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Socoder -> Off Topic -> userlibs

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Tue, 31 Jul 2007, 14:44
power mousey
hey dna,

you nuclear acid toid

I don't know if you have read my logs of a blog
on Python and Pygame.
Yet, there is something that I even like and enjoy
more than Pygame and its Livewires. True!!

Livewires is a game wrapper around both Python and Pygame.
Python and Pygame still have to be installed cause they
are still the main workhorses....
working behind the scenes and in the background.

Livewires is less daunting and easier to use. And its more
encapsulating. More of your designs center around OOP
and classes.
I like it!

Here is a sample and rough draft program of my kitty
cat Lissie bouncing around the screen and ina pong-like
fashion. I'm still working on the program
Note...that a Windowed graphical screen is created
and with a background picture of a ferry boat going
down this canal. And also to quit or end the program
you use the mouse to click the 'X' option at the upper right box of the Window.
Yet, however I added some keyboard controls and within
the Lissie class...your player class.
Escape-->quit the program
Right arrow-->rotate Sprite clockwise by 1 degree
Left arrow-->rotate Sprite conterclockwise by 1 degree
TAB-->set the Sprite to 0 degrees.

the mainloop() method of the screen object...my_screen
defaults to 50fps. Yet, I like a range of 30 to 50fps.
so.... my_screen.mainloop(30) is what I usually use.

Wed, 01 Aug 2007, 05:16
For the record, to use the userlib feature, you either need to update Blitz3D with your BUID code that you got from either Idigicon or in the email when you buy it from www.blitzbasic.com

As there was a huge faff on regarding BUID's if you bought it from Idigicon after their little disagreement.

Or, update from the old BlitzBasic (either full or demo version supplied by PC Magazines) to Blitz+.


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Mon, 06 Aug 2007, 15:41
I used a Blitz Basic from a magazine, but it was from PC format, a long time ago. I had this same problem a while ago, and after browsin the web for a month, I found an update, and applied it. Now, although my blitz doesn't support userlibs, it does have a calldll command.

I think I got the update from a cached copy of the blitzbasic site, though I'm not sure, and I don't think I still have it on my HD. Shroom may, but I'm not sure...

''It works, but I'm not sure why it works...''
Mon, 06 Aug 2007, 15:44

When I asked BB.com about "Upgrading the Freebie" version a long time ago, they said I wasn't allowed to..

If you haven't paid for a version above (1.60?) you're pretty much not allowed it..

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 06 Aug 2007, 23:48
dna What is amazing is that there are better languages that are opensource.

I couldn't agree more and that is why I no longer use BlitzBasic. I even now think it is a complete waste of money and a con. Other languages are also usually easier to extend (for example you can write Ruby code in C), have more documentation, bigger library (Java API is enormous), better IDEs that explicitly support that language (VS/Netbeans/Eclipse), more examples and more tutorials. I cannot think of anything that Blitz can do which another language cannot do better.
Tue, 07 Aug 2007, 04:10
@ Jayenkai:

oh, I was never told that...

It worked though, so I don't see why...

''It works, but I'm not sure why it works...''
Tue, 07 Aug 2007, 07:26
I even now think it is a complete waste of money and a con.

Hardly. BlitzBasic is a great language with a very small learning curve. It's perfect for people who don't want to mess around with other languages like C++ or Java.

I cannot think of anything that Blitz can do which another language cannot do better.

This could be said about any language. I can't think of anything that C++ can do which another language cannot do better.

Java API is enormous

Because we all know bigger is better, right? Not!

I work with Java every day, and the more I use it, the more I hate it. It's just a terrible language. The sacrifice of simplicity and workability for cross-platform features just wasn't worth it.

Tue, 07 Aug 2007, 07:38
What Nolan said.
Tue, 07 Aug 2007, 08:42
power mousey


good luck and hope you like Pure Basic.

use and code the programming languages you like
and/or need to for games,apps, hobby and interest,
and even for career and business.
Not necessarily those who say and think their languages are better while thinking and feeling they are in their ivory scholarly towers.
Use the ones that suit your taste,need, business and style.
And combinations thereof.

power mousey

Tue, 07 Aug 2007, 09:55
Nolan This could be said about any language. I can't think of anything that C++ can do which another language cannot do better.

