wed, 09 May 2007, 17:28
power mousey


just joking, dude!!

*sigh* -->wishing Diablo Happy Birthday-->perhaps or maybe
getting too involved in the wishing-->a joke about getting
DD a DVD a gift of the tv series of Columbo. cough,
cough, cause Diablo likes Columbo tv series. I also
do too. And also, DD uses Columbo pictures as his avatar.

therefore,henceforth, so my failed attempt at some humor
and a teenie weenie tiny smigde of a joke.

Shall I go on with the mechanics of the mechanisms
of complexities and double meanings of this attempt I made to you?
In other words, go down deeper in the rabbit holes
of double and hidden meanings of sematics and symbols??
Wed, 09 May 2007, 18:18







...... What..?

There are 10 kinds of people in this world -

( Insert 16 remarks about to what extent people know hex here )
Wed, 09 May 2007, 19:45
power mousey


Its cool and okay, Blitz3dman.

lets just say I was joking....

power mousey

Thu, 10 May 2007, 01:15
Joking? That's a shame. They have box-sets of Colombo in Virgin and HMV, and I've contemplated buying them. I would like a one.
Thu, 10 May 2007, 03:33
power mousey


well, I was half n half.
Like cream and milk.

Yet, take it up and ask Blitz3dman for a present.
Since he wished you a happy birthday...and very

By the way, Diablo, I have seen the boxed sets of Columbo
over at Best Buy. And I have a $50 Best Buy gift certificate. I just might buy a Boxed Set. hey, I have
all the boxed sets of Wonder Woman and 2 boxed sets of
Knight Rider.

But I have the Columbo Movie Mystery Collection

Thu, 10 May 2007, 04:00
I've seen at least 2 or 3 of those, although I can't be sure with such brief episode synopsis. The first, 'Columbo goes to the Guillotine' is brilliant. In one scene, Colombo proves under scientific conditions that he is a remote viewer.
Thu, 10 May 2007, 04:08
power mousey

yes, I like that episode a lot too.

I was hoping that the so-called psychic would get away
with his crime. Yet, I knew in the back of my mind that he
would get caught and/or blow it somehow.

Yes, Columbo proved he was a remote viewer under those scientific conditions. And it took that kid who was well
versed in magics as a hobby and a quite a few hamburgers and fries that Columbo had to pay to learn the magic trick.