But there are certain times when people need to use C++. In the same way different languages are good at writing different sorts of programs. My point is more that I cannot think of any type of program for which there isn't a better language.

I'm not trying to say all languages are better then Blitz in all ways. I wouldn't have a clue how to make a game with Haskell. But Haskell pawns Blitz when it comes to working with lists of information. Haskell is good at working with data, that is a strength of that language. Java is good for writing applications, Perl has all it's regular expression stuff. Ruby too to a lesser extent. These languages have areas where they excel over others, and part of this has also come from people extending and adding to those languages.

Blitz just doesn't seem to have any strength over other languages. Sure it's simple and has a small library, but that seems to be it's only strength and this only helps for so long. The features of those other languages will always come in useful. But I don't need Blitz simple syntax any more. In fact after going away and learning a few other languages I now find the Blitz language constricting.

There are lots of things I also don't like about Java. Namely that your code always feels quite bloated. I've seen Java examples 10 lines long and thought 'I can write that in one line in Ruby'. But it is more powerful then Blitz both because of the library and the language itself. Yes there is a lot of stuff in the Java API, maybe too much, but at least I never think 'I wish Java had this function', which I sometimes do with Blitz. Ruby's library is small in comparison to Java and that has way more stuff then Blitz. For example do you have a hashMap in Blitz? What about GUI classes? The amazing polygon class? Regular expressions?

Also personally I'm a NetBeans guy, but Eclipse and VS also wipe the floor with the Blitz editor. Even the more advanced Blitz IDEs I've tried don't come close. Can the Blitz editor group files into a project? Does it have code completion? Does it has re-factoring tools? Does it tell you all your mistakes and what they are before you compile?

Finally Java isn't so hard. I helped my boss out one afternoon at a Greenfoot teaching thing he was putting on for some kids from a local school. Essentially they came along and tried using Greenfoot over the day making a simple crab vs lobster tutorial game.

By the end of the day each group had added their own extra code making all sorts of different versions with multiplayer, multiple levels, player and enemy re-spawning and sound. That's more then I had achieved by the end of the first day that I tried ever Blitz. Maybe more then I did in my first week. All their code was real Java. By the end of two couple hour seminars these kids were writing if statements and working with objects. Java can be easy too.
Tue, 07 Aug 2007, 11:11
But there are certain times when people need to use C++.

Just like there are certain times when people need to use Blitz.

Java is good for writing applications

I'm going to have to disagree with that. Java is, in most cases, slow and inefficient. The code is bloated, and the end result is rarely something to be proud of.

Blitz just doesn't seem to have any strength over other languages.

Blitz is the perfect language for making a game: easy to use, powerful enough for most purposes, and fun to work with.

For example do you have a hashMap in Blitz? What about GUI classes? The amazing polygon class? Regular expressions?

BlitzBasic? No. BlitzMax? Sure, and if not, they can be implemented easily.

Citing language features isn't really the point, though. If we're doing that, well... does Java have DirectX bindings?

Eclipse and VS also wipe the floor with the Blitz editor.

Agreed. I believe there might be a Blitz plugin for Eclipse floating around, though.

Finally Java isn't so hard.

You're right. Java isn't hard at all. But when you're programming a large-scale application with it, it's bound to bite you in the ass at some point or another.

Tue, 07 Aug 2007, 11:59
Nolan does Java have DirectX bindings?

Yes. But due to legal action from Sun Microsystems, as J++ was deviating from the Java specification, the Microsoft Java SDK has since been removed. However Java3D uses DirectX on Windows, and of course there is C#.
Nolan I'm going to have to disagree with that. Java is, in most cases, slow and inefficient. The code is bloated, and the end result is rarely something to be proud of.

What about NetBeans, Eclipse or iTunes? They are all Java applications. I've run the first two and they have always seemed fast and very good on my machine. The only time I've ever seen iTunes up close was when a guy I know was showing me it using 1gb of RAM on his PC. He was running a high-end Core 2 Duo clocked at over 3ghz, dunno how much RAM, but he got no slowdown during the show. I was amazed.
Nolan BlitzBasic? No. BlitzMax? Sure, and if not, they can be implemented easily.

Exactly, and I'm not talking about BlitzMax. But I would agree it is a big improvement. But even then there is nothing about the language that I don't already have from free alternatives.
Nolan But when you're programming a large-scale application with it, it's bound to bit you in the ass at some point or another.

Yes, of course it will. So will all languages. But a large project in Java is easier to organise then a large project in Blitz.

But my main point is that there is nothing about Blitz I cannot already get for free.
Tue, 07 Aug 2007, 12:39
But my main point is that there is nothing about Blitz I cannot already get for free.

Understood although, like I said, you could say this about pretty much every commercial language. I was more defensive about you calling it a "con" than saying that there are free alternatives.

What about NetBeans, Eclipse or iTunes?

Netbeans is great; I've never had any problems with it. Eclipse, however, is terrible. It hogs memory, freezes up constantly, and has a horrible design. Ever try creating an eclipse plugin? Not fun. iTunes is decent, although it can become pretty slow.

Exactly, and I'm not talking about BlitzMax. But I would agree it is a big improvement. But even then there is nothing about the language that I don't already have from free alternatives.

Let me repeat myself. There is nothing about any language that you do not already have from free alternatives.

But a large project in Java is easier to organise then a large project in Blitz.

Very true, but then again, Blitz is for making games, not large-scale applications. I was just pointing out that Java is not great for making large apps.

Tue, 07 Aug 2007, 13:32
iTunes crashed my computer on a number of occasions... I don't use it anymore because of that. This is a case of where the language is useful rather than whether or not the language is useful. I'm going to be honest, I probably would have quit programming if it weren't for blitz starting me off. It's a great language for beginners. Now that I have more experience though, of course, I've moved on to more complex languages and crazier API's, but for someone who's starting out or wants to make a quick game, blitz is an excellent candidate.

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Tue, 07 Aug 2007, 14:32
power mousey

what f4ktor said of what Nolan said.
And again, what Nolan said. True!

and to Instinct:

dude, I try out all these latest and greatest languages
as well as go back to old and older languages too.
True, I'm slowly getting back into C/C++ like I used
and coded many, many years ago. And ahhhhh!! the days of
Turbo C/C++ and the original Microsoft C compiler on my old
Tandy 16 color computer

But you know what?? I keep going back to Blitz Basic.
And especially Blitz 3d.

the power mousey

Tue, 07 Aug 2007, 15:16
Do I really need to say this again?

C has it's stupid stringless strings, Java never works right on my system, Flash is more an animation tool than a language, Pascal reminds me of college and makes me want to top myself, DarkBasic keeps moving my desktop icons around, and Blitz is too slow to keep up with what I want to attempt to do.

They all have their good points, and they all have their bad points.

But when I jump from project to project, I need a language I'm familiar with, and HAPPY with, and that I know will create EXEs that run on 99% of my target audience's systems.
Blitz is that.

Now, stop arguing about what lanugages you should be using, and start filling the showcase with actual programs already....

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 07 Aug 2007, 15:26
Now, stop arguing about what lanugages you should be using, and start filling the showcase with actual programs already....

But Jay, that would require work!

Tue, 07 Aug 2007, 18:23
yeah jay, who wants to do that?
Wed, 08 Aug 2007, 01:42
Exactly. I think some people are missing the real point of this argument.
Wed, 08 Aug 2007, 08:16
power mousey

Jay, I agree with you.
I know, I know...its a rare and sometimes a shocker. True

Yet, the point is like you said is to quit
arguing and debating about what language is the best
and use whatever language you like and/or need
and stop the yapping and start the showcases.

So....I'm doing another animation scene and in Blitz3d.
My friend Marilyn suggested an idea and design for me to
do and provided some background details she would love
to see.

power mousey
Thu, 09 Aug 2007, 18:56

Contact him and ask. There's no big hurry though.


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